Source code for fluidsim_core.scripts.restart

"""Restart a fluidsim simulation (:mod:`fluidsim.util.scripts.restart`)

.. autoclass:: RestarterABC


from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import argparse
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
from textwrap import dedent

# import potentially needed for the exec
from math import pi

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

from fluidsim_core.scripts import parse_args

[docs] class RestarterABC(metaclass=ABCMeta):
[docs] def create_parser(self): """Create the argument parser with default arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Restart a fluidsim simulation", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "path", type=str, help="Path of the directory or file from which to restart", ) parser.add_argument( "-oc", "--only-check", action="store_true", help="Only check what should be done", ) parser.add_argument( "-oi", "--only-init", action="store_true", help="Only run initialization phase", ) parser.add_argument( "--modify-params", type=str, default=None, help="Code modifying the `params` object.", ) parser.add_argument( "--new-dir-results", action="store_true", help="Create a new directory for the new simulation", ) return parser
[docs] def restart(self, args=None, **defaults): """Restart a simulation""" parser = self.create_parser() if defaults: parser.set_defaults(**defaults) args = parse_args(parser, args) params, Simul = self._get_params_simul_class(args) params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS = args.new_dir_results self._set_params_time_stepping(params, args) if args.only_check or args.only_init: params.output.HAS_TO_SAVE = False if hasattr(args, "max_elapsed") and args.max_elapsed is not None: params.time_stepping.max_elapsed = args.max_elapsed path_restart_file = self._get_path_restart_file(params, args) if args.modify_params is not None: exec(args.modify_params) if args.only_check: mpi.printby0(params) return params, None try: self._check_params_time_stepping(params, path_restart_file, args) except ValueError: return params, None sim = Simul(params) if args.only_init: return params, sim self._start_sim(sim, args) mpi.printby0( self._str_command_after_simul.format(path_run=sim.output.path_run) ) return params, sim
_str_command_after_simul = dedent( """ # To visualize with IPython: cd {path_run}; fluidsim-ipy-load """ )
[docs] @abstractmethod def _get_params_simul_class(self, args): "Create params object and Simul class"
[docs] @abstractmethod def _set_params_time_stepping(self, params, args): "Set time stepping parameters"
[docs] @abstractmethod def _start_sim(self, sim, args): "Start the new simulation"
[docs] @abstractmethod def _check_params_time_stepping(self, params, path_file, args): "Check time stepping parameters"
[docs] def _get_path_restart_file(self, params, args): path_file = Path(params.init_fields.from_file.path) mpi.printby0(path_file) return path_file
[docs] def main(self): """Entry point fluidsim-restart""" params, sim = self.restart() if sim is not None and sim.time_stepping._has_to_stop: if mpi.rank == 0: # processes with rank 0 exits early with exit code 99 or 0 exit_code = 99 if ( Path(sim.output.path_run) / "IDEMPOTENT_NO_RELAUNCH" ).exists(): exit_code = 0 print("Simulation is not completed and could be relaunched") if mpi.nb_proc > 1: mpi.comm.barrier() if mpi.rank == 0: sys.exit(exit_code) sleep(0.5) sys.exit()