Source code for fluidsim_core.output.movies

"""Movies output

Contains base classes which acts as a framework to
implement the method ``animate`` to make movies.


.. autoclass:: MoviesBase

.. autoclass:: MoviesBase1D

.. autoclass:: MoviesBase2D

.. autoclass:: MoviesBasePhysFields

.. autoclass:: MoviesBasePhysFieldsHexa


from abc import abstractmethod
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from matplotlib.widgets import Button
import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1

from fluiddyn.util import mpi, is_run_from_jupyter

[docs] class MoviesBase: """Base class defining most generic functions for movies.""" def __init__(self, output): params = output.sim.params self.output = output self.sim = output.sim self.params = params.output self.oper = self.sim.oper self._set_font()
[docs] def _set_font(self, family="serif", size=12): """Use to set font attribute. May be either an alias (generic name is CSS parlance), such as serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, or monospace, a real font name or a list of real font names. """ self.font = { "family": family, "color": "black", "weight": "normal", "size": size, }
[docs] def init_animation( self, key_field, numfig, dt_equations, tmin, tmax, fig_kw, **kwargs ): """Initializes animated fig. and list of times of save files to load.""" self._set_key_field(key_field) self._init_ani_times(tmin, tmax, dt_equations) self.fig, = plt.subplots( num=numfig, layout="constrained", **fig_kw ) self._init_labels() if not self._interactive: return # see playerax = self.fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.015, 0.22, 0.04]) divider = mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.make_axes_locatable(playerax) bax = divider.append_axes("right", size="80%", pad=0.05) sax = divider.append_axes("right", size="80%", pad=0.05) fax = divider.append_axes("right", size="80%", pad=0.05) ofax = divider.append_axes("right", size="100%", pad=0.05) self._buttons = [] def init_button(ax, label, method): button = Button(ax, label=label) button.on_clicked(method) self._buttons.append(button) init_button(playerax, "$\u29CF$", self._one_backward) init_button(bax, "$\u25C0$", self._backward) init_button(sax, "$\u25A0$", self.pause) init_button(fax, "$\u25B6$", self._forward) init_button(ofax, "$\u29D0$", self._one_forward)
[docs] def resume(self): self.paused = False self._animation.resume()
[docs] def pause(self, event=None): self.paused = True self._animation.pause()
[docs] def _forward(self, event=None): self._forwards = True self.resume()
[docs] def _backward(self, event=None): self._forwards = False self.resume()
[docs] def _one_forward(self, event=None): self._forwards = True self.onestep()
[docs] def _one_backward(self, event=None): self._forwards = False self.onestep()
[docs] def _get_default_tmax(self): try: return self.sim.time_stepping.t except AttributeError: return self.phys_fields.set_of_phys_files.get_max_time()
[docs] def _init_ani_times(self, tmin, tmax, dt_equations): """Initialization of the variable ani_times for one animation.""" if tmax is None or tmin is None: self.phys_fields.set_of_phys_files.update_times() if tmax is None: tmax = self._get_default_tmax() if tmin is None: tmin = self.phys_fields.set_of_phys_files.get_min_time() if tmin > tmax: raise ValueError( "Error tmin > tmax. Value tmin should be smaller than tmax" ) if dt_equations is None: dt_equations = self.params.periods_save.phys_fields if dt_equations > tmax: self.ani_times = np.array([tmin, tmax]) else: self.ani_times = np.arange(tmin, tmax, dt_equations)
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_animation(self, frame, **fargs): """Replace this function to load data for next frame and update the figure. """
[docs] def get_field_to_plot(self, time=None, key=None, equation=None): """ Once a saved file is loaded, this selects the field and mpi-gathers. Returns ------- field : nd array or string """ raise NotImplementedError( "get_field_to_plot function declaration missing." )
[docs] def _init_labels(self, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): """Initialize the labels.""" if xlabel is None: xlabel = self.sim.oper.axes[1] if ylabel is None: ylabel = self.sim.oper.axes[0] if xlabel:, fontdict=self.font) if ylabel:, fontdict=self.font)
