Source code for fluidsim.operators.operators2d

"""Operators 2d (:mod:`fluidsim.operators.operators2d`)


.. autoclass:: OperatorsPseudoSpectral2D


from warnings import warn
from random import uniform
import sys

import numpy as np

from transonic import boost, Array, Transonic
from fluiddyn.util import mpi
from fluidfft.fft2d.operators import OperatorsPseudoSpectral2D as _Operators

from fluidsim.base.params import Parameters
from ..base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables
from .. import _is_testing
from .base import OperatorBase

ts = Transonic()

if (
    not ts.is_transpiling
    and not ts.is_compiled
    and not _is_testing
    and "sphinx" not in sys.modules
        " has to be pythranized to be efficient! "
        "Install pythran and recompile."
elif ts.is_transpiling:
    _Operators = object

Af = Array[np.float64, "2d"]
Ac = Array[np.complex128, "2d"]

def laplacian_fft(a_fft: Ac, Kn: Af):
    """Compute the n-th order Laplacian."""
    return a_fft * Kn

def invlaplacian_fft(a_fft: Ac, Kn_not0: Af, rank: int):
    """Compute the n-th order inverse Laplacian."""
    invlap_afft = a_fft / Kn_not0
    if rank == 0:
        invlap_afft[0, 0] = 0.0
    return invlap_afft

def compute_increments_dim1(var: Af, irx: int):
    """Compute the increments of var over the dim 1."""
    n1 = var.shape[1]
    n1new = n1 - irx
    # bug for gast 0.4.0 (
    inc_var = var[:, irx:n1] - var[:, 0:n1new]
    return inc_var

if not ts.is_transpiling:
    nb_proc = mpi.nb_proc
    rank = mpi.rank
    nb_proc = 1
    rank = 0

