Source code for fluidsim_core.extend_simul

"""Mechanism to extend a Simul class with just a simple class

.. autofunction:: extend_simul_class

.. autoclass:: SimulExtender


from abc import ABCMeta, abstractclassmethod
from logging import warn
from pathlib import Path

import h5py

from fluiddyn.util.paramcontainer import ParamContainer
from fluiddyn.util import import_class
from fluiddyn.util import mpi

[docs] def extend_simul_class(Simul, extenders): """Extend a Simul class with "Simul extenders". "Simul extenders" are classes deriving from :class:`fluidsim.extend_simul.SimulExtender`. """ if isinstance(extenders, type): extenders = [extenders] class NewInfoSolver(Simul.InfoSolver): pass if not hasattr(NewInfoSolver, "_modificators"): NewInfoSolver._modificators = [] NewInfoSolver._extenders = [] for extender in extenders: modif_info_solver = extender.get_modif_info_solver() NewInfoSolver._modificators.append(modif_info_solver) NewInfoSolver._extenders.append(extender) class NewSimul(Simul): InfoSolver = NewInfoSolver return NewSimul
[docs] class SimulExtender(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract class to define a "Simul extender" Simul extenders are classes that can extend a ``Simul`` class to change its behavior for some simulations. This class is meant to be subclassed. The child class has to contain one class attribute ``_module_name`` and two class methods ``get_modif_info_solver`` and ``complete_params_with_default``. An example can be found in the module :mod:`fluidsim.extend_simul.spatial_means_regions_milestone`. """
[docs] @abstractclassmethod def get_modif_info_solver(cls): """Create a function to modify ``info_solver``. Note that this function is called when the object ``info_solver`` has not yet been created (and cannot yet be modified)! This is why one needs to create a function that will be called later to modify ``info_solver``. """
[docs] @abstractclassmethod def complete_params_with_default(cls, params): """Should complete the simul parameters"""
@classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): # so that writers of SimulExtender classes can write # complete_params_with_default without _ cls.complete_params_with_default(params)
def _extend_simul_class_from_path(Simul, path_file): """Extend a Simul if needed from a path file (internal API).""" path_file = Path(path_file) if mpi.rank == 0: if path_file.suffix == ".xml": # we assume that it is a info_solver.xml file info_solver = ParamContainer(path_file=path_file) if hasattr(info_solver, "extenders"): extenders = info_solver.extenders else: extenders = [] else: with h5py.File(path_file, "r") as file: extenders = list( file["/info_simul/solver"].attrs.get("extenders", []) ) else: extenders = None if mpi.nb_proc > 1: extenders = mpi.comm.bcast(extenders) extender_classes = [] for extender_full_name in extenders: module_name, class_name = extender_full_name.rsplit(".", 1) try: extender_class = import_class(module_name, class_name) except ImportError: warn(f"ImportError extender class {extender_full_name}.") else: extender_classes.append(extender_class) if extender_classes: return extend_simul_class(Simul, extender_classes) else: return Simul