Source code for fluidsim.solvers.ns3d.solver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""NS3D solver (:mod:`fluidsim.solvers.ns3d.solver`)

.. autoclass:: Simul


import sys

import numpy as np

from fluiddyn.util.mpi import rank

from fluidfft.fft3d.operators import vector_product

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables
from fluidsim.operators.operators3d import dealiasing_variable

from fluidsim.base.solvers.pseudo_spect import (

class InfoSolverNS3D(InfoSolverPseudoSpectral3D):
    def _init_root(self):

        package = "fluidsim.solvers.ns3d"
        self.module_name = package + ".solver"
        self.class_name = "Simul"
        self.short_name = "ns3d"

        classes = self.classes

        classes.State.module_name = package + ".state"
        classes.State.class_name = "StateNS3D"

        classes.TimeStepping.module_name = package + ".time_stepping"
        classes.TimeStepping.class_name = "TimeSteppingPseudoSpectralNS3D"

        classes.InitFields.module_name = package + ".init_fields"
        classes.InitFields.class_name = "InitFieldsNS3D"

        classes.Output.module_name = package + ".output"
        classes.Output.class_name = "Output"

        classes.Forcing.module_name = package + ".forcing"
        classes.Forcing.class_name = "ForcingNS3D"

[docs] class Simul(SimulBasePseudoSpectral): r"""Pseudo-spectral solver 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Notes ----- .. |p| mathmacro:: \partial .. |vv| mathmacro:: \textbf{v} .. |kk| mathmacro:: \textbf{k} .. |ek| mathmacro:: \hat{\textbf{e}}_\textbf{k} .. |bnabla| mathmacro:: \boldsymbol{\nabla} .. |bomega| mathmacro:: \boldsymbol{\omega} This class is dedicated to solve with a pseudo-spectral method the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (possibly with hyper-viscosity): .. math:: \p_t \vv + \vv \cdot \bnabla \vv = - \bnabla p - \nu_\alpha (-\Delta)^\alpha \vv, where :math:`\vv` is the non-divergent velocity (:math:`\bnabla \cdot \vv = 0`), :math:`p` is the pressure, :math:`\Delta` is the 3D Laplacian operator. In Fourier space, these equations can be written as: .. math:: \p_t \hat{\vv} = \hat N(\vv) + L \hat{\vv}, where .. math:: \hat N(\vv) = -P_\perp \widehat{\vv \cdot \bnabla \vv}, .. math:: L = - \nu_\alpha |\kk|^{2\alpha}, with :math:`P_\perp = (1 - \ek \ek \cdot)` the operator projection on the plane perpendicular to the wave number :math:`\kk`. Since the flow is incompressible (:math:`\kk \cdot \vv = 0`), the effect of the pressure term is taken into account with the operator :math:`P_\perp`. In practice, it is more efficient to use the relation .. math:: \vv \cdot \bnabla \vv = \bnabla |\vv|^2/2 - \vv \times \bomega, with :math:`\bomega = \bnabla \times \vv` the vorticity, and to compute the nonlinear term as .. math:: \hat N(\vv) = P_\perp \widehat{\vv \times \bomega}. """ InfoSolver = InfoSolverNS3D
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" SimulBasePseudoSpectral._complete_params_with_default(params) params._set_attribs({"f": None, "no_vz_kz0": False, "projection": None}) params._set_doc( params._doc + """ f: float (default None) Coriolis parameter (effect of the system rotation). no_vz_kz0: bool (default False) If True, vz(kz=0) is 0. projection: str (default None) If "toroidal" or "vortical", the solution and the equations are projected on the toroidal manifold. If "poloidal", on the poloidal one. """ )
def _init_projection(self): try: self.no_vz_kz0 = self.params.no_vz_kz0 except AttributeError: self.no_vz_kz0 = False if self.no_vz_kz0: self.where_kz_0 = np.array( abs(self.oper.Kz) == 0.0, dtype=np.uint8, ) try: projection = self.params.projection except AttributeError: projection = None if projection is None: self._projector = self.oper.project_perpk3d elif projection in ("toroidal", "vortical"): self._projector = self.oper.project_toroidal elif projection == "poloidal": self._projector = self.oper.project_poloidal else: raise ValueError( "No known projection for params.projection = " f"{self.params.projection}" ) def _modif_omegafft_with_f(self, omegax_fft, omegay_fft, omegaz_fft): if rank == 0: omegaz_fft[0, 0, 0] += self.params.f
