Source code for fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.state

"""State for the SW1L solver (:mod:`fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.state`)

.. autoclass:: StateSW1L


import numpy as np

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables
from fluidsim.base.state import StatePseudoSpectral

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

[docs] class StateSW1L(StatePseudoSpectral): """State for the solver sw1l. Contains the variables corresponding to the state and handles the access to other fields for the solver SW1L. .. inheritance-diagram:: StateSW1L """
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_info_solver(info_solver): """Complete the ParamContainer info_solver. This is a static method! """ info_solver.classes.State._set_attribs( { "keys_state_spect": ["ux_fft", "uy_fft", "eta_fft"], "keys_state_phys": ["ux", "uy", "eta", "rot"], "keys_computable": [], "keys_phys_needed": ["ux", "uy", "eta"], "keys_linear_eigenmodes": ["q_fft", "a_fft", "d_fft"], } )
[docs] def compute(self, key, SAVE_IN_DICT=True, RAISE_ERROR=True): """Compute and return a variable.""" it = if key in self.vars_computed and it == self.it_computed[key]: return self.vars_computed[key] if key == "Jx": ux = self.state_phys.get_var("ux") eta = self.state_phys.get_var("eta") h = 1 + eta result = h * ux elif key == "Jy": uy = self.state_phys.get_var("uy") eta = self.state_phys.get_var("eta") h = 1 + eta result = h * uy elif key == "Jx_fft": Jx = self.compute("Jx") result = self.oper.fft2(Jx) elif key == "Jy_fft": Jy = self.compute("Jy") result = self.oper.fft2(Jy) elif key == "rot_fft": ux_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("ux_fft") uy_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("uy_fft") result = self.oper.rotfft_from_vecfft(ux_fft, uy_fft) elif key == "div_fft": ux_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("ux_fft") uy_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("uy_fft") result = self.oper.divfft_from_vecfft(ux_fft, uy_fft) elif key == "div": div_fft = self.compute("div_fft") result = self.oper.ifft2(div_fft) elif key == "q": rot = self.state_phys.get_var("rot") eta = self.state_phys.get_var("eta") result = rot - self.params.f * eta elif key == "q_fft": ux_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("ux_fft") uy_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("uy_fft") eta_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("eta_fft") rot_fft = self.oper.rotfft_from_vecfft(ux_fft, uy_fft) result = rot_fft - self.params.f * eta_fft elif key == "a_fft": ux_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("ux_fft") uy_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("uy_fft") eta_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("eta_fft") result = self.oper.afft_from_uxuyetafft(ux_fft, uy_fft, eta_fft) elif key == "h": eta = self.state_phys.get_var("eta") result = 1 + eta elif key == "Floc": h = self.compute("h") ux = self.state_phys.get_var("ux") uy = self.state_phys.get_var("uy") result = np.sqrt((ux**2 + uy**2) / (self.sim.params.c2 * h)) else: to_print = 'Do not know how to compute "' + key + '".' if RAISE_ERROR: raise ValueError(to_print) else: if mpi.rank == 0: print(to_print + "\nreturn an array of zeros.") result = self.oper.create_arrayX(value=0.0) if SAVE_IN_DICT: self.vars_computed[key] = result self.it_computed[key] = it return result
[docs] def statespect_from_statephys(self): """Compute the state in Fourier space.""" ux = self.state_phys.get_var("ux") uy = self.state_phys.get_var("uy") eta = self.state_phys.get_var("eta") ux_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("ux_fft") uy_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("uy_fft") eta_fft = self.state_spect.get_var("eta_fft") self.oper.fft_as_arg(ux, ux_fft) self.oper.fft_as_arg(uy, uy_fft) self.oper.fft_as_arg(eta, eta_fft)