[docs] def _get_axis_data(self): """Replace this function to load axis data.""" raise NotImplementedError("_get_axis_data function declaration missing.")
[docs] def _set_key_field(self, key_field=None): """ Defines key_field default. """ self.key_field = self.phys_fields.get_key_field_to_plot( forbid_compute=True, key_prefered=key_field )
[docs] def animate( self, key_field=None, dt_frame_in_sec=0.3, dt_equations=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, repeat=True, save_file=False, numfig=None, interactive=None, fargs={}, fig_kw={}, **kwargs, ): """Load the key field from multiple save files and display as an animated plot or save as a movie file. Parameters ---------- key_field : str Specifies which field to animate dt_frame_in_sec : float Interval between animated frames in seconds dt_equations : float Approx. interval between saved files to load in simulation time units tmax : float Animate till time `tmax`. repeat : bool Loop the animation save_file : str or bool Path to save the movie. When `True` saves into a file instead of plotting it on screen (default: ~/fluidsim_movie.mp4). Specify a string to save to another file location. Format is autodetected from the filename extension. numfig : int Figure number on the window interactive : bool Add player buttons (pause, step by step and forward/backward) fargs : dict Dictionary of arguments for `update_animation`. Matplotlib requirement. fig_kw : dict Dictionary for arguments for the figure. Other Parameters ---------------- All `kwargs` are passed on to `init_animation` and `_ani_save` xmax : float Set x-axis limit for 1D animated plots ymax : float Set y-axis limit for 1D animated plots clim : tuple Set colorbar limits for 2D animated plots step : int Set step value to get a coarse 2D field QUIVER : bool Set quiver on or off on top of 2D pcolor plots normalize_vectors : bool (default True) Normalize the vectors at each time by the instantaneous maximum quiver_kw: dict Dictionary for arguments for the quiver call. pcolor_kw: dict Dictionary for arguments for the pcolormesh call. codec : str Codec used to save into a movie file (default: ffmpeg) Examples -------- >>> import fluidsim as fls >>> sim = fls.load_sim_for_plot() >>> animate = sim.output.spectra.animate >>> animate('E') >>> animate('rot') >>> animate('rot', dt_equations=0.1, dt_frame_in_sec=50, clim=(-5, 5)) >>> animate('rot', clim=(-300, 300), fig_kw={"figsize": (14, 4)}) >>> animate('rot', tmax=25, clim=(-5, 5), save_file='True') >>> animate('rot', clim=(-5, 5), save_file='~/fluidsim.gif', codec='imagemagick') .. TODO: Use FuncAnimation with blit=True option. Notes ----- This method is kept as generic as possible. Any arguments specific to 1D, 2D or 3D animations or specific to a type of output are be passed via keyword arguments (``kwargs``) into its respective ``init_animation`` or ``update_animation`` methods. """ if mpi.rank > 0: raise NotImplementedError("Do NOT use this function with MPI !") if interactive and save_file: raise ValueError("Incompatible options interactive and save_file") self._interactive = interactive self.init_animation( key_field, numfig, dt_equations, tmin, tmax, fig_kw, **kwargs ) if isinstance(repeat, int) and repeat: nb_repeat = repeat repeat = False else: nb_repeat = 1 self._min = 0 self._max = nb_repeat * len(self.ani_times) - 1 frames = self._max + 1 if interactive: frames = self._frames_iterative self._forwards = True self._index = self._min = 0 self._animation = animation.FuncAnimation( self.fig, self.update_animation, frames=frames, fargs=fargs.items(), interval=dt_frame_in_sec * 1000, blit=False, repeat=repeat, save_count=self._max, ) self.paused = False if save_file: if not isinstance(save_file, str): save_file = r"~/fluidsim_movie.mp4" self._ani_save(save_file, dt_frame_in_sec, **kwargs) return self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self._toggle_pause)
[docs] def _frames_iterative(self): while not self.paused: self._index += self._forwards - (not self._forwards) frame = self._index if frame < self._min: self._index = frame = self._max elif frame > self._max: self._index = frame = self._min elif frame == self._max or frame == self._min: self.pause() yield frame
