Source code for fluidsim.base.output.phys_fields

"""Physical fields output


.. autoclass:: PhysFieldsBase

.. autoclass:: SetOfPhysFieldFiles


import re
import os
from pathlib import Path
import math

import numpy as np
import h5py

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

from fluidsim_core.output.phys_fields import SetOfPhysFieldFilesBase

from fluidsim.util.output import save_file, h5pack, ext

from .base import SpecificOutput

[docs] class PhysFieldsBase(SpecificOutput): """Manage the output of physical fields.""" _tag = "phys_fields"
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): tag = "phys_fields" params.output._set_child( tag, attribs={"field_to_plot": "ux", "file_with_it": False} ) params.output.periods_save._set_attrib(tag, 0) params.output.periods_plot._set_attrib(tag, 0)
def __init__(self, output): params = output.sim.params self.output = output self.oper = output.oper if hasattr(self, "_init_skip_quiver"): self._init_skip_quiver() self.key_vec_xaxis = "ux" self.key_vec_yaxis = "uy" self._equation = None self.set_of_phys_files = SetOfPhysFieldFiles(output=self.output) self.key_field_to_plot = self.get_key_field_to_plot() super().__init__( output, period_save=params.output.periods_save.phys_fields, period_plot=params.output.periods_plot.phys_fields, ) if self.period_save == 0 and self.period_plot == 0: self.t_last_save = -np.inf return self.t_last_save = self.sim.time_stepping.t self.t_last_plot = self.sim.time_stepping.t
[docs] def get_key_field_to_plot(self, forbid_compute=False, key_prefered=None): sim = self.output.sim if key_prefered is None: key_prefered = sim.params.output.phys_fields.field_to_plot key_field_to_plot = key_prefered info_state = keys_ok = info_state.keys_state_phys.copy() if not sim.params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER and not forbid_compute: keys_ok.extend(info_state.keys_computable) if key_field_to_plot not in keys_ok: key_field_to_plot = info_state.keys_state_phys[0] for key in ["q", "rot", "rotz"]: if key in keys_ok: key_field_to_plot = key return key_field_to_plot
[docs] def _init_path_files(self): super()._init_path_files() # This if clause is required since the function _init_path_files is # first called by the super().__init__ function when set_of_phys_files # is not initialized (see above). Useful when end_of_simul is called. if hasattr(self, "set_of_phys_files"): self.set_of_phys_files.path_dir = Path(self.output.path_run)
[docs] def _init_files(self, arrays_1st_time=None): # Does nothing on purpose... pass
[docs] def _init_online_plot(self): pass
[docs] def _online_save(self): """Online save.""" tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t if self._has_to_online_save(): self.t_last_save = tsim
[docs] def _online_plot(self): """Online plot.""" tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t if tsim - self.t_last_plot >= self.period_plot: self.t_last_plot = tsim itsim = self.plot( numfig=itsim, key_field=self.params.output.phys_fields.field_to_plot, )
[docs] def save(self, state_phys=None, params=None, particular_attr=None): if state_phys is None: state_phys = self.sim.state.state_phys if params is None: params = self.params time = self.sim.time_stepping.t path_run = Path(self.output.path_run) if params.time_stepping.USE_T_END: # check if some state_phys files already exist try: path_test = next(path_run.glob("state_phys*")) except StopIteration: # file does not exist : get str_width from t_end # max number of digits = int(log10(t_end)) + 1 # add .3f precision = 4 additional characters # +2 by anticipation of potential restarts str_width = int(np.log10(params.time_stepping.t_end)) + 7 else: # file does exist : get str_width from file name # file name is something like '' str_width = len([12:-3]) else: # dynamic width not implemented if USE_T_END==False str_width = 7 if mpi.rank == 0: path_run.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if 0 < self.period_save < 0.001 or params.output.phys_fields.file_with_it: str_it = f"_it={}" else: str_it = "" name_save = f"state_phys_t{time:0{str_width}.3f}{str_it}.{ext}" path_file = path_run / name_save does_path_exist = None if mpi.rank == 0: does_path_exist = path_file.exists() if mpi.nb_proc > 1: does_path_exist = mpi.comm.bcast(does_path_exist, root=0) if does_path_exist: # do not save if the file corresponds to the same it it_file = None if mpi.rank == 0: with h5pack.File(str(path_file), "r") as file: it_file = file["state_phys"].attrs["it"] if mpi.nb_proc > 1: it_file = mpi.comm.bcast(it_file, root=0) if it_file == return name_save = ( f"state_phys_t{time:07.3f}_it={}.{ext}" ) path_file = path_run / name_save self.output.print_stdout("save state_phys in file " + name_save) save_file( path_file, state_phys,, self.output.name_run, self.sim.oper, time,, particular_attr, )
