Source code for fluidsim.base.state

"""State of the variables (:mod:`fluidsim.base.state`)


.. autoclass:: StateBase

.. autoclass:: StatePseudoSpectral


import numpy as np

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables

[docs] class StateBase: """Contains the state variables and handles the access to fields. Parameters ---------- sim : child of :class:`fluidsim.base.solvers.base.SimulBase` oper : Optional[operators] """
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_info_solver(info_solver): """Complete the ParamContainer info_solver. This is a static method! """ info_solver.classes.State._set_attribs( { "keys_state_phys": ["X"], "keys_computable": [], "keys_phys_needed": ["X"], } )
def __init__(self, sim, oper=None): self.sim = sim self.params = sim.params if oper is None: self.oper = sim.oper else: self.oper = oper # creation of the SetOfVariables state_spect and state_phys self.keys_state_phys = try: self.keys_computable = except AttributeError: self.keys_computable = [] self.state_phys = SetOfVariables( keys=self.keys_state_phys, shape_variable=self.oper.shapeX_loc, dtype=np.float64, info="state_phys", ) self.vars_computed = {} self.it_computed = {} self.is_initialized = False
[docs] def compute(self, key): """Compute a not stored variable from the stored variables""" raise ValueError('No method to compute key "' + key + '"')
[docs] def clear_computed(self): """Clear the stored computed variables.""" self.vars_computed.clear()
[docs] def has_vars(self, *keys): """Checks if all of the keys are present in the union of ``keys_state_phys`` and ``keys_computable``. Parameters ---------- keys: str, str ... Strings indicating state variable names. Returns ------- bool Examples -------- >>> sim.state.has_vars('ux', 'uy') >>> sim.state.has_vars('ux') >>> sim.state.has_vars('ux', 'vx', strict=False) .. todo:: ``strict=True`` can be a Python 3 compatible keywords-only argument with the function like:: def has_vars(self, *keys, strict=True): ... if strict: return keys.issubset(keys_state) else: return len(keys.intersection(keys_state)) > 0 When ``True``, checks if all keys form a subset of state keys. When ``False``, checks if the intersection of the keys and the state keys has atleast one member. """ keys_state = set(self.keys_state_phys + self.keys_computable) keys = set(keys) return keys.issubset(keys_state)
[docs] def get_var(self, key): """Get a physical variable (from the storage array or computed). This is one of the main method of the state classes. It tries to return the array corresponding to a physical variable. If it is stored in the main storage array of the state class, it is directly returned. Otherwise, we try to compute the quantity with the method :func:`compute`. It should not be necessary to redefine this method in child class. """ if key in self.keys_state_phys: return self.state_phys.get_var(key) else: it = if key in self.vars_computed and it == self.it_computed[key]: return self.vars_computed[key] else: value = self.compute(key) self.vars_computed[key] = value self.it_computed[key] = it return value
def __call__(self, key): raise DeprecationWarning( "Do not call a state object. " "Instead, use get_var method." ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """General setter function to set the value of a variable It should not be necessary to redefine this method in child class. """ if key in self.keys_state_phys: self.state_phys.set_var(key, value) else: raise ValueError('key "' + key + '" is not known')
[docs] def can_this_key_be_obtained(self, key): """To check whether a variable can be obtained. .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 Use ``has_vars`` method instead. """ raise DeprecationWarning( "Do not call can_this_key_be_obtained. " "Instead, use has_vars method." )
[docs] def init_statephys_from(self, **kwargs): """Initialize `state_phys` from arrays. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : {key: array, ...} keys and arrays used for the initialization. The other keys are set to zero. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python kwargs = {'a': Fa} init_statespect_from(**kwargs) init_statespect_from(ux=ux, uy=uy, eta=eta) """ self.state_phys[:] = 0.0 for key, value in list(kwargs.items()): if key not in self.keys_state_phys: raise ValueError( f'Do not know how to initialize with key "{key}".' ) self.state_phys.set_var(key, value)
[docs] class StatePseudoSpectral(StateBase): """Contains the state variables and handles the access to fields. This is the general class for the pseudo-spectral solvers. Parameters ---------- sim : child of :class:`fluidsim.base.solvers.base.SimulBase` oper : Optional[operators] """
