Source code for fluidsim.base.time_stepping.finite_diff

"""Time stepping (:mod:`fluidsim.base.time_stepping.finite_diff`)


.. autoclass:: TimeSteppingFiniteDiffCrankNicolson


from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables

from .base import TimeSteppingBase

[docs] class TimeSteppingFiniteDiffCrankNicolson(TimeSteppingBase): """Time stepping class for finite-difference solvers."""
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" TimeSteppingBase._complete_params_with_default(params) params.time_stepping.type_time_scheme = "RK2"
def __init__(self, sim): super().__init__(sim) self._init_compute_time_step() self._init_time_scheme() self.L = sim.linear_operator()
[docs] def one_time_step_computation(self): """One time step""" self._time_step_RK() if np.isnan(np.min(self.sim.state.state_phys)): raise ValueError(f"nan at it = {}, t = {self.t:.4f}")
[docs] def _time_step_RK2(self): r"""Advance in time the variables with the Runge-Kutta 2 method. .. _rk2timeschemeFiniteDiff: Notes ----- .. Look at Simson KTH documentation... ( The Runge-Kutta 2 method computes an approximation of the solution after a time increment :math:`dt`. We denote the initial time :math:`t = 0`. For the finite difference schemes, We consider an equation of the form .. math:: \p_t S = L S + N(S), The linear term can be treated with an implicit method while the nonlinear term have to be treated with an explicit method (see for example `Explicit and implicit methods <>`_). - Approximation 1: For the first step where the nonlinear term is approximated as :math:`N(S) \simeq N(S_0)`, we obtain .. math:: \left( 1 - \frac{dt}{4} L \right) S_{A1dt/2} \simeq \left( 1 + \frac{dt}{4} L \right) S_0 + N(S_0)dt/2 Once the right-hand side has been computed, a linear equation has to be solved. It is not efficient to invert the matrix :math:`1 + \frac{dt}{2} L` so other methods have to be used, as the `Thomas algorithm <>`_, or algorithms based on the LU or the QR decompositions. - Approximation 2: The nonlinear term is then approximated as :math:`N(S) \simeq N(S_{A1dt/2})`, which gives .. math:: \left( 1 - \frac{dt}{2} L \right) S_{A2dt} \simeq \left( 1 + \frac{dt}{2} L \right) S_0 + N(S_{A1dt/2})dt """ dt = self.deltat sim = self.sim identity = sparse.identity(sim.state.state_phys.size) # it seems that there is a bug with the proper RK2 method # (it "goes too fast") # # approximation 1 (at t + dt/2 -> "A1dt2"): # tendenciesNL_0 = sim.tendencies_nonlin() # rhs_A1dt2 = self.right_hand_side(sim.state.state_phys, # tendenciesNL_0, dt/2) # A_A1dt2 = identity - dt/4*self.L # S_A1dt2 = self.invert_to_get_solution(A_A1dt2, rhs_A1dt2) # del(rhs_A1dt2, A_A1dt2) # # approximation 2 (at t + dt -> "A2dt"): # tendenciesNL_1 = sim.tendencies_nonlin(S_A1dt2) # rhs_A2dt = self.right_hand_side(S_A1dt2, tendenciesNL_1, dt) # A_A2dt = identity - dt/2*self.L # sim.state.state_phys = deepcopy( # self.invert_to_get_solution(A_A2dt, rhs_A2dt)) # it seems to work with the basic Newton time stepping: tendenciesNL_0 = sim.tendencies_nonlin() rhs_A1dt = self.right_hand_side(sim.state.state_phys, tendenciesNL_0, dt) A_A1dt = identity - dt / 2 * self.L sim.state.state_phys = deepcopy( self.invert_to_get_solution(A_A1dt, rhs_A1dt) )
def right_hand_side(self, S, N, dt): return S.ravel() + dt / 2 * + dt * N.ravel()
[docs] def invert_to_get_solution(self, A, b): """Solve the linear system :math:`Ax = b`.""" state_phys = self.sim.state.state_phys arr = spsolve(A, b).reshape(state_phys.shape) return SetOfVariables( input_array=arr, keys=state_phys.keys, )