Source code for fluidsim.base.time_stepping.base

"""Time stepping (:mod:`fluidsim.base.time_stepping.base`)


.. autoclass:: TimeSteppingBase0

.. autoclass:: TimeSteppingBase


import signal
from warnings import warn
from math import pi
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import time

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

def max_abs(arr):
    return max(abs(arr.min()), abs(arr.max()))

[docs] class TimeSteppingBase0: """Universal time stepping class used for all solvers."""
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" attribs = { "USE_T_END": True, "t_end": 10.0, "it_end": 10, "USE_CFL": False, "type_time_scheme": "RK4", "deltat0": 0.2, "deltat_max": 0.2, "cfl_coef": None, "max_elapsed": None, } params._set_child("time_stepping", attribs=attribs) params.time_stepping._set_doc( """ See :mod:`fluidsim.base.time_stepping.base`. USE_T_END: bool (default True) If True, time step until t > t_end. If False, time step until it >= it_end. t_end: float See documentation USE_T_END. it_end: int If USE_T_END is False, number of time steps. USE_CFL: bool (default False) If True, use an adaptive time step computed in particular with a Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition. type_time_scheme: str (default "RK4") Type of time scheme. Can be in ("RK2", "RK4"). deltat0: float (default 0.2) If USE_CFL is False, value of the time step. deltat_max: float (default 0.2) Maximum value of the time step (useful when USE_CFL is True). cfl_coef: float (default None) If not None, clf_coef used in the CFL condition. If None, the value is choosen taking into account the time scheme. max_elapsed: number or str (default None) If not None, the computation stops when the elapsed time becomes larger than `max_elapsed`. Can be a number (in seconds) or a string (formated as "%H:%M:%S"). """ )
def __init__(self, sim): self.params = sim.params self.sim = sim = 0 self.t = 0 self._stop_signal_received = False self._has_to_stop = False def handler_signals(signal_number, stack): print(f"signal {signal_number} received (rank {mpi.rank}).") self._stop_signal_received = True try: # warning: SIGUSR2 (12) not propagated by MPICH signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, handler_signals) except ValueError: warn("Cannot handle signals - is multithreading on?") except AttributeError: # no SIGUSR2 on Windows pass try: param_max_elapsed = self.params.time_stepping.max_elapsed except AttributeError: # loading an old simulation? param_max_elapsed = None if param_max_elapsed is not None: try: self.max_elapsed = float(param_max_elapsed) except ValueError: t = datetime.strptime(param_max_elapsed, "%H:%M:%S") delta_t = timedelta( hours=t.hour, minutes=t.minute, seconds=t.second ) self.max_elapsed = delta_t.total_seconds() t_start = None if mpi.rank == 0: t_start = time() if mpi.nb_proc > 1: t_start = mpi.comm.bcast(t_start, root=0) self._time_should_stop = t_start + self.max_elapsed else: self.max_elapsed = None
[docs] def start(self): """Loop to run the function :func:`one_time_step`. If ``self.USE_T_END`` is true, run till ``t >= t_end``, otherwise run ``self.it_end`` time steps. """ self.main_loop(print_begin=True, save_init_field=True) self.finalize_main_loop()
[docs] def prepare_main_loop(self): """Prepare the simulation just before the main loop. This function is called automatically in ``main_loop`` if it hasn't been called before. It can be used by users for debugging. During this preparation, the time of the begining of the simulation is set and the outputs are initialized with the initial state. """ self.sim.__enter__() output = self.sim.output if ( not hasattr(output, "_has_been_initialized_with_state") or not output._has_been_initialized_with_state ): output.init_with_initialized_state() self._prepare_main_loop_called = True
[docs] def finalize_main_loop(self): """Finalize the simulation after the main time loop. - set the end time - finalize the outputs (in particular close the files) """ self.sim.__exit__()
[docs] def main_loop(self, print_begin=False, save_init_field=False): """The main time loop!""" if not hasattr(self, "_prepare_main_loop_called"): self.prepare_main_loop() print_stdout = self.sim.output.print_stdout if print_begin: print_stdout( "*************************************\n" "Beginning of the computation" ) if save_init_field and self.sim.output._has_to_save: params_stepping = self.params.time_stepping if params_stepping.USE_T_END: print_stdout(f" compute until t = {params_stepping.t_end:10.6g}") while self.t < params_stepping.t_end and not self._has_to_stop: self.one_time_step() else: print_stdout(f" compute until it = {params_stepping.it_end:8d}") while < params_stepping.it_end and not self._has_to_stop: self.one_time_step()
[docs] def one_time_step(self): """Main time stepping function.""" if self.params.time_stepping.USE_CFL: self.compute_time_increment_CLF() if self.sim.is_forcing_enabled: self.sim.forcing.compute() if self.max_elapsed is not None: if mpi.rank == 0: now = time() else: now = None if mpi.nb_proc > 1: now = mpi.comm.bcast(now, root=0) if now > self._time_should_stop: self.sim.output.print_stdout( "Maximum elapsed time reached. Should stop soon." ) self._has_to_stop = True if mpi.nb_proc > 1: # 1 bcast per timestep, but at least it's robust stop_signal_received = mpi.comm.bcast( self._stop_signal_received, root=0 ) else: stop_signal_received = self._stop_signal_received if stop_signal_received: stop_signal_received = signal.Signals(stop_signal_received).name self.sim.output.print_stdout( f"Stop signal ({stop_signal_received}) received so _has_to_stop set to True" ) self._has_to_stop = True self.sim.output.one_time_step() self.one_time_step_computation() self.t += self.deltat += 1
