Source code for fluidsim.base.forcing.specific

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Forcing schemes (:mod:`fluidsim.base.forcing.specific`)


.. autoclass:: SpecificForcing

.. autoclass:: SpecificForcingPseudoSpectralSimple

.. autoclass:: InScriptForcingPseudoSpectral

.. autoclass:: SpecificForcingPseudoSpectralCoarse

.. autoclass:: InScriptForcingPseudoSpectralCoarse

.. autoclass:: NormalizedForcing

.. autoclass:: Proportional

.. autoclass:: RandomSimplePseudoSpectral

.. autoclass:: TimeCorrelatedRandomPseudoSpectral


from copy import deepcopy
import types
from warnings import warn
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from fluiddyn.util import mpi
from fluiddyn.calcul.easypyfft import fftw_grid_size

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables

[docs] class SpecificForcing: """Base class for specific forcing""" tag = "specific" @classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): params.forcing.available_types.append(cls.tag) def __init__(self, sim): self.sim = sim self.oper = sim.oper self.params = sim.params
[docs] class SpecificForcingPseudoSpectralSimple(SpecificForcing): """Specific forcing for pseudo-spectra solvers""" tag = "pseudo_spectral" def __init__(self, sim): super().__init__(sim) self.fstate = sim.state.__class__(sim, oper=self.sim.oper) self.forcing_fft = self.fstate.state_spect
[docs] def compute(self): """compute the forcing.""" obj = self.compute_forcing_fft_each_time() if isinstance(obj, dict): kwargs = obj else: if self.sim.params.forcing.key_forced is None: raise ValueError("params.forcing.key_forced must be initialized.") kwargs = {self.sim.params.forcing.key_forced: obj} self.fstate.init_statespect_from(**kwargs)
def compute_forcing_fft_each_time(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class InScriptForcingPseudoSpectral(SpecificForcingPseudoSpectralSimple): """Forcing maker for forcing defined by the user in the launching script .. inheritance-diagram:: InScriptForcingPseudoSpectral """ tag = "in_script" def __init__(self, sim): super().__init__(sim) self.is_initialized = False
[docs] def compute_forcing_fft_each_time(self): """Compute the coarse forcing in Fourier space""" obj = self.compute_forcing_each_time() if isinstance(obj, dict): kwargs = {key: self.sim.oper.fft(value) for key, value in obj.items()} else: if self.sim.params.forcing.key_forced is None: raise ValueError("params.forcing.key_forced must be initialized.") kwargs = {self.sim.params.forcing.key_forced: self.sim.oper.fft(obj)} return kwargs
[docs] def compute_forcing_each_time(self): """Compute the coarse forcing in real space""" return self.sim.oper.create_arrayX(value=0)
[docs] def monkeypatch_compute_forcing_fft_each_time(self, func): """Replace the method by a user-defined method""" self.compute_forcing_fft_each_time = types.MethodType(func, self) self.is_initialized = True
[docs] def monkeypatch_compute_forcing_each_time(self, func): """Replace the method by a user-defined method""" self.compute_forcing_each_time = types.MethodType(func, self) self.is_initialized = True
[docs] class SpecificForcingPseudoSpectralCoarse(SpecificForcing): """Specific forcing for pseudo-spectra solvers""" tag = "pseudo_spectral" _key_forced_default = "rot_fft"
[docs] @staticmethod def _check_forcing_shape(shape_forcing, shape): """Check if shape of the forcing array exceeds the shape of the global array. Parameters ---------- shape_forcing: array-like A single-element array containing index of largest forcing wavenumber or a tuple indicating shape of the forcing array. shape: array-like A tuple indicating the shape of an array or Operators instance. """ if any(np.greater(shape_forcing, shape)): raise NotImplementedError( "The resolution is too small for the required forcing: " f"any(np.greater({shape_forcing}, {shape}))" )