[docs] def onestep(self): self.pause() if self._index > self._min and self._index < self._max: self._index += self._forwards - (not self._forwards) elif self._index == self._min: if self._forwards: self._index += 1 else: self._index = self._max elif self._index == self._max: if not self._forwards: self._index -= 1 else: self._index = self._min self.update_animation(self._index) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def _toggle_pause(self, event): if event.inaxes != self.fig.axes[0]: return if self.paused: self._animation.resume() else: self._animation.pause() self.paused = not self.paused
[docs] def interact( self, key_field=None, dt_equations=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, fig_kw={}, **kwargs, ): """Launches an interactive plot. Parameters ---------- key_field : str Specifies which field to animate dt_equations : float Approx. interval between saved files to load in simulation time units tmax : float Animate till time `tmax`. fig_kw : dict Dictionary for arguments for the figure. Other Parameters ---------------- All `kwargs` are passed on to `init_animation` and `_ani_save` xmax : float Set x-axis limit for 1D animated plots ymax : float Set y-axis limit for 1D animated plots clim : tuple Set colorbar limits for 2D animated plots step : int Set step value to get a coarse 2D field QUIVER : bool Set quiver on or off on top of 2D pcolor plots quiver_kw: dict Dictionary for arguments for the quiver call. Notes ----- Installation instructions for notebook:: pip install ipywidgets jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension Restart the notebook and call the function using:: >>> %matplotlib notebook For JupyterLab:: pip install ipywidgets ipympl jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager Restart JupyterLab and call the function using:: >>> %matplotlib widget """ try: from ipywidgets import interact, widgets except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( "See fluidsim_core.output.movies.interact docstring." ) from exc if not is_run_from_jupyter(): raise ValueError("Works only inside Jupyter.") self._interactive = False self.init_animation( key_field, 0, dt_equations, tmin, tmax, fig_kw, **kwargs ) if tmin is None: tmin = self.ani_times[0] if tmax is None: tmax = self.ani_times[-1] if dt_equations is None: dt_equations = self.ani_times[1] - self.ani_times[0] slider = widgets.FloatSlider( min=float(tmin), max=float(tmax), step=float(dt_equations), value=float(tmin), ) def widget_update(time): frame = np.argmin(abs(self.ani_times - time)) self.update_animation(frame) self.fig.canvas.draw() interact(widget_update, time=slider)
[docs] def _ani_save(self, path_file, dt_frame_in_sec, codec="ffmpeg", **kwargs): """Saves the animation using `matplotlib.animation.writers`.""" path_file = os.path.expandvars(path_file) path_file = os.path.expanduser(path_file) avail_writers = animation.writers.list() if len(avail_writers) == 0: raise ValueError( "Please install a codec library. For e.g. ffmpeg, mencoder, " "imagemagick, html" ) elif codec not in avail_writers: print(f"Using one of the available codecs: {avail_writers}") codec = avail_writers[0] Writer = animation.writers[codec] print("Saving movie to ", path_file, "...") writer = Writer( fps=1.0 / dt_frame_in_sec, metadata=dict(artist="FluidSim") ) # _animation is a FuncAnimation object, writer=writer, dpi=150)
[docs] class MoviesBase1D(MoviesBase): """Base class defining most generic functions for movies for 1D data."""
[docs] def _init_labels(self, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): """Initialize the labels.""" if xlabel is None: xlabel = self.sim.oper.axes[0] if ylabel is None: ylabel = False super()._init_labels(xlabel, ylabel)
[docs] def init_animation( self, key_field, numfig, dt_equations, tmin, tmax, fig_kw, **kwargs ): """Initializes animated figure.""" super().init_animation( key_field, numfig, dt_equations, tmin, tmax, fig_kw, **kwargs ) ax = (self._ani_line,) = ax.plot([], []) if "xmax" in kwargs: ax.set_xlim(0, kwargs["xmax"]) else: ax.set_xlim(0, self.output.sim.oper.lx) if "ymax" in kwargs: ax.set_ylim(1e-16, kwargs["ymax"])