[docs] def statephys_from_statespect(self, state_spect=None, state_phys=None): """Compute the state in physical space.""" ifft_as_arg = self.oper.ifft_as_arg if state_spect is None: state_spect = self.state_spect if state_phys is None: state_phys = self.state_phys ux_fft = state_spect.get_var("ux_fft") uy_fft = state_spect.get_var("uy_fft") eta_fft = state_spect.get_var("eta_fft") rot_fft = self.oper.rotfft_from_vecfft(ux_fft, uy_fft) ux = state_phys.get_var("ux") uy = state_phys.get_var("uy") eta = state_phys.get_var("eta") rot = state_phys.get_var("rot") ifft_as_arg(ux_fft, ux) ifft_as_arg(uy_fft, uy) ifft_as_arg(eta_fft, eta) ifft_as_arg(rot_fft, rot)
[docs] def return_statephys_from_statespect(self, state_spect=None): """Return the state in physical space as a new object separate from ``self.state_phys``. """ state_phys = SetOfVariables(like=self.state_phys) self.statephys_from_statespect(state_spect, state_phys) return state_phys
[docs] def init_statespect_from(self, **kwargs): """Initializes *state_spect* using arrays provided as keyword arguments. """ if len(kwargs) == 1: key_fft, value = list(kwargs.items())[0] try: init_from_keyfft = self.__getattribute__( "init_from_" + key_fft.replace("_", "") ) init_from_keyfft(value) except AttributeError: super().init_statespect_from(**kwargs) elif len(kwargs) == 2: if "q_fft" in kwargs and "a_fft" in kwargs: self.init_from_qafft(**kwargs) else: super().init_statespect_from(**kwargs)
[docs] def init_from_etafft(self, eta_fft): r"""Initialize from :math:`\hat \eta` and set velocities to zero.""" state_spect = self.state_spect state_spect.set_var("ux_fft", np.zeros_like(eta_fft)) state_spect.set_var("uy_fft", np.zeros_like(eta_fft)) state_spect.set_var("eta_fft", eta_fft) self.oper.dealiasing(state_spect) self.statephys_from_statespect()
[docs] def init_from_uxuyetafft(self, ux_fft, uy_fft, eta_fft): """Self explanatory.""" state_spect = self.state_spect state_spect.set_var("ux_fft", ux_fft) state_spect.set_var("uy_fft", uy_fft) state_spect.set_var("eta_fft", eta_fft) self.oper.dealiasing(state_spect) self.statephys_from_statespect()
[docs] def init_from_rotuxuyfft(self, rot, ux_fft, uy_fft): """Initializes from velocities and discards vorticity.""" self.init_from_uxuyfft(ux_fft, uy_fft)
[docs] def init_from_rotfft(self, rot_fft): """Initializes with rotational velocities computed from vorticity.""" ux_fft, uy_fft = self.oper.vecfft_from_rotfft(rot_fft) self.init_from_uxuyfft(ux_fft, uy_fft)
[docs] def init_from_qfft(self, q_fft): """Initialize from potential vorticity.""" rot_fft = self.oper.rotfft_from_qfft(q_fft) ux_fft, uy_fft = self.oper.vecfft_from_rotfft(rot_fft) eta_fft = self.oper.etafft_from_qfft(q_fft) self.init_from_uxuyetafft(ux_fft, uy_fft, eta_fft)
[docs] def init_from_afft(self, a_fft): """Initialize from ageostrophic variable.""" ux_fft, uy_fft, eta_fft = self.oper.uxuyetafft_from_afft(a_fft) self.init_from_uxuyetafft(ux_fft, uy_fft, eta_fft)
[docs] def init_from_qafft(self, q_fft, a_fft): """Initialize from potential vorticity and ageostrophic variables.""" rot_fft = self.oper.rotfft_from_qfft(q_fft) uxq_fft, uyq_fft = self.oper.vecfft_from_rotfft(rot_fft) etaq_fft = self.oper.etafft_from_qfft(q_fft) uxa_fft, uya_fft, etaa_fft = self.oper.uxuyetafft_from_afft(a_fft) self.init_from_uxuyetafft( uxq_fft + uxa_fft, uyq_fft + uxa_fft, etaq_fft + etaa_fft )
[docs] def init_from_uxuyfft(self, ux_fft, uy_fft): """Initialize from velocities and adjust surface displacement by solving a Poisson equation, assuming no mean flow. """ oper = self.oper ifft2 = oper.ifft2 oper.projection_perp(ux_fft, uy_fft) oper.dealiasing(ux_fft, uy_fft) ux = ifft2(ux_fft) uy = ifft2(uy_fft) rot_fft = oper.rotfft_from_vecfft(ux_fft, uy_fft) rot = ifft2(rot_fft) eta_fft = self._etafft_no_div(ux, uy, rot) eta = ifft2(eta_fft) state_spect = self.state_spect state_spect.set_var("ux_fft", ux_fft) state_spect.set_var("uy_fft", uy_fft) state_spect.set_var("eta_fft", eta_fft) state_phys = self.state_phys state_phys.set_var("rot", rot) state_phys.set_var("ux", ux) state_phys.set_var("uy", uy) state_phys.set_var("eta", eta)
def _etafft_no_div(self, ux, uy, rot): K2_not0 = self.oper.K2_not0 rot_abs = rot + self.params.f tempx_fft = -self.oper.fft2(rot_abs * uy) tempy_fft = self.oper.fft2(rot_abs * ux) uu2_fft = self.oper.fft2(ux**2 + uy**2) eta_fft = ( 1.0j * self.oper.KX * tempx_fft / K2_not0 + 1.0j * self.oper.KY * tempy_fft / K2_not0 - uu2_fft / 2.0 ) / self.params.c2 if mpi.rank == 0: eta_fft[0, 0] = 0.0 self.oper.dealiasing(eta_fft) return eta_fft