def __init__(self, sim): super().__init__(sim) params = sim.params self.forcing_fft = SetOfVariables( like=sim.state.state_spect, info="forcing_fft", value=0.0 ) if params.forcing.nkmax_forcing < params.forcing.nkmin_forcing: raise ValueError( f"params.forcing.nkmax_forcing = {params.forcing.nkmax_forcing} < " f"params.forcing.nkmin_forcing = {params.forcing.nkmin_forcing}" ) # oper.deltak is max deltak_i in the different directions # i.e. based on the smallest edge of the numerical domain. self.kmax_forcing = self.oper.deltak * params.forcing.nkmax_forcing self.kmin_forcing = self.oper.deltak * params.forcing.nkmin_forcing self.forcing_rate = params.forcing.forcing_rate if params.forcing.key_forced is not None: self.key_forced = params.forcing.key_forced else: self.key_forced = self._key_forced_default try: fft_size = 2 * fftw_grid_size( int(round(params.forcing.nkmax_forcing)) ) except ImportError: warn("To use smaller forcing arrays: pip install pulp") i = 0 while 2 * params.forcing.nkmax_forcing > 2**i: i += 1 fft_size = 2**i self._check_forcing_shape([fft_size], sim.oper.shapeX_seq) if mpi.rank == 0: params_coarse = self._create_params_coarse(fft_size) self.oper_coarse = sim.oper.__class__(params=params_coarse) self.shapeK_loc_coarse = self.oper_coarse.shapeK_loc self.COND_NO_F = self._compute_cond_no_forcing() self.nb_forced_modes = ( self.COND_NO_F.size - np.array(self.COND_NO_F, dtype=np.int32).sum() ) if not self.nb_forced_modes: raise ValueError("0 modes forced.") try: hasattr(self, "plot_forcing_region") except NotImplementedError: pass else: mpi.printby0( "To plot the forcing modes, you can use:\n" "sim.forcing.forcing_maker.plot_forcing_region()" ) self.ind_forcing = ( np.logical_not(self.COND_NO_F).flatten().nonzero()[0] ) self.fstate_coarse = sim.state.__class__(sim, oper=self.oper_coarse) else: self.shapeK_loc_coarse = None if mpi.nb_proc > 1: self.shapeK_loc_coarse = mpi.comm.bcast( self.shapeK_loc_coarse, root=0 ) def _create_params_coarse(self, fft_size): params_coarse = deepcopy(self.sim.params) params_coarse.oper.type_fft = "sequential" params_coarse.oper.coef_dealiasing = 1.0 params_coarse.oper.nx = fft_size try: params_coarse.oper.ny = fft_size except AttributeError: pass try: = fft_size except AttributeError: pass return params_coarse def _compute_cond_no_forcing(self): if hasattr(self.oper_coarse, "K"): K = self.oper_coarse.K else: K = np.sqrt(self.oper_coarse.K2) COND_NO_F = np.logical_or(K > self.kmax_forcing, K < self.kmin_forcing) if len(self.oper.axes) == 2: nkyc, nkxc = self.oper_coarse.shapeK_loc COND_NO_F[nkyc // 2, :] = True COND_NO_F[:, nkxc - 1] = True elif len(self.oper.axes) == 3: nkzc, nkyc, nkxc = self.oper_coarse.shapeK_loc COND_NO_F[nkzc // 2, :, :] = True COND_NO_F[:, nkyc // 2, :] = True COND_NO_F[:, :, nkxc - 1] = True return COND_NO_F
[docs] def put_forcingc_in_forcing(self): """Copy data from self.fstate_coarse.state_spect into forcing_fft.""" if mpi.rank == 0: state_spect = self.fstate_coarse.state_spect oper_coarse = self.oper_coarse else: state_spect = None oper_coarse = None self.oper.put_coarse_array_in_array_fft( state_spect, self.forcing_fft, oper_coarse, self.shapeK_loc_coarse )
