Source code for fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.solver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Plate2d solver (:mod:`fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.solver`)

This module provides two classes defining the pseudo-spectral solver

.. autoclass:: InfoSolverPseudoSpectral

.. autoclass:: Simul


import numpy as np

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables
from fluidsim.base.solvers.pseudo_spect import (

class InfoSolverPlate2D(InfoSolverPseudoSpectral):
    """Contain the information on the solver plate2d."""

    def _init_root(self):
        """Init. `self` by writting the information on the solver.

        The function `InfoSolverPseudoSpectral._init_root` is
        called. We keep one class listed by this function:

        - :class:`fluidsim.base.time_stepping.pseudo_spect.TimeSteppingPseudoSpectral`

        The other first-level classes for this solver are:

        - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.operators.OperatorsPseudoSpectralPlate2D`

        - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.solver.Simul`

        - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.state.StatePlate2D`

        - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.init_fields.InitFieldsPlate2D`

        - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.output.Output`

        - :class:`fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.forcing.ForcingPlate2D`



        package = "fluidsim.solvers.plate2d"
        self.module_name = package + ".solver"
        self.class_name = "Simul"
        self.short_name = "Plate2D"

        classes = self.classes

        classes.Operators.module_name = package + ".operators"
        classes.Operators.class_name = "OperatorsPseudoSpectralPlate2D"

        classes.State.module_name = package + ".state"
        classes.State.class_name = "StatePlate2D"

        classes.InitFields.module_name = package + ".init_fields"
        classes.InitFields.class_name = "InitFieldsPlate2D"

        classes.Output.module_name = package + ".output"
        classes.Output.class_name = "Output"

        classes.Forcing.module_name = package + ".forcing"
        classes.Forcing.class_name = "ForcingPlate2D"