[docs] def get_field_to_plot(self, time, key): return self.phys_fields.get_field_to_plot(time=time, key=self.key_field)
[docs] def update_animation(self, frame, **fargs): """Loads contour data and updates figure.""" time = self.ani_times[frame % len(self.ani_times)] y, time = self.get_field_to_plot(time=time, key=self.key_field) x = self._get_axis_data() self._ani_line.set_data(x, y) self.key_field + f", $t = {time:.3f}$\n" + self.output.summary_simul ) return self._ani_line
[docs] def _get_axis_data(self): """Get axis data. Returns ------- x : array x-axis data. """ try: x = self.oper.xs except AttributeError: x = self.oper.x_seq return x
[docs] class MoviesBase2D(MoviesBase): """Base class defining most generic functions for movies for 2D data."""
[docs] def _get_axis_data(self): """Get axis data. Returns ------- x : array x-axis data. y : array y-axis data. """ return self.phys_fields._get_axis_data(self.phys_fields._equation)
[docs] class MoviesBasePhysFields(MoviesBase2D): def __init__(self, output, phys_fields): self.phys_fields = phys_fields super().__init__(output)
[docs] def init_animation( self, key_field, numfig, dt_equations, tmin, tmax, fig_kw, **kwargs ): """Initialize list of files and times, pcolor plot, quiver and colorbar.""" self.phys_fields.set_of_phys_files.update_times() self.time_files = self.phys_fields.set_of_phys_files.times if "equation" in kwargs: equation = kwargs["equation"] print(f"phys_fields.set_equation_crosssection({equation})") self.phys_fields.set_equation_crosssection(equation) dt_equations_reasonable = np.median(np.diff(self.time_files)) / 2 if dt_equations is None: dt_equations = dt_equations_reasonable print(f"{dt_equations = :.4f}") if tmax is None: tmax = self.time_files.max() else: if tmax > self.time_files.max(): raise ValueError( f"{tmax=} has to be smaller or equal to " f"{self.time_files.max()}." ) if tmin is None: tmin = self.time_files.min() super().init_animation( key_field, numfig, dt_equations, tmin, tmax, fig_kw, **kwargs ) dt_file = (self.time_files[-1] - self.time_files[0]) / len( self.time_files ) if dt_equations < dt_file / 4: raise ValueError(f"dt_equations < {dt_file / 4 = }") if dt_equations > (tmax - tmin) / 2: raise ValueError( f"{dt_equations = } > {(tmax - tmin) / 2 = }. " "Set dt_equations to None to get a reasonable value " f"({dt_equations_reasonable})" ) field, time = self.phys_fields.get_field_to_plot( self.key_field, time=tmin ) try: vec_xaxis, vec_yaxis = self.phys_fields.get_vector_for_plot(time=time) except ValueError: self.phys_fields._can_plot_quiver = False vec_xaxis = vec_yaxis = None else: self.phys_fields._can_plot_quiver = True self._init_fig(field, time, vec_xaxis, vec_yaxis, **kwargs)
[docs] def _init_fig(self, field, time, vec_xaxis=None, vec_yaxis=None, **kwargs): """Initialize only the figure and related matplotlib objects. This method is shared by both ``animate`` and ``online_plot`` functionalities. """ self._step = step = 1 if "step" not in kwargs else kwargs["step"] self._QUIVER = True if "QUIVER" not in kwargs else kwargs["QUIVER"] quiver_kw = {} if "quiver_kw" not in kwargs else kwargs["quiver_kw"] pcolor_kw = {} if "pcolor_kw" not in kwargs else kwargs["pcolor_kw"] tmp_key = "normalize_vectors" normalize_vectors = {} if tmp_key not in kwargs else kwargs[tmp_key] x, y = self._get_axis_data() x, y = x[::step], y[::step] XX, YY = np.meshgrid(x, y) field = field[::step, ::step] assert (len(y), len(x)) == field.shape self._im = XX, YY, field, shading="nearest", **pcolor_kw ) self._ani_cbar = self.fig.colorbar(self._im) vmax = None if self.phys_fields._can_plot_quiver and self._QUIVER: self._ani_quiver, vmax = self.phys_fields._quiver_plot(, vec_xaxis, vec_yaxis, XX, YY, normalize_vectors=normalize_vectors, skip=self.phys_fields._skip_quiver, **quiver_kw, ) self._clim = kwargs.get("clim") self._set_clim() if not hasattr(self, "key_field"): self._set_key_field() self.phys_fields._set_title(, self.key_field, time, vmax)