[docs] def verify_injection_rate(self): """Verify injection rate.""" f_fft = self.forcing_fft.get_var(self.key_forced) var_fft = self.sim.state.state_spect.get_var(self.key_forced) deltat = self.sim.time_stepping.deltat P_forcing1 = np.real(f_fft.conj() * var_fft) P_forcing2 = abs(f_fft) ** 2 P_forcing2 = deltat / 2 * self.oper.sum_wavenumbers(P_forcing2) P_forcing1 = self.oper.sum_wavenumbers(P_forcing1) if mpi.rank == 0: print( "P_f = {:9.4e} ; P_1 = {:9.4e}; P_2 = {:9.4e}".format( P_forcing1 + P_forcing2, P_forcing1, P_forcing2 ) )
[docs] def verify_injection_rate_coarse(self, var_fft=None): """Verify injection rate.""" if var_fft is None: var_fft = self.sim.state.state_spect.get_var(self.key_forced) var_fft = self.oper.coarse_seq_from_fft_loc( var_fft, self.shapeK_loc_coarse ) if mpi.rank == 0: f_fft = self.fstate_coarse.get_var(self.key_forced) deltat = self.sim.time_stepping.deltat P_forcing1 = np.real(f_fft.conj() * var_fft) P_forcing2 = abs(f_fft) ** 2 P_forcing2 = deltat / 2 * self.oper_coarse.sum_wavenumbers(P_forcing2) P_forcing1 = self.oper_coarse.sum_wavenumbers(P_forcing1) print( "P_f = {:9.4e} ; P_1 = {:9.4e}; P_2 = {:9.4e} (coarse)".format( P_forcing1 + P_forcing2, P_forcing1, P_forcing2 ) )
[docs] def compute(self): """compute a forcing normalize with a 2nd degree eq.""" if mpi.rank == 0: obj = self.compute_forcingc_fft_each_time() if isinstance(obj, dict): kwargs = obj else: kwargs = {self.key_forced: obj} self.fstate_coarse.init_statespect_from(**kwargs) self.oper_coarse.dealiasing_setofvar(self.fstate_coarse.state_spect) self.put_forcingc_in_forcing()
def compute_forcingc_fft_each_time(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class InScriptForcingPseudoSpectralCoarse(SpecificForcingPseudoSpectralCoarse): """Forcing maker for forcing defined by the user in the launching script .. inheritance-diagram:: InScriptForcingPseudoSpectralCoarse """ tag = "in_script_coarse" def __init__(self, sim): super().__init__(sim) self.is_initialized = False
[docs] def compute_forcingc_fft_each_time(self): """Compute the coarse forcing in Fourier space""" return self.oper_coarse.fft(self.compute_forcingc_each_time())
[docs] def compute_forcingc_each_time(self): """Compute the coarse forcing in real space""" return self.oper_coarse.create_arrayX(value=0)
[docs] def monkeypatch_compute_forcingc_fft_each_time(self, func): """Replace the method by a user-defined method""" self.compute_forcingc_fft_each_time = types.MethodType(func, self) self.is_initialized = True
[docs] def monkeypatch_compute_forcingc_each_time(self, func): """Replace the method by a user-defined method""" self.compute_forcingc_each_time = types.MethodType(func, self) self.is_initialized = True
[docs] class Proportional(SpecificForcingPseudoSpectralCoarse): """Specific forcing proportional to the forced variable .. inheritance-diagram:: Proportional """ tag = "proportional"
[docs] def compute(self): """compute a forcing normalize with a 2nd degree eq.""" try: a_fft = self.sim.state.state_spect.get_var(self.key_forced) except ValueError: a_fft = self.sim.state.get_var(self.key_forced) a_fft = self.oper.coarse_seq_from_fft_loc(a_fft, self.shapeK_loc_coarse) if mpi.rank == 0: fa_fft = self.forcingc_raw_each_time(a_fft) kwargs = {self.key_forced: fa_fft} self.fstate_coarse.init_statespect_from(**kwargs) self.put_forcingc_in_forcing()
[docs] def forcingc_raw_each_time(self, vc_fft): """Modify the array fvc_fft to fixe the injection rate. varc : ndarray a variable at the coarse resolution. To be called only with proc 0. """ fvc_fft = vc_fft.copy() fvc_fft[self.COND_NO_F] = 0.0 Z_fft = abs(fvc_fft) ** 2 / 2.0 Z = self.oper_coarse.sum_wavenumbers(Z_fft) deltat = self.sim.time_stepping.deltat alpha = (np.sqrt(1 + deltat * self.forcing_rate / Z) - 1.0) / deltat fvc_fft = alpha * fvc_fft return fvc_fft