[docs] def get_field_to_plot( self, key=None, time=None, idx_time=None, equation=None, interpolate_time=True, ): """Get the field to be plotted in process 0.""" if equation is None: equation = self._equation if ( not self.sim.params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER and (time is None or math.isclose(time, self.sim.time_stepping.t)) and idx_time is None ): # we get the field from the state field, key = self.get_field_to_plot_from_state( field=key, equation=equation ) return field, self.sim.time_stepping.t else: return self.set_of_phys_files.get_field_to_plot( time=time, idx_time=idx_time, key=key, equation=equation, interpolate_time=interpolate_time, )
[docs] def get_field_to_plot_from_state(self, field=None, equation=None): """Get the field to be plotted in process 0.""" if field is None: key_field = self.key_field_to_plot field_loc = self.sim.state.get_var(key_field) elif isinstance(field, np.ndarray): key_field = "given field" field_loc = field else: field_loc = self.sim.state.get_var(field) key_field = field if mpi.nb_proc > 1: field = self.oper.gather_Xspace(field_loc) else: field = field_loc if equation is None or len(self.sim.oper.axes) == 2: return field, key_field elif equation.startswith("iz="): iz = eval(equation[len("iz=") :]) field = field[iz, ...] elif equation.startswith("z="): z = eval(equation[len("z=") :]) iz = abs(self._get_grid1d_seq("z") - z).argmin() field = field[iz, ...] elif equation.startswith("iy="): iy = eval(equation[len("iy=") :]) field = field[:, iy, :] elif equation.startswith("y="): y = eval(equation[len("y=") :]) iy = abs(self._get_grid1d_seq("y") - y).argmin() field = field[:, iy, :] elif equation.startswith("ix="): ix = eval(equation[len("ix=") :]) field = field[..., ix] elif equation.startswith("x="): x = eval(equation[len("x=") :]) ix = abs(self._get_grid1d_seq("x") - x).argmin() field = field[..., ix] else: raise NotImplementedError return field, key_field
[docs] def get_vector_for_plot(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _get_axis_data(self, equation=None): """Get axis data. Returns ------- x : array x-axis data. y : array y-axis data. """ if equation is None: try: equation = self._equation except AttributeError: pass if ( equation is None or equation.startswith("iz=") or equation.startswith("z=") ): x_seq = self._get_grid1d_seq("x") y_seq = self._get_grid1d_seq("y") elif equation.startswith("iy=") or equation.startswith("y="): x_seq = self._get_grid1d_seq("x") y_seq = self._get_grid1d_seq("z") elif equation.startswith("ix=") or equation.startswith("x="): x_seq = self._get_grid1d_seq("y") y_seq = self._get_grid1d_seq("z") else: raise NotImplementedError return x_seq, y_seq
[docs] def _get_grid1d_seq(self, axis): return self.oper.get_grid1d_seq(axis)
def time_from_path(path): """Regular expression search to extract time from filename.""" filename = os.path.basename(path) pattern = r""" (?!t) # text after t but exclude it [0-9]+ # a couple of digits \. # the decimal point [0-9]+ # a couple of digits """ match =, filename, re.VERBOSE) time = float( return time
[docs] class SetOfPhysFieldFiles(SetOfPhysFieldFilesBase): """A set of physical field files.""" time_from_path = staticmethod(time_from_path)
[docs] def _get_field_to_plot_from_file( self, path_file, key, equation, skip_vars=() ): with h5py.File(path_file, "r") as file: time = file["state_phys"].attrs["time"] dset = file["state_phys"][key] if equation is None: return dset[...], time if equation.startswith("iz="): iz = eval(equation[len("iz=") :]) return dset[iz, ...], time elif equation.startswith("z="): z = eval(equation[len("z=") :]) iz = abs(self.output.sim.oper.get_grid1d_seq("z") - z).argmin() return dset[iz, ...], time elif equation.startswith("iy="): iy = eval(equation[len("iy=") :]) return dset[:, iy, :], time elif equation.startswith("y="): y = eval(equation[len("y=") :]) iy = abs(self.output.sim.oper.get_grid1d_seq("y") - y).argmin() return dset[:, iy, :], time elif equation.startswith("ix="): ix = eval(equation[len("ix=") :]) return dset[..., ix], time elif equation.startswith("x="): x = eval(equation[len("x=") :]) ix = abs(self.output.sim.oper.get_grid1d_seq("x") - x).argmin() return dset[..., ix], time else: raise NotImplementedError