[docs] def tendencies_nonlin(self, state_spect=None, old=None): oper = self.oper ifft_as_arg = oper.ifft_as_arg ifft_as_arg_destroy = oper.ifft_as_arg_destroy fft_as_arg = oper.fft_as_arg if state_spect is None: spect_get_var = self.state.state_spect.get_var else: spect_get_var = state_spect.get_var vx_fft = spect_get_var("vx_fft") vy_fft = spect_get_var("vy_fft") vz_fft = spect_get_var("vz_fft") omegax_fft = self.state.fields_spect_tmp[0] omegay_fft = self.state.fields_spect_tmp[1] omegaz_fft = self.state.fields_spect_tmp[2] oper.rotfft_from_vecfft_outin( vx_fft, vy_fft, vz_fft, omegax_fft, omegay_fft, omegaz_fft ) if self.params.f is not None: self._modif_omegafft_with_f(omegax_fft, omegay_fft, omegaz_fft) omegax = self.state.fields_tmp[3] omegay = self.state.fields_tmp[4] omegaz = self.state.fields_tmp[5] ifft_as_arg_destroy(omegax_fft, omegax) ifft_as_arg_destroy(omegay_fft, omegay) ifft_as_arg_destroy(omegaz_fft, omegaz) if state_spect is None: vx = self.state.state_phys.get_var("vx") vy = self.state.state_phys.get_var("vy") vz = self.state.state_phys.get_var("vz") else: vx = self.state.fields_tmp[0] vy = self.state.fields_tmp[1] vz = self.state.fields_tmp[2] ifft_as_arg(vx_fft, vx) ifft_as_arg(vy_fft, vy) ifft_as_arg(vz_fft, vz) fx, fy, fz = vector_product(vx, vy, vz, omegax, omegay, omegaz) if old is None: tendencies_fft = SetOfVariables( like=self.state.state_spect, info="tendencies_nonlin" ) else: tendencies_fft = old fx_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("vx_fft") fy_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("vy_fft") fz_fft = tendencies_fft.get_var("vz_fft") fft_as_arg(fx, fx_fft) fft_as_arg(fy, fy_fft) fft_as_arg(fz, fz_fft) if self.is_forcing_enabled: tendencies_fft += self.forcing.get_forcing() if getattr(self, "is_turb_model_enabled", False): tendencies_fft += self.turb_model.get_forcing( vx_fft=vx_fft, vy_fft=vy_fft, vz_fft=vz_fft ) self.project_state_spect(tendencies_fft) self.oper.dealiasing(tendencies_fft) return tendencies_fft
def project_state_spect(self, state_spect): vx_fft = state_spect.get_var("vx_fft") vy_fft = state_spect.get_var("vy_fft") vz_fft = state_spect.get_var("vz_fft") self._projector(vx_fft, vy_fft, vz_fft) if self.no_vz_kz0: dealiasing_variable(vz_fft, self.where_kz_0) if "b_fft" in state_spect.keys: dealiasing_variable(state_spect.get_var("b_fft"), self.where_kz_0)
if "sphinx" in sys.modules: params = Simul.create_default_params() __doc__ += ( "Default parameters\n" "------------------\n" ".. code-block:: xml\n\n " + "\n ".join(params.__str__().split("\n\n", 1)[1].split("\n")) + "\n" + params._get_formatted_docs() ) if __name__ == "__main__": import fluiddyn as fld params = Simul.create_default_params() params.short_name_type_run = "test" n = 32 L = 4 params.oper.nx = n params.oper.ny = n = n params.oper.Lx = L params.oper.Ly = L params.oper.Lz = L params.oper.type_fft = "fluidfft.fft3d.mpi_with_fftwmpi3d" # params.oper.type_fft = 'fluidfft.fft3d.with_pyfftw' # params.oper.type_fft = 'fluidfft.fft3d.with_cufft' delta_x = params.oper.Lx / params.oper.nx # params.nu_8 = 2.*10e-1*params.forcing.forcing_rate**(1./3)*delta_x**8 params.nu_8 = 2.0 * 10e-1 * delta_x**8 params.time_stepping.USE_T_END = True params.time_stepping.t_end = 6.0 # params.time_stepping.it_end = 2 params.init_fields.type = "noise" params.init_fields.noise.velo_max = 1.0 params.init_fields.noise.length = 1.0 params.forcing.enable = False # params.forcing.type = 'random' # 'Proportional' # params.forcing.type_normalize params.output.periods_print.print_stdout = 0.00000000001 params.output.periods_save.phys_fields = 1.0 # params.output.periods_save.spectra = 0.5 # params.output.periods_save.spatial_means = 0.05 # params.output.periods_save.spect_energy_budg = 0.5 # params.output.periods_plot.phys_fields = 0.0 params.output.ONLINE_PLOT_OK = True # params.output.spectra.HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED = True # params.output.spatial_means.HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED = True # params.output.spect_energy_budg.HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED = True # params.output.phys_fields.field_to_plot = 'rot' sim = Simul(params) # sim.output.phys_fields.plot() sim.time_stepping.start() # sim.output.phys_fields.plot()