[docs] class NormalizedForcing(SpecificForcingPseudoSpectralCoarse): """Specific forcing normalized to keep constant injection .. inheritance-diagram:: NormalizedForcing """ tag = "normalized"
[docs] @classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" super()._complete_params_with_default(params) try: params.forcing.normalized except AttributeError: params.forcing._set_child( "normalized", { "type": "2nd_degree_eq", "which_root": "minabs", "constant_rate_of": None, }, ) params.forcing._set_doc("How the forcing is normalized")
def __init__(self, sim): super().__init__(sim) params_norm = self.params.forcing.normalized if not hasattr(params_norm, "constant_rate_of"): params_norm._set_attr("constant_rate_of", None) if ( params_norm.constant_rate_of is not None and params_norm.type != "2nd_degree_eq" ): raise NotImplementedError( "params.forcing.normalized.constant_rate_of is implemented " 'only for params.forcing.normalized.type == "2nd_degree_eq"' )
[docs] def compute(self): """compute a forcing normalize with a 2nd degree eq.""" if isinstance(self.key_forced, (list, tuple)): keys_forced = self.key_forced else: keys_forced = [self.key_forced] if mpi.rank == 0: state_spect = np.zeros_like(self.fstate_coarse.state_spect) for key_forced in keys_forced: try: a_fft = self.sim.state.state_spect.get_var(key_forced) except ValueError: a_fft = self.sim.state.get_var(key_forced) try: a_fft = self.oper.coarse_seq_from_fft_loc( a_fft, self.shapeK_loc_coarse ) except IndexError: raise ValueError( f"rank={self.oper.rank}; {self.shapeK_loc_coarse = }; " f"{self.oper.shapeK_loc = }" ) if mpi.rank == 0: fa_fft = self.forcingc_raw_each_time(a_fft) self.normalize_forcingc(fa_fft, a_fft, key_forced) kwargs = {key_forced: fa_fft} self.fstate_coarse.init_statespect_from(**kwargs) state_spect += self.fstate_coarse.state_spect self.fstate_coarse.state_spect[:] = state_spect self.put_forcingc_in_forcing()
[docs] def normalize_forcingc(self, fa_fft, a_fft, key_forced=None): """Normalize the coarse forcing""" type_normalize = self.params.forcing.normalized.type if type_normalize == "2nd_degree_eq": self.normalize_forcingc_2nd_degree_eq(fa_fft, a_fft, key_forced) elif type_normalize == "particular_k": self.normalize_forcingc_part_k(fa_fft, a_fft, key_forced) else: ValueError( "Bad value for parameter forcing.type_normalize:", type_normalize )
[docs] def normalize_forcingc_part_k(self, fvc_fft, vc_fft, key_forced=None): """Modify the array fvc_fft to fixe the injection rate. To be called only with proc 0. Parameters ---------- fvc_fft : ndarray The non-normalized forcing at the coarse resolution. vc_fft : ndarray The forced variable at the coarse resolution. """ oper_c = self.oper_coarse oper_c.project_fft_on_realX(fvc_fft) P_forcing2 = np.real(fvc_fft.conj() * vc_fft) P_forcing2 = oper_c.sum_wavenumbers(P_forcing2) # we choice randomly a "particular" wavenumber # in the forced space KX_f = oper_c.KX[~self.COND_NO_F].flatten() KY_f = oper_c.KY[~self.COND_NO_F].flatten() nb_wn_f = len(KX_f) # warning : this is 2d specific! ipart = np.random.randint(0, nb_wn_f - 1) kx_part = KX_f[ipart] ky_part = KY_f[ipart] ikx_part = abs(oper_c.kx_loc - kx_part).argmin() iky_part = abs(oper_c.ky_loc - ky_part).argmin() ik0_part = iky_part ik1_part = ikx_part P_forcing2_part = np.real( fvc_fft[ik0_part, ik1_part].conj() * vc_fft[ik0_part, ik1_part] + fvc_fft[ik0_part, ik1_part] * vc_fft[ik0_part, ik1_part].conj() ) if ikx_part == 0: P_forcing2_part = P_forcing2_part / 2.0 P_forcing2_other = P_forcing2 - P_forcing2_part fvc_fft[ik0_part, ik1_part] = ( -P_forcing2_other / vc_fft[ik0_part, ik1_part].real ) if ikx_part != 0: fvc_fft[ik0_part, ik1_part] = fvc_fft[ik0_part, ik1_part] / 2.0 oper_c.project_fft_on_realX(fvc_fft) # normalisation to obtain the wanted total forcing rate PZ_nonorm = ( oper_c.sum_wavenumbers(abs(fvc_fft) ** 2) * self.sim.time_stepping.deltat / 2 ) fvc_fft *= np.sqrt(float(self.forcing_rate) / PZ_nonorm)