if nb_proc > 1:
    MPI = mpi.MPI
    comm = mpi.comm

[docs] @boost class OperatorsPseudoSpectral2D(_Operators, OperatorBase): _has_to_dealiase: bool where_dealiased: "uint8[:, :]" KX: Af KY: Af deltax: float deltay: float @classmethod def _create_default_params(cls): params = Parameters(tag="params", attribs={"ONLY_COARSE_OPER": False}) cls._complete_params_with_default(params) return params
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" attribs = { "type_fft": "default", "coef_dealiasing": 2.0 / 3, "nx": 48, "ny": 48, "Lx": 8, "Ly": 8, "truncation_shape": "cubic", "NO_SHEAR_MODES": False, "NO_KY0": False, } params._set_child("oper", attribs=attribs)
def __init__(self, params): self.params = params self.axes = ("y", "x") nx = int(params.oper.nx) ny = int(params.oper.ny) if params.oper.nx != nx: raise ValueError( f"params.oper.nx != int(params.oper.nx); ({params.oper.nx})" ) if params.oper.ny != ny: raise ValueError( f"params.oper.ny != int(params.oper.ny); ({params.oper.ny})" ) params.oper.nx = nx params.oper.ny = ny if params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER: nx = ny = 4 super().__init__( nx, ny, params.oper.Lx, params.oper.Ly, fft=params.oper.type_fft, coef_dealiasing=params.oper.coef_dealiasing, ) # compatibility for fluidfft <= 0.3.0 if not hasattr(self, "oper_fft") and hasattr(self, "opfft"): self.oper_fft = self.opfft self.Lx = self.lx self.Ly = try: self.project_fft_on_realX = self._opfft.project_fft_on_realX except AttributeError: if self.is_sequential: self.project_fft_on_realX = self.project_fft_on_realX_seq else: self.project_fft_on_realX = self.project_fft_on_realX_slow if not self.is_sequential: self.iKxloc_start, _ = self.oper_fft.get_seq_indices_first_K() self.iKxloc_start_rank = np.array(comm.allgather(self.iKxloc_start)) nkx_loc_rank = np.array(comm.allgather(self.nkx_loc)) a = nkx_loc_rank self.SAME_SIZE_IN_ALL_PROC = (a >= a.max()).all() self._reinit_truncation() try: NO_SHEAR_MODES = self.params.oper.NO_SHEAR_MODES except AttributeError: pass else: if NO_SHEAR_MODES: COND_NOSHEAR = abs(self.KX) == 0.0 self.where_dealiased = np.array( np.logical_or(COND_NOSHEAR, self.where_dealiased), dtype=np.uint8, ) try: NO_KY0 = self.params.oper.NO_KY0 except AttributeError: pass else: if NO_KY0: COND_NO_KY0 = abs(self.KY) == 0.0 self.where_dealiased = np.array( np.logical_or(COND_NO_KY0, self.where_dealiased), dtype=np.uint8, ) def get_region_multiple_aliases(self): aliases_x = abs(self.KX) >= 2 / 3 * self.deltakx * self.nx / 2 aliases_y = abs(self.KY) >= 2 / 3 * self.deltaky * self.ny / 2 return aliases_x & aliases_y def dealiasing(self, *args): if not self._has_to_dealiase: return for thing in args: if isinstance(thing, SetOfVariables): self.dealiasing_setofvar(thing) elif isinstance(thing, np.ndarray): self.dealiasing_variable(thing)
[docs] @boost def dealiasing_setofvar(self, sov: "complex128[][][]"): """Dealiasing of a setofvar arrays.""" if self._has_to_dealiase: nk, n0, n1 = sov.shape for i0 in range(n0): for i1 in range(n1): if self.where_dealiased[i0, i1]: for ik in range(nk): sov[ik, i0, i1] = 0.0