[docs] def update_animation(self, frame, **fargs): """Loads data and updates figure.""" time = self.ani_times[frame % len(self.ani_times)] step = self._step field, time = self.phys_fields.get_field_to_plot( time=time, key=self.key_field, interpolate_time=True, ) field = field[::step, ::step] # Update figure, quiver and colorbar self._im.set_array(field.flatten()) if self.phys_fields._can_plot_quiver and self._QUIVER: vec_xaxis, vec_yaxis = self.phys_fields.get_vector_for_plot(time=time) vmax = np.max(np.sqrt(vec_xaxis**2 + vec_yaxis**2)) skip = self.phys_fields._skip_quiver self._ani_quiver.set_UVC( vec_xaxis[::skip, ::skip] / vmax, vec_yaxis[::skip, ::skip] / vmax ) else: vmax = None self._im.autoscale() self._set_clim() self.phys_fields._set_title(, self.key_field, time, vmax)
[docs] def _set_clim(self): """Maintains a constant colorbar throughout the animation.""" clim = self._clim if clim is not None: self._im.set_clim(*clim) ticks = np.linspace(*clim, num=11, endpoint=True) self._ani_cbar.set_ticks(ticks)
[docs] class MoviesBasePhysFieldsHexa(MoviesBasePhysFields):
[docs] def _init_fig(self, field, time, vec_xaxis=None, vec_yaxis=None, **kwargs): """Initialize only the figure and related matplotlib objects. This method is shared by both ``animate`` and ``online_plot`` functionalities. """ self._step = step = 1 if "step" not in kwargs else kwargs["step"] self._QUIVER = True if "QUIVER" not in kwargs else kwargs["QUIVER"] vmin = None if "vmin" not in kwargs else kwargs["vmin"] vmax = None if "vmax" not in kwargs else kwargs["vmax"] quiver_kw = {} if "quiver_kw" not in kwargs else kwargs["quiver_kw"] pcolor_kw = {} if "pcolor_kw" not in kwargs else kwargs["pcolor_kw"] tmp_key = "normalize_vectors" self.normalize_vectors = {} if tmp_key not in kwargs else kwargs[tmp_key] if step != 1: raise NotImplementedError hexa_x, hexa_y = self._get_axis_data() hexa_field = field hexa_vec_xaxis = vec_xaxis hexa_vec_yaxis = vec_yaxis set_of_phys_files = self.phys_fields.set_of_phys_files ax = self._images, self._ani_cbar = set_of_phys_files.init_hexa_pcolormesh( ax, hexa_field, hexa_x, hexa_y, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **pcolor_kw ) self._clim = kwargs.get("clim") self._set_clim() skip_vars = [] if self.key_field != "temperature": skip_vars.append("temperature") if self.key_field != "pressure": skip_vars.append("pressure") self._skip_vars = tuple(skip_vars) if self._QUIVER: assert hexa_x.equation == hexa_vec_xaxis.equation, ( hexa_x.equation, hexa_vec_xaxis.equation, ) ( self._indices_vectors_in_elems, x_quiver, y_quiver, ) = set_of_phys_files.init_quiver_1st_step( hexa_x, hexa_y, percentage_dx_quiver=4.0 ) vx_quiver, vy_quiver, vmax = set_of_phys_files.compute_vectors_quiver( hexa_vec_xaxis, hexa_vec_yaxis, self._indices_vectors_in_elems ) if self.normalize_vectors: vx_quiver /= vmax vy_quiver /= vmax self._ani_quiver = ax.quiver( x_quiver, y_quiver, vx_quiver, vy_quiver, **quiver_kw ) else: vmax = None self.phys_fields._set_title(ax, self.key_field, time, vmax)
[docs] def update_animation(self, frame, **fargs): """Loads data and updates figure.""" time = self.ani_times[frame % len(self.ani_times)] # step = self._step phys_fields = self.phys_fields set_of_phys_files = phys_fields.set_of_phys_files hexa_field, time = phys_fields.get_field_to_plot( time=time, key=self.key_field, interpolate_time=True, skip_vars=self._skip_vars, ) for image, array in zip(self._images, hexa_field.arrays): image.set_array(array.flatten()) if self._QUIVER: hexa_vec_xaxis, hexa_vec_yaxis = phys_fields.get_vector_for_plot( time=time, skip_vars=self._skip_vars ) vx_quiver, vy_quiver, vmax = set_of_phys_files.compute_vectors_quiver( hexa_vec_xaxis, hexa_vec_yaxis, self._indices_vectors_in_elems ) if self.normalize_vectors: vx_quiver /= vmax vy_quiver /= vmax self._ani_quiver.set_UVC(vx_quiver, vy_quiver) else: vmax = None self.phys_fields._set_title(, self.key_field, time, vmax)
[docs] def _set_clim(self): """Maintains a constant colorbar throughout the animation.""" clim = self._clim if clim is not None: for image in self._images: image.set_clim(*clim) ticks = np.linspace(*clim, num=11, endpoint=True) self._ani_cbar.set_ticks(ticks)
[docs] def _init_labels(self, xlabel=None, ylabel=None): """Initialize the labels.""" ( letter_x_axis, letter_y_axis, ) = self.phys_fields.set_of_phys_files.get_letters_axes_from_equation( self.phys_fields._equation ) super()._init_labels(f"${letter_x_axis}$", f"${letter_y_axis}$")