[docs] def normalize_forcingc_2nd_degree_eq(self, fvc_fft, vc_fft, key_forced=None): r"""Modify the array fvc_fft to fixe the injection rate. To be called only with proc 0. .. |p| mathmacro:: \partial .. |var| mathmacro:: \hat\alpha .. |fvar| mathmacro:: \hat f .. |Sum| mathmacro:: \sum_{\mathbf k} We consider that we force a variable |var| with a forcing |fvar|. .. math:: \p_t \var = \fvar We want to normalize the forcing |fvar| such that the average over the time step of the injection of a quadratic quantity be equal to ``self.forcing_rate`` (:math:`P`). Let's consider that the time step starts at :math:`t=0` and that the time increment is :math:`\delta t`. For simplicity, we first consider that the quadratic quantity is the quadratic quantity of the forced variable |var|. Note that this function supports other quadratic quantities (for details, read the code). The average of the injection rate over the time step is: .. math:: P = \int_0^{\delta t} \frac{dt}{\delta t} \Sum \p_t \frac{|\var^2|}{2} = \int_0^{\delta t} \frac{dt}{\delta t} \Sum \var^* \fvar We compute an approximation at first order in :math:`\delta t` so that we can normalize the forcing such that the value given by this approximation is constant for all time steps. For each time step, the forcing |fvar| is constant in time. At first order in :math:`\delta t`, we have during the time step: .. math:: \var(t) \simeq \var(0) + \fvar t and we get .. math:: P \simeq \fvar \int_0^{\delta t} \frac{dt}{\delta t} \Sum (\var(0)^* + \fvar^* t) = \Sum \var(0)^* \fvar + \Sum \frac{|\fvar|^2}{2} \delta t The final forcing |fvar| is proportional to the "random" forcing :math:`\fvar_r`: .. math:: \fvar = R \fvar_r We solve a second-order equation to get the value of the coefficient :math:`R`: .. math:: \left(\Sum \frac{|\fvar_r|^2}{2} \delta t\right) R^2 + \left(\Sum \var(0)^* \fvar_r\right) R - P = 0 Parameters ---------- fvc_fft : ndarray The non-normalized forcing at the coarse resolution. vc_fft : ndarray The forced variable at the coarse resolution. """ oper_c = self.oper_coarse deltat = self.sim.time_stepping.deltat if self.params.forcing.normalized.constant_rate_of is not None: if not hasattr(self.sim.forcing, "compute_coef_ab_normalize"): raise NotImplementedError a, b = self.sim.forcing.compute_coef_ab_normalize( self.params.forcing.normalized.constant_rate_of, key_forced, fvc_fft, vc_fft, deltat, ) else: a = deltat / 2 * oper_c.sum_wavenumbers(abs(fvc_fft) ** 2) b = oper_c.sum_wavenumbers((vc_fft.conj() * fvc_fft).real) c = -self.forcing_rate fvc_fft *= self.coef_normalization_from_abc(a, b, c)
[docs] def coef_normalization_from_abc(self, a, b, c): """Compute the roots of a quadratic equation Compute the roots given the coefficients ``a``, ``b`` and ``c``. Then, select one of the roots based on a criteria and return it. Notes ----- Set params.forcing.normalized.which_root to choose the root with: - ``minabs`` : minimum absolute value - ``first`` : root with positive sign before discriminant - ``second`` : root with negative sign before discriminant - ``positive`` : positive root """ try: alpha1, alpha2 = np.roots([a, b, c]) except ValueError: return 0.0 which_root = self.params.forcing.normalized.which_root if which_root == "minabs": if abs(alpha2) < abs(alpha1): return alpha2 else: return alpha1 elif which_root == "first": return alpha1 elif which_root == "second": return alpha2 elif which_root == "positive": if alpha2 > 0.0: return alpha2 else: return alpha1 else: raise ValueError( "Not sure how to choose which root to normalize forcing with." )
