Source code for fluidsim.base.output.phys_fields2d

"""Physical fields output 2d


.. autoclass:: MoviesBasePhysFields2D

.. autoclass:: PhysFieldsBase2D


import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter

from fluiddyn.util import mpi
from fluidsim_core.output.movies import MoviesBasePhysFields
from ..params import Parameters

from .phys_fields import PhysFieldsBase

[docs] class MoviesBasePhysFields2D(MoviesBasePhysFields): """Methods required to animate physical fields HDF5 files."""
[docs] def _init_fig(self, field, time, vec_xaxis=None, vec_yaxis=None, **kwargs): """Initialize only the figure and related matplotlib objects. This method is shared by both ``animate`` and ``online_plot`` functionalities. """ super()._init_fig(field, time, vec_xaxis, vec_yaxis, **kwargs) INSET = True if "INSET" not in kwargs else kwargs["INSET"] try: self.output.spatial_means except AttributeError: INSET = False if not self.sim.time_stepping.is_simul_completed(): INSET = False self._ANI_INSET = INSET if self._ANI_INSET: try: ( self._ani_spatial_means_t, self._ani_spatial_means_key, ) = self._get_spatial_means() except FileNotFoundError: print("No spatial means file => no inset plot.") self._ANI_INSET = False return left, bottom, width, height = [0.53, 0.67, 0.2, 0.2] ax2 = self.fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height]) ax2.set_xlabel("t", labelpad=0.1) ax2.set_ylabel("E", labelpad=0.1) # Format of the ticks in ylabel ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter("%.4f")) ax2.set_xlim(0, self._ani_spatial_means_t.max()) # Correct visualization inset_animation 10% of the difference # value_max-value-min ax2.set_ylim( self._ani_spatial_means_key.min(), self._ani_spatial_means_key.max() + ( 0.1 * abs( self._ani_spatial_means_key.min() - self._ani_spatial_means_key.max() ) ), ) ax2.plot( self._ani_spatial_means_t, self._ani_spatial_means_key, linewidth=0.8, color="grey", alpha=0.4, ) self._im_inset = ax2.plot([0], [0], color="red")
[docs] def update_animation(self, frame, **fargs): """Loads data and updates figure.""" super().update_animation(frame, **fargs) # INLET ANIMATION if self._ANI_INSET: time = self.ani_times[frame % len(self.ani_times)] times = self._ani_spatial_means_t idx_spatial = np.abs(times - time).argmin() E = self._ani_spatial_means_key self._im_inset[0].set_data(times[:idx_spatial], E[:idx_spatial])
[docs] def _get_spatial_means(self, key_spatial="E"): """Get field for the inset plot.""" # Check if key_spatial can be loaded. keys_spatial = ["E", "EK", "EA"] if key_spatial not in keys_spatial: raise ValueError("key_spatial not in spatial means keys.") # Load data for inset plot results = self.output.spatial_means.load() t = results["t"] E = results[key_spatial] return t, E
[docs] class PhysFieldsBase2D(PhysFieldsBase): _cls_movies = MoviesBasePhysFields2D
[docs] def _init_skip_quiver(self): # 4% of the Lx it is a great separation between vector arrows. try: delta_quiver = 0.04 * min(self.oper.Lx, self.oper.Ly) except AttributeError: skip = 1 else: skip = (len(self._get_grid1d_seq("x")) / self.oper.Lx) * delta_quiver skip = int(np.round(skip)) if skip < 1: skip = 1 self._skip_quiver = skip return skip
[docs] def set_skip_quiver(self, skip): self._skip_quiver = skip
[docs] def get_vector_for_plot( self, from_state=False, time=None, interpolate_time=True ): if from_state: vecx, _ = self.get_field_to_plot_from_state(self.key_vec_xaxis) vecy, _ = self.get_field_to_plot_from_state(self.key_vec_yaxis) else: vecx, _ = self.get_field_to_plot( key=self.key_vec_xaxis, time=time, interpolate_time=interpolate_time, ) vecy, _ = self.get_field_to_plot( key=self.key_vec_yaxis, time=time, interpolate_time=interpolate_time, ) return vecx, vecy
[docs] def _set_title(self, ax, key, time, vmax=None): title = key + f", $t = {time:.3f}$" if vmax is not None: title += r", $|\vec{v}|_{max} = $" + f"{vmax:.3f}" ax.set_title(title + "\n" + self.output.summary_simul)
[docs] def _init_online_plot(self): self.key_field = self.params.output.phys_fields.field_to_plot field, _ = self.get_field_to_plot_from_state(self.key_field) try: vec_xaxis, vec_yaxis = self.get_vector_for_plot() except ValueError: self._can_plot_quiver = False vec_xaxis = vec_yaxis = None else: self._can_plot_quiver = True if mpi.rank == 0: movies = self.movies movies.fig, = plt.subplots() movies._init_fig( field, self.output.sim.time_stepping.t, vec_xaxis, vec_yaxis ) movies._im.autoscale() movies.fig.canvas.draw() plt.pause(1e-6)