[docs] def project_fft_on_realX_seq(self, f_fft): """Project the given field in spectral space such as its inverse fft is a real field.""" nky_seq = self.shapeK_seq[0] iky_ky0 = 0 iky_kyM = nky_seq // 2 ikx_kx0 = 0 # ikx_kxM = self.nkx_seq-1 ikx_kxM = self.shapeK_seq[1] - 1 # first, some values have to be real f_fft[iky_ky0, ikx_kx0] = f_fft[iky_ky0, ikx_kx0].real f_fft[iky_ky0, ikx_kxM] = f_fft[iky_ky0, ikx_kxM].real f_fft[iky_kyM, ikx_kx0] = f_fft[iky_kyM, ikx_kx0].real f_fft[iky_kyM, ikx_kxM] = f_fft[iky_kyM, ikx_kxM].real # second, there are relations between some values for ikyp in range(1, iky_kyM): ikyn = nky_seq - ikyp f_kp_kx0 = f_fft[ikyp, ikx_kx0] f_kn_kx0 = f_fft[ikyn, ikx_kx0] f_fft[ikyp, ikx_kx0] = (f_kp_kx0 + f_kn_kx0.conjugate()) / 2 f_fft[ikyn, ikx_kx0] = ( (f_kp_kx0 + f_kn_kx0.conjugate()) / 2 ).conjugate() f_kp_kxM = f_fft[ikyp, ikx_kxM] f_kn_kxM = f_fft[ikyn, ikx_kxM] f_fft[ikyp, ikx_kxM] = (f_kp_kxM + f_kn_kxM.conjugate()) / 2 f_fft[ikyn, ikx_kxM] = ( (f_kp_kxM + f_kn_kxM.conjugate()) / 2 ).conjugate() return f_fft
def project_fft_on_realX_slow(self, f_fft): return self.fft(self.ifft(f_fft))
[docs] def coarse_seq_from_fft_loc(self, f_fft, shapeK_loc_coarse): """Return a coarse field in K space.""" nkyc = shapeK_loc_coarse[0] nkxc = shapeK_loc_coarse[1] if nb_proc == 1: nky = self.shapeK_seq[0] fc_fft = np.empty([nkyc, nkxc], np.complex128) for ikyc in range(nkyc): if ikyc <= nkyc / 2: iky = ikyc else: kynodim = ikyc - nkyc iky = kynodim + nky for ikxc in range(nkxc): fc_fft[ikyc, ikxc] = f_fft[iky, ikxc] return fc_fft if not self.is_transposed: raise NotImplementedError() fc_trans = np.empty([nkxc, nkyc], np.complex128) nky = self.shapeK_seq[1] f1d_temp = np.empty([nkyc], np.complex128) for ikxc in range(nkxc): kx = self.deltakx * ikxc rank_ikx, ikxloc, ikyloc = self.where_is_wavenumber(kx, 0.0) if rank == rank_ikx: # create f1d_temp for ikyc in range(nkyc): if ikyc <= nkyc / 2: iky = ikyc else: kynodim = ikyc - nkyc iky = kynodim + nky f1d_temp[ikyc] = f_fft[ikxloc, iky] if rank_ikx != 0: # message f1d_temp if rank == 0: # print('f1d_temp', f1d_temp, f1d_temp.dtype) comm.Recv( [f1d_temp, MPI.DOUBLE_COMPLEX], source=rank_ikx, tag=ikxc, ) elif rank == rank_ikx: comm.Send([f1d_temp, MPI.DOUBLE_COMPLEX], dest=0, tag=ikxc) if rank == 0: # copy into fc_trans fc_trans[ikxc] = f1d_temp.copy() fc_fft = fc_trans.transpose() return fc_fft
# def fft_loc_from_coarse_seq(self, fc_fft, shapeK_loc_coarse): # """Return a large field in K space.""" # nkyc = shapeK_loc_coarse[0] # nkxc = shapeK_loc_coarse[1] # if nb_proc > 1: # nky = self.shapeK_seq[0] # f_fft = self.create_arrayK(value=0.) # fc_trans = fc_fft.transpose() # for ikxc in range(nkxc): # kx = self.deltakx*ikxc # rank_ikx, ikxloc, ikyloc = self.where_is_wavenumber(kx, 0.) # fc1D = fc_trans[ikxc] # if rank_ikx != 0: # # message fc1D # fc1D = np.ascontiguousarray(fc1D) # if rank == 0: # comm.Send(fc1D, dest=rank_ikx, tag=ikxc) # elif rank == rank_ikx: # comm.Recv(fc1D, source=0, tag=ikxc) # if rank == rank_ikx: # # copy # for ikyc in range(nkyc): # if ikyc <= nkyc/2: # iky = ikyc # else: # kynodim = ikyc - nkyc # iky = kynodim + nky # f_fft[ikxloc, iky] = fc1D[ikyc] # else: # nky = self.shapeK_seq[0] # nkx = self.shapeK_seq[1] # f_fft = np.zeros([nky, nkx], np.complex128) # for ikyc in range(nkyc): # if ikyc <= nkyc/2: # iky = ikyc # else: # kynodim = ikyc - nkyc # iky = kynodim + nky # for ikxc in range(nkxc): # f_fft[iky, ikxc] = fc_fft[ikyc, ikxc] # return f_fft
[docs] def compute_increments_dim1(self, var, irx): """Compute the increments of var over the dim 1.""" return compute_increments_dim1(var, int(irx))