[docs] class Simul(SimulBasePseudoSpectral): r"""Pseudo-spectral solver solving the Föppl-von Kármán equations. Notes ----- .. |p| mathmacro:: \partial This class is dedicated to solve with a pseudo-spectral method the Föppl-von Kármán equations which describe the dynamics of a rigid plate. Using the non-dimensional variables displacement :math:`z` and out of plane velocity :math:`w`: .. math:: \p_t z = w, .. math:: \p_t w = - \Delta^2 z + N_w(z) + f_w - \nu_\alpha (-\Delta)^\alpha w. where :math:`\Delta = \p_{xx} + \p_{yy}` is the Laplacian. The first term of the two equations corresponds to the linear part. :math:`f_w` and :math:`\nu_\alpha \Delta^\alpha w` are the forcing and the dissipation terms, respectively. The nonlinear term is equal to :math:`N_w(z) = \{ z, \chi \}`, where :math:`\{ \cdot, \cdot \}` is the Monge-Ampère operator .. math:: \{ a, b \} = \p_{xx} a \p_{yy} b + \p_{yy} a \p_{xx} b - 2 \p_{xy} a \p_{xy} b, and .. math:: \Delta^2 \chi = -\{ z, z \}. Taking the Fourier transform, we get: .. math:: \p_t \hat z = \hat w, .. math:: \p_t \hat w = - k^4 \hat z + \widehat{N_w(z)} + \hat f_w - \nu_\alpha k^{2\alpha} \hat w, where :math:`k^2 = |\mathbf{k}|^2`. For this simple solver, we will use the variables :math:`z` and :math:`w` and only the dissipative term will be solve exactly. Thus, all the other terms are included in the :func:`tendencies_nonlin` function. **Energetics**: The total energy can be decomposed in the kinetic energy .. math:: E_K = \frac{1}{2} \langle w^2 \rangle = \frac{1}{2} \sum_\mathbf{k} |\hat w|^2, the flexion energy .. math:: E_L = \frac{1}{2} \langle (\Delta z)^2 \rangle = \frac{1}{2} \sum_\mathbf{k} k^4|\hat z|^2, and the non-quadratic extension energy .. math:: E_E = \frac{1}{4} \langle (\Delta \chi)^2 \rangle = \frac{1}{4} \sum_\mathbf{k} k^4 |\hat \chi|^2. The energy injected into the system by the forcing is .. math:: P = \langle f_w w \rangle, and the dissipation is .. math:: D = \nu_\alpha \langle w (-\Delta)^\alpha w \rangle. """ InfoSolver = InfoSolverPlate2D
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): """Complete the `params` container (static method).""" SimulBasePseudoSpectral._complete_params_with_default(params) attribs = {"beta": 0.0} params._set_attribs(attribs)
[docs] def tendencies_nonlin(self, state_spect=None, old=None): """Compute the "nonlinear" tendencies.""" oper = self.oper if state_spect is None: state_spect = self.state.state_spect if old is None: tendencies_fft = SetOfVariables( like=self.state.state_spect, info="tendencies_nonlin" ) else: tendencies_fft = old w_fft = state_spect.get_var("w_fft") z_fft = state_spect.get_var("z_fft") F_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("w_fft") tendencies_fft.set_var("z_fft", w_fft) mamp_zz = oper.monge_ampere_from_fft(z_fft, z_fft) chi_fft = -oper.invlaplacian_fft(oper.fft2(mamp_zz), order=4) mamp_zchi = oper.monge_ampere_from_fft(z_fft, chi_fft) Nw_fft = oper.fft2(mamp_zchi) lap2z_fft = oper.laplacian_fft(z_fft, order=4) F_fft[:] = -lap2z_fft + Nw_fft oper.dealiasing(tendencies_fft) # ratio = self.test_tendencies_nonlin( # tendencies_fft, w_fft, z_fft, chi_fft) # print('ratio:', ratio) if self.params.forcing.enable: tendencies_fft += self.forcing.get_forcing() return tendencies_fft
[docs] def compute_freq_diss(self): """Compute the dissipation frequencies with dissipation only for w.""" f_d_w, f_d_hypo_w = super().compute_freq_diss() f_d = np.zeros_like(self.state.state_spect, dtype=np.float64) f_d_hypo = np.zeros_like(self.state.state_spect, dtype=np.float64) f_d[0] = f_d_w f_d_hypo[0] = f_d_hypo_w return f_d, f_d_hypo
[docs] def test_tendencies_nonlin( self, tendencies_fft=None, w_fft=None, z_fft=None, chi_fft=None ): r"""Test if the tendencies conserves the total energy. We consider the conservative Föppl-von Kármán equations (without dissipation and forcing) written as .. math:: \p_t z = F_z \p_t w = F_w We have: .. math:: \p_t E_K(\mathbf{k}) = \mathcal{R} ( \hat F_w \hat w ^* ) \p_t E_L(\mathbf{k}) = k^4 \mathcal{R} ( \hat F_z \hat z ^* ) \p_t E_{NQ}(\mathbf{k}) = - \mathcal{R} ( \widehat{\{ F_z, z\}} \hat \chi ^* ) Since the total energy is conserved, we should have .. math:: \sum_{\mathbf{k}} \p_t E_K(\mathbf{k}) + \p_t E_L(\mathbf{k}) + \p_t E_{NQ}(\mathbf{k}) = 0 This function computes this quantities. """ if tendencies_fft is None: tendencies_fft = self.tendencies_nonlin() w_fft = self.state.state_spect.get_var("w_fft") z_fft = self.state.state_spect.get_var("z_fft") chi_fft = self.state.get_var("chi_fft") F_w_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("w_fft") F_z_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("z_fft") K4 = self.oper.K4 dt_E_K = np.real(F_w_fft * w_fft.conj()) dt_E_L = K4 * np.real(F_z_fft * z_fft.conj()) tmp = self.oper.monge_ampere_from_fft(F_z_fft, z_fft) tmp_fft = self.oper.fft2(tmp) dt_E_NQ = -np.real(tmp_fft * chi_fft.conj()) T = dt_E_K + dt_E_L + dt_E_NQ norm = self.oper.sum_wavenumbers(abs(T)) if norm < 1e-15: print("Only zeros in total energy tendency.") # print('(K+L)\n', dt_E_K+dt_E_L) # print('NQ\n', dt_E_NQ) return 0 else: T = T / norm # print('ratio array\n', T) # print('(K+L)\n', (dt_E_K+dt_E_L)/norm) # print('NQ\n', dt_E_NQ/norm) return self.oper.sum_wavenumbers(T)
if __name__ == "__main__": np.set_printoptions(precision=2) import fluiddyn as fld params = Simul.create_default_params() params.short_name_type_run = "test" nh = 32 Lh = 1.0 params.oper.nx = nh params.oper.ny = nh params.oper.Lx = Lh params.oper.Ly = Lh params.oper.coef_dealiasing = 2.0 / 3 delta_x = Lh / nh params.nu_8 = 2e1 * params.forcing.forcing_rate ** (1.0 / 3) * delta_x**8 kmax = np.sqrt(2) * np.pi / delta_x deltat = 2 * np.pi / kmax**2 / 2 params.time_stepping.USE_CFL = False params.time_stepping.deltat0 = deltat params.time_stepping.USE_T_END = False params.time_stepping.t_end = 1.0 params.time_stepping.it_end = 10 params.init_fields.type = "noise" params.init_fields.noise.velo_max = 1e-6 # params.init_fields.path_file = '' params.forcing.enable = True params.forcing.type = "tcrandom" params.forcing.forcing_rate = 1e12 params.forcing.nkmax_forcing = 5 params.forcing.nkmin_forcing = 2 params.forcing.tcrandom.time_correlation = 100 * deltat params.output.periods_print.print_stdout = 0.05 params.output.periods_save.phys_fields = 5.0 params.output.periods_save.spectra = 0.05 params.output.periods_save.spatial_means = 10 * deltat params.output.periods_save.correl_freq = 1 params.output.ONLINE_PLOT_OK = False params.output.period_refresh_plots = 0.05 params.output.periods_plot.phys_fields = 0.1 params.output.phys_fields.field_to_plot = "w" params.output.spectra.HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED = True params.output.spatial_means.HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED = True params.output.correl_freq.HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED = False nb_times_compute = 200 params.output.correl_freq.nb_times_compute = nb_times_compute params.output.correl_freq.coef_decimate = 1 params.output.correl_freq.iomegas1 = np.linspace( 1, nb_times_compute / 2 - 1, 6 ).astype(int) sim = Simul(params) # sim.output.phys_fields.plot() sim.time_stepping.start() # sim.output.phys_fields.plot()