Source code for fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.solver

"""One-layer shallow-water (Saint Venant) equations solver (:mod:`fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.solver`)

This module provides two classes defining the pseudo-spectral solver for
biperiodic one-layer shallow water equations, expressed using primitive
variables, i.e. the horizontal velocities and surface dispacement.

.. autoclass:: InfoSolverSW1L

.. autoclass:: Simul


from transonic import boost, Array
from fluiddyn.util import mpi

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables
from fluidsim.base.solvers.pseudo_spect import (

A = Array[float, "2d"]

def compute_Frot(rot: A, ux: A, uy: A, f: float):
    """Compute cross-product of absolute potential vorticity with velocity."""
    if f != 0:
        rot_abs = rot + f
        rot_abs = rot

    F1x = rot_abs * uy
    F1y = -rot_abs * ux

    return F1x, F1y

def compute_pressure(c2: float, eta: A, ux: A, uy: A):
    return c2 * eta + 0.5 * (ux**2 + uy**2)

[docs] class InfoSolverSW1L(InfoSolverPseudoSpectral): """Information about the solver SW1L."""
[docs] def _init_root(self): """The simulation object is instantiated with classes defined in this function. The super function `InfoSolverPseudoSpectral._init_root` is called first. A few classes defined by this function are retained as it is: - :class:`fluidsim.base.time_stepping.pseudo_spect.TimeSteppingPseudoSpectral` - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.OperatorsPseudoSpectralSW1L` - :class:`fluidsim.base.preprocess.pseudo_spect.PreprocessPseudoSpectral` Solver-specific first-level classes are added: - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.solver.Simul` - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.state.StateSW1L` - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.init_fields.InitFieldsSW1L` - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.output.OutputSW1L` - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.sw1l.forcing.ForcingSW1L` """ super()._init_root() package = "fluidsim.solvers.sw1l" self.module_name = package + ".solver" self.class_name = "Simul" self.short_name = "SW1L" classes = self.classes classes.Operators.module_name = package + ".operators" classes.Operators.class_name = "OperatorsPseudoSpectralSW1L" classes.State.module_name = package + ".state" classes.State.class_name = "StateSW1L" classes.InitFields.module_name = package + ".init_fields" classes.InitFields.class_name = "InitFieldsSW1L" classes.Output.module_name = package + ".output" classes.Output.class_name = "OutputSW1L" classes.Forcing.module_name = package + ".forcing" classes.Forcing.class_name = "ForcingSW1L"
[docs] class Simul(SimulBasePseudoSpectral): """A solver of the shallow-water 1 layer equations (SW1L). .. inheritance-diagram:: Simul """ InfoSolver = InfoSolverSW1L
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): r"""This static method is used to complete the *params* container. Notes ----- - :math:`f` is the system rotation. - :math:`c` is the phase speed of surface gravity waves in the short- wave limit. - :math:`k_d` is the Rossby deformation wavenumber. - :math:`\beta` is differential rotation parameter, approximately given by :math:`\partial_y f`. The present solver will not work in the beta-plane. However a vorticity-divergence formulation can be solved with a beta term. """ SimulBasePseudoSpectral._complete_params_with_default(params) attribs = {"f": 0, "c2": 20, "kd2": 0, "beta": 0} params._set_attribs(attribs)
def __init__(self, params): # Parameter(s) specific to this solver params.f = float(params.f) params.c2 = float(params.c2) params.kd2 = params.f**2 / params.c2 if params.beta != 0: raise NotImplementedError( "Do not use this solver for beta-plane! " "Equations are non-periodic in this formulation." ) super().__init__(params) if mpi.rank == 0: self.output.print_stdout( f"c2 = {params.c2:6.5g} ; f = {params.f:6.5g} ; kd2 = {params.kd2:6.5g}" )
[docs] def tendencies_nonlin(self, state_spect=None, old=None): r"""Compute the nonlinear tendencies. Parameters ---------- state_spect : :class:`fluidsim.base.setofvariables.SetOfVariables` optional Array containing the state, i.e. the horizontal velocities and surface displacement scalar in Fourier space. When `state_spect` is provided, the variables vorticity and the velocities and surface displacement are computed from it, otherwise, they are taken from the global state of the simulation, `self.state`. These two possibilities are used during the Runge-Kutta time-stepping. Returns ------- tendencies_fft : :class:`fluidsim.base.setofvariables.SetOfVariables` An array containing the tendencies for the velocities :math:`\mathbf u` and the surface displacement scalar :math:`\eta`. Notes ----- .. |p| mathmacro:: \partial The one-layer shallow water equations can be written as: .. math:: \partial_t \mathbf u = - \nabla (|\mathbf u|^2/2 + c^2 \eta) - (\zeta + f) \times \mathbf u .. math:: \partial_t \eta = - \nabla. ((\eta + H) \mathbf u) This function computes all terms on the RHS of the equations above, including the nonlinear term. The linear dissipation term (not shown above) is computed implicitly, as demonstrated in :class:`fluidsim.base.time_stepping.pseudo_spect.TimeSteppingPseudoSpectral`. """ oper = self.oper if state_spect is None: state_phys = self.state.state_phys else: state_phys = self.state.return_statephys_from_statespect(state_spect) ux = state_phys.get_var("ux") uy = state_phys.get_var("uy") eta = state_phys.get_var("eta") rot = state_phys.get_var("rot") if old is None: tendencies_fft = SetOfVariables( like=self.state.state_spect, info="tendencies_nonlin" ) else: tendencies_fft = old F1x, F1y = compute_Frot(rot, ux, uy, self.params.f) gradx_fft, grady_fft = oper.gradfft_from_fft( oper.fft2(compute_pressure(self.params.c2, eta, ux, uy)) ) oper.dealiasing(gradx_fft, grady_fft) Fx_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("ux_fft") Fy_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("uy_fft") Feta_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("eta_fft") Fx_fft[:] = oper.fft2(F1x) - gradx_fft Fy_fft[:] = oper.fft2(F1y) - grady_fft Feta_fft[:] = -oper.divfft_from_vecfft( oper.fft2((eta + 1) * ux), oper.fft2((eta + 1) * uy) ) oper.dealiasing(tendencies_fft) if self.params.forcing.enable: tendencies_fft += self.forcing.get_forcing() return tendencies_fft
if __name__ == "__main__": import numpy as np import fluiddyn as fld params = Simul.create_default_params() params.short_name_type_run = "test" nh = 32 Lh = 2 * np.pi params.oper.nx = nh params.oper.ny = nh params.oper.Lx = Lh params.oper.Ly = Lh delta_x = params.oper.Lx / params.oper.nx params.nu_8 = ( 2.0 * 10e-1 * params.forcing.forcing_rate ** (1.0 / 3) * delta_x**8 ) params.time_stepping.t_end = 1.0 # params.time_stepping.USE_CFL = False # params.time_stepping.deltat0 = 0.01 params.init_fields.type = "noise" params.forcing.enable = True params.forcing.type = "waves" params.output.periods_print.print_stdout = 0.25 params.output.periods_save.phys_fields = 0.5 params.output.periods_save.spectra = 0.5 params.output.periods_save.spect_energy_budg = 0.5 params.output.periods_save.increments = 0.5 params.output.periods_save.pdf = 0.5 params.output.periods_save.time_signals_fft = True params.output.periods_plot.phys_fields = 0.0 params.output.phys_fields.field_to_plot = "eta" sim = Simul(params) sim.output.phys_fields.plot(key_field="eta") sim.time_stepping.start() sim.output.phys_fields.plot(key_field="eta")