[docs] def _online_plot(self): """Online plot.""" tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t if tsim - self.t_last_plot >= self.period_plot: self.t_last_plot = tsim key_field = self.params.output.phys_fields.field_to_plot field, _ = self.get_field_to_plot_from_state(key_field) if self._can_plot_quiver: vec_xaxis, vec_yaxis = self.get_vector_for_plot() if mpi.rank == 0: # Update figure, quiver and colorbar self.movies._im.set_array(field.flatten()) if self._can_plot_quiver: vmax = np.max(np.sqrt(vec_xaxis**2 + vec_yaxis**2)) skip = self._skip_quiver self.movies._ani_quiver.set_UVC( vec_xaxis[::skip, ::skip] / vmax, vec_yaxis[::skip, ::skip] / vmax, ) else: vmax = None self._set_title(, self.key_field, tsim, vmax) self.movies._im.autoscale() self.movies.fig.canvas.draw() plt.pause(1e-6)
[docs] def plot( self, field=None, time=None, QUIVER=True, vecx="ux", vecy="uy", nb_contours=20, type_plot="pcolor", vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, numfig=None, skip_quiver=None, ): """Plot a field. This function is surely buggy! It has to be fixed. Parameters ---------- field : {str, np.ndarray}, optional time : number, optional QUIVER : True vecx : 'ux' vecy : 'uy' nb_contours : 20 type_plot : "pcolor" or "contourf" vmin : None vmax : None cmap : None (usually 'viridis') numfig : None """ is_field_ready = False key_field = None if field is None: key_field = self.get_key_field_to_plot( forbid_compute=time is not None ) elif isinstance(field, np.ndarray): key_field = "given array" is_field_ready = True elif isinstance(field, str): key_field = field assert key_field is not None keys_state_phys = self.sim.state.keys_state_phys if vecx not in keys_state_phys or vecy not in keys_state_phys: QUIVER = False if ( time is None and not is_field_ready and not self.sim.params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER ): # we have to get the field from the state time = self.sim.time_stepping.t field, _ = self.get_field_to_plot_from_state(key_field) if QUIVER: vecx, _ = self.get_field_to_plot_from_state(vecx) vecy, _ = self.get_field_to_plot_from_state(vecy) else: # we have to get the field from a file self.set_of_phys_files.update_times() tmax = sorted(self.set_of_phys_files.times)[-1] if time is None or time > tmax: time = sorted(self.set_of_phys_files.times)[-1] if key_field not in self.sim.state.keys_state_phys: raise ValueError("key not in state.keys_state_phys") field, time = self.get_field_to_plot( key=key_field, time=time, interpolate_time=True ) if QUIVER: vecx, time = self.get_field_to_plot( key=vecx, time=time, interpolate_time=True ) vecy, time = self.get_field_to_plot( key=vecy, time=time, interpolate_time=True ) if mpi.rank == 0: if numfig is None: fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe() else: fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe(numfig=numfig) x_seq = self._get_grid1d_seq("x") y_seq = self._get_grid1d_seq("y") [XX_seq, YY_seq] = np.meshgrid(x_seq, y_seq) try: cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) except ValueError: print( "Use matplotlib >= 1.5.0 for new standard colorschemes.\ Installed matplotlib :" + plt.matplotlib.__version__ ) cmap = plt.get_cmap("jet") if type_plot == "contourf": contours = ax.contourf( x_seq, y_seq, field, nb_contours, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, ) fig.colorbar(contours) fig.contours = contours elif type_plot in ["pcolor", "pcolormesh"]: pc = ax.pcolormesh( x_seq, y_seq, field, shading="nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, ) fig.colorbar(pc) elif type_plot is None: pass else: print( f"`{type_plot = }` not implemented. It has to be in " '["contourf", "pcolor", "pcolormesh", None]' ) else: ax = None if QUIVER: quiver, vmax = self._quiver_plot(ax, vecx, vecy, skip=skip_quiver) else: vmax = None if mpi.rank == 0: ax.set_xlabel(self.oper.axes[1]) ax.set_ylabel(self.oper.axes[0]) self._set_title(ax, key_field, time, vmax) if self.oper.Lx != self.oper.Ly: ax.set_aspect("equal") try: fig.tight_layout() except RuntimeError: pass fig.canvas.draw() plt.pause(1e-3)
[docs] def _quiver_plot( self, ax, vecx="ux", vecy="uy", XX=None, YY=None, skip=None, normalize_vectors=True, **kwargs, ): """Superimposes a quiver plot of velocity vectors with a given axis object corresponding to a 2D contour plot. """ if isinstance(vecx, str): vecx, time = self.get_field_to_plot(vecx) if isinstance(vecy, str): vecy, time = self.get_field_to_plot(vecy) if XX is None and YY is None: x_seq, y_seq = self._get_axis_data(self._equation) XX, YY = np.meshgrid(x_seq, y_seq) if mpi.rank != 0: return None, None if skip is None: skip = self._skip_quiver # copy to avoid a bug vecx_c = vecx[::skip, ::skip].copy() vecy_c = vecy[::skip, ::skip].copy() if normalize_vectors: vmax = np.max(np.sqrt(vecx**2 + vecy**2)) vecx_c /= vmax vecy_c /= vmax else: vmax = None quiver = ax.quiver( XX[::skip, ::skip], YY[::skip, ::skip], vecx_c, vecy_c, **kwargs, ) return quiver, vmax