[docs] def pdf_normalized(self, field, nb_bins=100): """Compute the normalized pdf""" field_max = field.max() field_min = field.min() if nb_proc > 1: field_max = comm.allreduce(field_max, op=MPI.MAX) field_min = comm.allreduce(field_min, op=MPI.MIN) range_min = field_min range_max = field_max if nb_proc == 1: pdf, bin_edges = np.histogram( field, bins=nb_bins, density=True, range=(range_min, range_max) ) else: hist, bin_edges = np.histogram( field, bins=nb_bins, range=(range_min, range_max) ) # memory leak related to this line for CPython 3.7.1 # hist = comm.allreduce(hist, op=MPI.SUM) # workaround for CPython 3.7.0 and 3.7.1 tmp = np.empty_like(hist) comm.Allreduce(hist, tmp, op=MPI.SUM) hist = tmp # pdf = hist / ((bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0]) * hist.sum()) return pdf, bin_edges
def where_is_wavenumber(self, kx_approx, ky_approx): ikx_seq = int(np.round(kx_approx / self.deltakx)) if ikx_seq >= self.nkx_seq: raise ValueError("not good :-) ikx_seq >= self.nkx_seq") if self.is_sequential: rank_k = 0 ikx_loc = ikx_seq else: if self.SAME_SIZE_IN_ALL_PROC: rank_k = int(np.floor(float(ikx_seq) / self.nkx_loc)) if ikx_seq >= self.nkx_loc * mpi.nb_proc: raise ValueError( "not good :-) ikx_seq >= self.nkx_loc * mpi.nb_proc\n" "ikx_seq, self.nkx_loc, mpi.nb_proc = " "{}, {}, {}".format(ikx_seq, self.nkx_loc, mpi.nb_proc) ) else: rank_k = 0 while rank_k < self.nb_proc - 1 and ( not ( self.iKxloc_start_rank[rank_k] <= ikx_seq and ikx_seq < self.iKxloc_start_rank[rank_k + 1] ) ): rank_k += 1 ikx_loc = ikx_seq - self.iKxloc_start_rank[rank_k] iky_loc = int(np.round(ky_approx / self.deltaky)) if iky_loc < 0: iky_loc = self.nky_loc + iky_loc if self.is_transposed: ik0_loc = ikx_loc ik1_loc = iky_loc else: ik0_loc = iky_loc ik1_loc = ikx_loc return rank_k, ik0_loc, ik1_loc def uxuyfft_from_psifft(self, psi_fft): px_psi_fft, py_psi_fft = self.gradfft_from_fft(psi_fft) ux_fft = -py_psi_fft uy_fft = px_psi_fft return ux_fft, uy_fft def rotfft_from_psifft(self, psi_fft): return self.laplacian_fft(psi_fft)
[docs] def pxffft_from_fft(self, f_fft): """Return the gradient of f_fft in spectral space.""" return 1j * self.KX * f_fft
[docs] def pyffft_from_fft(self, f_fft): """Return the gradient of f_fft in spectral space.""" return 1j * self.KY * f_fft
def laplacian2_fft(self, a_fft): warn("Use oper.laplacian_fft instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning) return laplacian_fft(a_fft, self.K4) def invlaplacian2_fft(self, a_fft): warn("Use oper.invlaplacian_fft instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning) return invlaplacian_fft(a_fft, self.K4_not0, rank)
[docs] def laplacian_fft(self, a_fft, order=2, negative=False): r"""Compute the n-th order Laplacian, :math:`\nabla^{n} \hat{a}` Parameters ---------- a_fft : ndarray order: int, {2, 4, 8}, optional Order of the Laplacian operator negative: bool, optional Negative of the result. """ sign = 1j**order if sign.imag != 0: raise ValueError(f"Order={order} should be even!") if negative: sign *= -1 Kn = getattr(self, f"K{int(order)}") # Avoid unnecessary multiplication by unity if sign == 1: return laplacian_fft(a_fft, Kn) else: return sign * laplacian_fft(a_fft, Kn)
[docs] def invlaplacian_fft(self, a_fft, order=2, negative=False): r"""Compute the n-th order inverse Laplacian, :math:`\nabla^{-n} \hat{a}` Parameters ---------- a_fft : ndarray order: int, {2, 4, 8}, optional Order of the inverse Laplacian operator. negative: bool, optional Negative of the result. """ sign = 1.0 / 1j**order if sign.imag != 0: raise ValueError(f"Order={order} should be even!") if negative: sign *= -1 Kn_not0 = getattr(self, f"K{int(order)}_not0") # Avoid unnecessary multiplication by unity if sign == 1: return invlaplacian_fft(a_fft, Kn_not0, rank) else: return sign * invlaplacian_fft(a_fft, Kn_not0, rank)
[docs] def put_coarse_array_in_array_fft( self, arr_coarse, arr, oper_coarse, shapeK_loc_coarse ): """Put the values contained in a coarse array in an array. Both arrays are in Fourier space. """ if arr.ndim == 3: if mpi.rank == 0: if arr_coarse.ndim != 3: raise ValueError for ikey in range(arr.shape[0]): if mpi.rank == 0: arr2d_coarse = arr_coarse[ikey] else: arr2d_coarse = None self.put_coarse_array_in_array_fft( arr2d_coarse, arr[ikey], oper_coarse, shapeK_loc_coarse ) return nKyc, nKxc = shapeK_loc_coarse if mpi.nb_proc > 1 and not self.is_sequential: if not self.is_transposed: raise NotImplementedError() nKy = self.shapeK_seq[1] if mpi.rank == 0: fck_fft = arr_coarse.transpose() for ikxc in range(nKxc): kx = self.deltakx * ikxc rank_ikx, ikxloc, ikyloc = self.where_is_wavenumber(kx, 0.0) if mpi.rank == 0: fc1D = fck_fft[ikxc] if rank_ikx != 0: # message fc1D if mpi.rank == rank_ikx: fc1D = np.empty([nKyc], dtype=np.complex128) if mpi.rank == 0 or mpi.rank == rank_ikx: fc1D = np.ascontiguousarray(fc1D) if mpi.rank == 0: mpi.comm.Send( [fc1D, mpi.MPI.COMPLEX], dest=rank_ikx, tag=ikxc ) elif mpi.rank == rank_ikx: mpi.comm.Recv([fc1D, mpi.MPI.COMPLEX], source=0, tag=ikxc) if mpi.rank == rank_ikx: # copy for ikyc in range(nKyc): if ikyc <= nKyc / 2.0: iky = ikyc else: kynodim = ikyc - nKyc iky = kynodim + nKy arr[ikxloc, iky] = fc1D[ikyc] else: nKy = self.shapeK_seq[0] if not np.allclose(0.0, max(abs(arr_coarse[nKyc // 2, :]))): raise ValueError("any(arr_coarse[nKyc//2] != 0)") if not np.allclose(0.0, max(abs(arr_coarse[:, nKxc - 1]))): raise ValueError("any(arr_coarse[:, nKxc-1] != 0)") for ikyc in range(nKyc): if ikyc <= nKyc / 2.0: iky = ikyc else: kynodim = ikyc - nKyc iky = kynodim + nKy for ikxc in range(nKxc): arr[iky, ikxc] = arr_coarse[ikyc, ikxc]
def get_grid1d_seq(self, axis="x"): if axis not in ("x", "y"): raise ValueError if self.params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER: number_points = getattr(self.params.oper, "n" + axis) length = getattr(self, "L" + axis) return np.linspace(0, length, number_points) else: return getattr(self, axis + "_seq") @boost def get_phases_random(self): # Not supported by Pythran 0.9.5! # alpha_x, alpha_y = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, 2) alpha_x, alpha_y = tuple(uniform(-0.5, 0.5) for _ in range(2)) beta_x = alpha_x + 0.5 if alpha_x < 0 else alpha_x - 0.5 beta_y = alpha_y + 0.5 if alpha_y < 0 else alpha_y - 0.5 phase_alpha = ( alpha_x * self.deltax * self.KX + alpha_y * self.deltay * self.KY ) phase_beta = ( beta_x * self.deltax * self.KX + beta_y * self.deltay * self.KY ) return phase_alpha, phase_beta
# energy_arr = self.sum_wavenumbers(abs(arr)**2) # energy_array_coarse_after = oper_coarse.sum_wavenumbers( # abs(arr_coarse)**2) # print('energy_array_coarse_after = ', energy_array_coarse_after) # print('energy_arr = ', energy_arr)