Part 3. Compare simulations

from pathlib import Path
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rc("figure", dpi=80)
def get_values(sim):
    N = sim.params.N
    Uc = sim.params.forcing.milestone.movement.periodic_uniform.speed
    Dc = sim.params.forcing.milestone.objects.diameter
    Lf = sim.params.forcing.milestone.movement.periodic_uniform.length

    Fhc = Uc / (N * Dc)
    Rec = Uc * Dc / sim.params.nu_2

    period = sim.forcing.get_info()["period"]
    t_statio = period
    averages = sim.output.spatial_means.get_dimless_numbers_averaged(

    U2 = averages["dimensional"]["Uh2"]
    epsK = averages["dimensional"]["epsK"]
    Gamma = averages["Gamma"]
    Fh = averages["Fh"]
    R2 = averages["R2"]
    R4 = averages["R4"]

    return N, Uc, Dc, Lf, Fhc, Rec, U2, epsK, Gamma, Fh, R2, R4
import fluidsim as fls

path_dir_data = Path(fls.FLUIDSIM_PATH) / "tutorial_parametric_study"
path_runs = sorted(path_dir_data.glob("*"), key=lambda p:
[ for p in path_runs]

Compare simulations with Pandas

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame

# fmt: off
columns = ["N", "Uc", "Dc", "Lf", "Fhc", "Rec", "U2", "epsK", "Gamma", "Fh", "R2", "R4"]
# fmt: on

values = []
for path in path_runs:
    sim = fls.load(path, hide_stdout=True)

df = DataFrame(values, columns=columns)
df["min_R"] = np.array([df.R2, df.R4]).min(axis=0)
N Uc Dc Lf Fhc Rec U2 epsK Gamma Fh R2 R4 min_R
0 0.2 0.01 0.5 3.5 0.1 5000.0 0.000030 5.564985e-08 0.300576 0.009451 1.391246 0.170957 0.170957
1 0.2 0.02 0.5 3.5 0.2 10000.0 0.000109 3.917927e-07 0.468731 0.018019 9.794817 2.204561 2.204561
2 0.2 0.04 0.5 3.5 0.4 20000.0 0.000419 2.834370e-06 0.618684 0.034420 70.859251 30.298269 30.298269
3 0.2 0.06 0.5 3.5 0.6 30000.0 0.000914 8.980284e-06 0.629455 0.049961 224.507095 139.360780 139.360780
4 0.2 0.08 0.5 3.5 0.8 40000.0 0.001652 2.199885e-05 0.561550 0.067149 549.971217 463.932956 463.932956
df["log10_R2"] = np.log10(df.R2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
df.plot.scatter(ax=ax, x="Fh", y="Gamma", c="log10_R2", cmap="plasma");

A figure with data from different simulations

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

for path in path_runs:
    sim = fls.load(path, hide_stdout=True)
    period = sim.forcing.get_info()["period"]
    data = sim.output.spectra.load1d_mean(tmin=period)
    spectrum = data["spectra_vx_kx"]
    kx = data["kx"]
        spectrum * kx ** (5 / 3),
        label=f"U = {sim.params.forcing.milestone.movement.periodic_uniform.speed} m/s",

ax.set_ylabel("$E_x(k_z) {k_z}^{5/3}$")
compute mean of spectra
tmin =  800.502 ; tmax =  1600.67
imin =      100 ; imax =      200
compute mean of spectra
tmin =  400.051 ; tmax =  800.132
imin =      100 ; imax =      200
compute mean of spectra
tmin =  200.093 ; tmax =  400.025
imin =      100 ; imax =      200
compute mean of spectra
tmin =  133.342 ; tmax =  266.703
imin =      101 ; imax =      201
compute mean of spectra
tmin =  100.004 ; tmax =  200.024
imin =      100 ; imax =      200