[docs] class TimeSteppingBase(TimeSteppingBase0): def _init_compute_time_step(self): params_ts = self.params.time_stepping if params_ts.USE_CFL: if params_ts.cfl_coef is not None: self.CFL = params_ts.cfl_coef elif any( params_ts.type_time_scheme.startswith(scheme) for scheme in ["RK2", "Euler"] ): self.CFL = 0.4 elif params_ts.type_time_scheme.startswith("RK4"): self.CFL = 1.0 else: raise ValueError("Problem name time_scheme") else: self.deltat = params_ts.deltat0 self.deltat = params_ts.deltat0 has_vars = self.sim.state.has_vars # TODO: Replace multiple function calls below when has_vars supports # `strict` parameter. has_ux = has_vars("ux") or has_vars("vx") has_uy = has_vars("uy") or has_vars("vy") has_uz = has_vars("uz") or has_vars("vz") has_eta = has_vars("eta") if has_ux and has_uy and has_uz: self.compute_time_increment_CLF = ( self._compute_time_increment_CLF_uxuyuz ) elif has_ux and has_uy and has_eta: self.compute_time_increment_CLF = ( self._compute_time_increment_CLF_uxuyeta ) elif has_ux and has_uy: self.compute_time_increment_CLF = ( self._compute_time_increment_CLF_uxuy ) elif has_ux: self.compute_time_increment_CLF = self._compute_time_increment_CLF_ux elif hasattr(self.params, "U"): self.compute_time_increment_CLF = self._compute_time_increment_CLF_U elif params_ts.USE_CFL: raise ValueError("params_ts.USE_CFL but no velocity.") self.deltat_max = params_ts.deltat_max def _init_time_scheme(self): params_ts = self.params.time_stepping if params_ts.type_time_scheme == "RK2": self._time_step_RK = self._time_step_RK2 elif params_ts.type_time_scheme == "RK4": self._time_step_RK = self._time_step_RK4 else: raise ValueError("Problem name time_scheme")
[docs] def is_simul_completed(self): """Checks if simulation time or iteration has reached the end according to parameters specified. """ if self.params.time_stepping.USE_T_END: return self.t >= self.params.time_stepping.t_end else: return >= self.params.time_stepping.it_end
[docs] def _compute_time_increment_CLF_uxuyuz(self): """Compute the time increment deltat with a CLF condition.""" get_var = self.sim.state.get_var ux = get_var("vx") uy = get_var("vy") uz = get_var("vz") if ux.size > 0: max_ux = max_abs(ux) max_uy = max_abs(uy) max_uz = max_abs(uz) tmp = ( max_ux / self.sim.oper.deltax + max_uy / self.sim.oper.deltay + max_uz / self.sim.oper.deltaz ) else: tmp = 0.0 self._compute_time_increment_CLF_from_tmp(tmp)
def _compute_time_increment_CLF_from_tmp(self, tmp): if mpi.nb_proc > 1: tmp = mpi.comm.allreduce(tmp, op=mpi.MPI.MAX) if tmp > 0: deltat_CFL = self.CFL / tmp else: deltat_CFL = self.deltat_max maybe_new_dt = min(deltat_CFL, self.deltat_max) normalize_diff = abs(self.deltat - maybe_new_dt) / maybe_new_dt if normalize_diff > 0.02: self.deltat = maybe_new_dt
[docs] def _compute_time_increment_CLF_uxuy(self): """Compute the time increment deltat with a CLF condition.""" ux = self.sim.state.get_var("ux") uy = self.sim.state.get_var("uy") max_ux = max_abs(ux) max_uy = max_abs(uy) tmp = max_ux / self.sim.oper.deltax + max_uy / self.sim.oper.deltay self._compute_time_increment_CLF_from_tmp(tmp)
[docs] def _compute_time_increment_CLF_uxuyeta(self): """Compute the time increment deltat with a CLF condition.""" ux = self.sim.state.get_var("ux") uy = self.sim.state.get_var("uy") params = self.sim.params try: f = params.f except AttributeError: # For spherical solvers, trying to use the dispersion relation for # Poincare waves can give absurd phase speeds due to earth radius # coming in the relation for wavenumbers kh_l = l * (l + 1) / r # f = f = 0 # Phase speed of the fastest wave from dispersion relation if f == 0: cph = params.c2**0.5 else: Lh = max(params.oper.Lx, params.oper.Ly) k_min = 2 * pi / Lh cph = (f**2 / k_min**2 + params.c2) ** 0.5 max_ux = max_abs(ux) max_uy = max_abs(uy) tmp = max_ux / self.sim.oper.deltax + max_uy / self.sim.oper.deltay if mpi.nb_proc > 1: tmp = mpi.comm.allreduce(tmp, op=mpi.MPI.MAX) if tmp > 0: deltat_CFL = self.CFL / tmp else: deltat_CFL = self.deltat_max deltat_wave = ( self.CFL * min(self.sim.oper.deltax, self.sim.oper.deltay) / cph ) maybe_new_dt = min(deltat_CFL, deltat_wave, self.deltat_max) normalize_diff = abs(self.deltat - maybe_new_dt) / maybe_new_dt if normalize_diff > 0.02: self.deltat = maybe_new_dt
[docs] def _compute_time_increment_CLF_ux(self): """Compute the time increment deltat with a CLF condition.""" ux = self.sim.state.get_var("ux") max_ux = max_abs(ux) tmp = max_ux / self.sim.oper.deltax self._compute_time_increment_CLF_from_tmp(tmp)
[docs] def _compute_time_increment_CLF_U(self): """Compute the time increment deltat with a CLF condition.""" max_ux = self.params.U tmp = max_ux / self.sim.oper.deltax self._compute_time_increment_CLF_from_tmp(tmp)
[docs] def _compute_dispersion_relation(self): """Compute time increment from a dispersion relation.""" pass