Fluidsim on clusters
Computing clusters are sets of computers used for HPC. Installing on such machines in order to run very large simulations is particular since
Performance is key. With very large simulations, differences of few percents in performance can lead to important differences of electricity consumption and CO₂ production.
With large simulations, a large proportion of elapsed time is spent in crushing numbers (concentrated in few functions) and MPI communications. For pseudo-spectral simulations based on Fourier transform, the FFT functions and few other numerical kernels have to be very efficient. This is achieved by using advanced FFT libraries and by compiling with special options like
.Parallelism is done trough MPI with advanced hardware so it’s important to use the right MPI implementation compiled with the right options.
The software environment is usually quite different than on more standard machines, with quite old operative systems and particular systems to use other software (modules, Guix, Spack, …).
Computations are launched through a schedulers (like Slurm, OAR, …) with a launching script. In the Fluiddyn project, we tend to avoid writting manually the launching scripts (which is IMHO error prone and slow) and prefer to use the
API, which allows users to launch simulations with simple Python scripts.
We present here few examples of installation methods and launching scripts on different kinds of clusters: