Source code for fluidsim.operators.op_finitediff2d

"""Operators finite differences (:mod:`fluidsim.operators.op_finitediff2d`)


.. autoclass:: OperatorFiniteDiff2DPeriodic


import numpy as np

from .op_finitediff1d import OperatorFiniteDiff1DPeriodic

[docs] class OperatorFiniteDiff2DPeriodic(OperatorFiniteDiff1DPeriodic):
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" attribs = {"nx": 48, "ny": 48, "Lx": 8, "Ly": 8} params._set_child("oper", attribs=attribs)
def __init__(self, params=None): Lx = float(params.oper.Lx) Ly = float(params.oper.Ly) if not params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER: nx = int(params.oper.nx) ny = int(params.oper.ny) else: nx = 4 ny = 4 self.nx = nx self.ny = ny self.shape = [ny, nx] size = nx * ny self.size = size self.lx = self.Lx = Lx = self.Ly = Ly self.deltax = Lx / nx self.deltay = Ly / ny dx = self.deltax dy = self.deltay self.xs = np.linspace(0, Lx, nx) self.ys = np.linspace(0, Ly, ny) def func_i1_mat(i0_mat, iv): i1 = i0_mat % nx i0 = i0_mat // nx if iv == 0: i1_mat = i0 * nx + (i1 + 1) % nx elif iv == 1: i1_mat = i0 * nx + (i1 - 1) % nx else: raise ValueError("Shouldn" "t be here...") return i1_mat values = np.array([1, -1]) / (2 * dx) self.sparse_px = self._create_sparse(values, func_i1_mat) def func_i1_mat(i0_mat, iv): i1 = i0_mat % nx i0 = i0_mat // nx if iv == 0: i1_mat = i0_mat elif iv == 1: i1_mat = i0 * nx + (i1 + 1) % nx elif iv == 2: i1_mat = i0 * nx + (i1 - 1) % nx else: raise ValueError("Shouldn" "t be here...") return i1_mat values = np.array([-2, 1, 1]) / dx**2 self.sparse_pxx = self._create_sparse(values, func_i1_mat) def func_i1_mat(i0_mat, iv): i1 = i0_mat % nx i0 = i0_mat // nx if iv == 0: i1_mat = ((i0 + 1) * nx) % size + i1 elif iv == 1: i1_mat = ((i0 - 1) * nx) % size + i1 else: raise ValueError("Shouldn" "t be here...") return i1_mat values = np.array([1, -1]) / (2 * dy) self.sparse_py = self._create_sparse(values, func_i1_mat) def func_i1_mat(i0_mat, iv): i1 = i0_mat % nx i0 = i0_mat // nx if iv == 0: i1_mat = i0_mat elif iv == 1: i1_mat = ((i0 + 1) * nx) % size + i1 elif iv == 2: i1_mat = ((i0 - 1) * nx) % size + i1 else: raise ValueError("Shouldn" "t be here...") return i1_mat values = np.array([-2, 1, 1]) / dx**2 self.sparse_pyy = self._create_sparse(values, func_i1_mat) def _create_sparse(self, values, func_i1_mat): size = self.size nb_values = len(values) data = np.empty(size * nb_values) i0s = np.empty(size * nb_values) i1s = np.empty(size * nb_values) for i0_mat in range(size): for iv, v in enumerate(values): data[nb_values * i0_mat + iv] = v i0s[nb_values * i0_mat + iv] = i0_mat i1s[nb_values * i0_mat + iv] = func_i1_mat(i0_mat, iv) return sparse.coo_matrix((data, (i0s, i1s)), shape=(size, size)) def py(self, a): return def pyy(self, a): return
[docs] def produce_str_describing_oper(self): """Produce a string describing the operator.""" if (self.Lx / np.pi).is_integer(): str_Lx = repr(int(self.Lx // np.pi)) + "pi" else: str_Lx = f"{self.Lx:.3f}".rstrip("0") if (self.Ly / np.pi).is_integer(): str_Ly = repr(int(self.Ly // np.pi)) + "pi" else: str_Ly = f"{self.Ly:.3f}".rstrip("0") return ("L=" + str_Lx + "x" + str_Ly + "_{}x{}").format(self.nx, self.ny)
[docs] def produce_long_str_describing_oper(self): """Produce a string describing the operator.""" if (self.Lx / np.pi).is_integer(): str_Lx = repr(int(self.Lx // np.pi)) + "pi" else: str_Lx = f"{self.Lx:.3f}".rstrip("0") if (self.Ly / np.pi).is_integer(): str_Ly = repr(int(self.Ly // np.pi)) + "pi" else: str_Ly = f"{self.Ly:.3f}".rstrip("0") return ( f"Finite difference operator 2D,\nnx = {self.nx:6d} ; ny = {self.ny:6d}\n" + "Lx = " + str_Lx + " ; Ly = " + str_Ly + "\n" )
if __name__ == "__main__": nx = 3 ny = 3 oper = OperatorFiniteDiff2DPeriodic([ny, nx], [nx / 2.0, ny / 2.0]) a = np.arange(nx * ny).reshape([ny, nx])