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_info_solver(info_solver): """Complete the ParamContainer info_solver. This is a static method! """ StateBase._complete_info_solver(info_solver) info_solver.classes.State.keys_state_phys = ["ux", "uy"] info_solver.classes.State.keys_phys_needed = ["ux", "uy"] info_solver.classes.State._set_attribs( {"keys_state_spect": ["ux_fft", "uy_fft"]} )
def __init__(self, sim, oper=None): super().__init__(sim, oper) self.keys_state_spect = self.state_spect = SetOfVariables( keys=self.keys_state_spect, shape_variable=self.oper.shapeK_loc, dtype=np.complex128, info="state_spect", )
[docs] def has_vars(self, *keys): """Checks if all of the keys are present in the union of ``keys_state_phys``, ``keys_computable``, and ``keys_state_spect``. Parameters ---------- keys: str, str ... Strings indicating state variable names. Returns ------- bool Examples -------- >>> sim.state.has_vars('ux', 'uy', 'ux_fft') >>> sim.state.has_vars('rot') """ keys_state = set( self.keys_state_phys + self.keys_computable + self.keys_state_spect ) keys = set(keys) return keys.issubset(keys_state)
[docs] def get_var(self, key): """Get a variable (from the storage arrays or computed). This is one of the main method of the state classes. It tries to return the array corresponding to a physical variable. If it is stored in the main storage arrays (`state_phys` and `state_spec`) of the state class, it is directly returned. Otherwise, we try to compute the quantity with the method :func:`compute`. It should not be necessary to redefine this method in child class. """ if key in self.keys_state_spect: return self.state_spect.get_var(key) elif key in self.keys_state_phys: return self.state_phys.get_var(key) else: it = if key in self.vars_computed and it == self.it_computed[key]: return self.vars_computed[key] else: value = self.compute(key) self.vars_computed[key] = value self.it_computed[key] = it return value
def __setitem__(self, key, value): """General setter function to set the value of a variable It should not be necessary to redefine this method in child class. """ if key in self.keys_state_spect: self.state_spect.set_var(key, value) elif key in self.keys_state_phys: self.state_phys.set_var(key, value) else: raise ValueError('key "' + key + '" is not known')
[docs] def statespect_from_statephys(self): """Compute the spectral variables from the physical variables. When you implement a new solver, check that this method does the job! """ for ik in range(self.state_spect.nvar): self.oper.fft_as_arg(self.state_phys[ik], self.state_spect[ik])
[docs] def statephys_from_statespect(self): """Compute the physical variables from the spectral variables. When you implement a new solver, check that this method does the job! """ for ik in range(self.state_spect.nvar): self.oper.ifft_as_arg(self.state_spect[ik], self.state_phys[ik])
[docs] def return_statephys_from_statespect(self, state_spect=None): """Return the physical variables computed from the spectral variables.""" ifft = self.oper.ifft if state_spect is None: state_spect = self.state_spect state_phys = SetOfVariables(like=self.state_phys) for ik in range(self.state_spect.nvar): state_phys[ik] = ifft(state_spect[ik]) return state_phys
[docs] def can_this_key_be_obtained(self, key): return ( key in self.keys_state_phys or key in self.keys_computable or key in self.keys_state_spect )
[docs] def init_statespect_from(self, **kwargs): """Initialize `state_spect` from arrays. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : {key: array, ...} keys and arrays used for the initialization. The other keys are set to zero. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python kwargs = {'a_fft': Fa_fft} init_statespect_from(**kwargs) ux_fft, uy_fft, eta_fft = oper.uxuyetafft_from_qfft(q_fft) init_statespect_from(ux_fft=ux_fft, uy_fft=uy_fft, eta_fft=eta_fft) """ self.state_spect[:] = 0.0 for key, value in list(kwargs.items()): if key not in self.keys_state_spect: raise ValueError( f"Do not know how to initialize with key '{key}'. " f"({self.keys_state_spect = })" ) self.state_spect.set_var(key, value)
def check_energy_equal_phys_spect(self): energy_spect = self.sim.output.compute_energy() energy_phys = self.compute_energy_phys() if not np.allclose(energy_spect, energy_phys): raise RuntimeError( "Physical and spectral states are inconsistent: " f"{energy_spect} != {energy_phys} ({ = })" ) def compute_energy_phys(self): raise NotImplementedError