To do list
Long term
better integration with
VAPOR is the Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers (
VisIt is a free [and open-source], interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool (
Inline to do items
Rewrite / move this class to as the code is specifically designed for sw1l solvers.
(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of fluidsim.base.output.prob_dens_func.ProbaDensityFunc, line 4.)
can be a Python 3 compatible keywords-only argument
with the function like:
def has_vars(self, *keys, strict=True):
if strict:
return keys.issubset(keys_state)
return len(keys.intersection(keys_state)) > 0
When ``True``, checks if all keys form a subset of state keys. When
``False``, checks if the intersection of the keys and the state keys
has atleast one member.
(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of fluidsim.base.state.StateBase.has_vars, line 33.)
It would be interesting to also implement the Adams-Bashforth (leapfrog)
scheme with phase-shifting. It is very close to
with 2 evaluations of the non-linear terms
per time step (but with 2 symmetrical and equivalent steps).
(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/ of fluidsim.base.time_stepping.pseudo_spect, line 10.)