[docs] class RandomSimplePseudoSpectral(NormalizedForcing): """Random normalized forcing .. inheritance-diagram:: RandomSimplePseudoSpectral """ tag = "random"
[docs] @classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" super()._complete_params_with_default(params) try: params.forcing.random except AttributeError: params.forcing._set_child("random", {"only_positive": False})
def __init__(self, sim): super().__init__(sim) if self.params.forcing.random.only_positive: self._min_val = None else: self._min_val = -1
[docs] def compute_forcingc_raw(self): """Random coarse forcing. To be called only with proc 0. """ f_fft = self.oper_coarse.create_arrayK_random(min_val=self._min_val) f_fft[self.COND_NO_F] = 0.0 f_fft = self.oper_coarse.project_fft_on_realX(f_fft) return f_fft
def forcingc_raw_each_time(self, _): return self.compute_forcingc_raw()
[docs] class TimeCorrelatedRandomPseudoSpectral(RandomSimplePseudoSpectral): """Time correlated random normalized forcing .. inheritance-diagram:: TimeCorrelatedRandomPseudoSpectral """ tag = "tcrandom"
[docs] @classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" super()._complete_params_with_default(params) try: params.forcing.tcrandom except AttributeError: params.forcing._set_child( "tcrandom", {"time_correlation": "based_on_forcing_rate"} )
def __init__(self, sim): super().__init__(sim) if mpi.rank == 0: self._forcing_state_file_path = ( Path(sim.output.path_run) / "_forcing_state.txt" ) if self._forcing_state_file_path.exists(): with open(self._forcing_state_file_path) as file: lines = file.readlines() t_last_change, seed0, seed1 = lines[-1].split() self.t_last_change = float(t_last_change) self._seed0 = int(seed0) self._seed1 = int(seed1) else: self.t_last_change = self.sim.time_stepping.t self._seed0 = np.random.randint(0, 2**31) self._seed1 = np.random.randint(0, 2**31) self._save_state() np.random.seed(self._seed0) self.forcing0 = self.compute_forcingc_raw() np.random.seed(self._seed1) self.forcing1 = self.compute_forcingc_raw() pforcing = self.params.forcing try: time_correlation = pforcing[self.tag].time_correlation except AttributeError: time_correlation = pforcing.tcrandom.time_correlation if time_correlation == "based_on_forcing_rate": self.period_change_f0f1 = self.forcing_rate ** (-1.0 / 3) else: self.period_change_f0f1 = time_correlation
[docs] def forcingc_raw_each_time(self, a_fft): """Return a coarse forcing as a linear combination of 2 random arrays Compute the new random coarse forcing arrays when necessary. """ tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t if tsim - self.t_last_change >= self.period_change_f0f1: self.t_last_change = tsim self._seed0 = self._seed1 self.forcing0 = self.forcing1 self._seed1 = np.random.randint(0, 2**31) np.random.seed(self._seed1) self.forcing1 = self.compute_forcingc_raw() self._save_state() f_fft = self.forcingc_from_f0f1() return f_fft
def _save_state(self): if not self.params.output.HAS_TO_SAVE: return with open(self._forcing_state_file_path, "w") as file: file.write( "# do not modify by hand\n# t_last_change seed0 seed1\n" f"{self.t_last_change} {self._seed0} {self._seed1}\n" )
[docs] def forcingc_from_f0f1(self): """Return a coarse forcing as a linear combination of 2 random arrays""" tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t deltat = self.period_change_f0f1 omega = np.pi / deltat deltaf = self.forcing1 - self.forcing0 f_fft = ( self.forcing1 - 0.5 * (np.cos((tsim - self.t_last_change) * omega) + 1) * deltaf ) return f_fft