Source code for fluidsim.solvers.ns2d.output.print_stdout

"""Simple text output (:mod:`fluidsim.solvers.ns2d.output.print_stdout`)

.. autoclass:: PrintStdOutNS2D


import numpy as np

from fluidsim.base.output.print_stdout import PrintStdOutBase

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

[docs] class PrintStdOutNS2D(PrintStdOutBase): """Simple text output. Used to print in both the stdout and the stdout.txt file, and also to print simple info on the current state of the simulation. """ def _make_str_info(self): to_print = super()._make_str_info() energy = self.output.compute_energy() if hasattr(self, "energy_tmp"): delta_energy = energy - self.energy_tmp else: delta_energy = 0.0 if mpi.rank == 0: to_print += ( f" energy = {energy:9.3e} ; " f"Delta energy = {delta_energy:+9.3e}\n" ) duration_left = self._evaluate_duration_left() if duration_left is not None: to_print += f" estimated remaining duration = {duration_left}" self.energy_tmp = energy return to_print def load(self): dict_results = {"name_solver": self.output.name_solver} with open(self.output.path_run + "/stdout.txt") as file_means: lines = file_means.readlines() lines_t = [] lines_E = [] for il, line in enumerate(lines): if line[0:4] == "it =": lines_t.append(line) if line[0:22] == " energy =": lines_E.append(line) nt = len(lines_t) if nt > 1: nt -= 1 it = np.zeros(nt, dtype=int) t = np.zeros(nt) deltat = np.zeros(nt) E = np.zeros(nt) deltaE = np.zeros(nt) for il in range(nt): line = lines_t[il] words = line.split() it[il] = int(words[2]) t[il] = float(words[6]) deltat[il] = float(words[10]) line = lines_E[il] words = line.split() E[il] = float(words[2]) deltaE[il] = float(words[7]) dict_results["it"] = it dict_results["t"] = t dict_results["deltat"] = deltat dict_results["E"] = E dict_results["deltaE"] = deltaE return dict_results def plot_deltat(self): dict_results = self.load() t = dict_results["t"] deltat = dict_results["deltat"] fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe() ax.set_xlabel("t") ax.set_ylabel("deltat(t)") ax.set_title("info stdout\n" + self.output.summary_simul) ax.plot(t, deltat, "k", linewidth=2) fig.tight_layout() def plot_energy(self): dict_results = self.load() t = dict_results["t"] E = dict_results["E"] deltaE = dict_results["deltaE"] fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe() ax.set_title("info stdout\n" + self.output.summary_simul) ax.set_xlabel("t") ax.set_ylabel("E(t), deltaE(t)") ax.plot(t, E, "k", linewidth=2) ax.plot(t, deltaE, "b", linewidth=2) fig.tight_layout()