Source code for fluidsim_core.output.base

"""Output API

.. autoclass:: SimReprMakerCore

.. autoclass:: OutputCore
   :special-members: __init__


from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractstaticmethod
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep

import fluiddyn
from fluiddyn.util import time_as_str, mpi

from fluidsim_core import __version__

[docs] class SimReprMakerCore: """Code to create strings to represent a simulation""" def __init__(self, sim): self.sim = sim self.params = sim.params self.ordered_keys = [] self.parameters = {} self.formats = {} def add_word(self, word): if word: self.ordered_keys.append(("__word", word)) def add_parameters(self, parameters, formats=None, indices=None): for key in parameters: if indices and key in indices: index = indices[key] self.ordered_keys.insert(index, ("__parameter", key)) else: self.ordered_keys.append(("__parameter", key)) self.parameters.update(parameters) if formats: self.formats.update(formats) def _make_list_repr(self): list_repr = [] for kind, value in self.ordered_keys: if kind == "__word": list_repr.append(value) elif kind == "__parameter": name_parameter = value parameter = self.parameters[name_parameter] if isinstance(parameter, float): default_fmt = ".3f" else: default_fmt = "" fmt = self.formats.get(name_parameter, default_fmt) str_parameter = ("{:" + fmt + "}").format(parameter) if fmt and fmt[-1] in ["e", "g"] and "e+" in str_parameter: str_parameter = str_parameter.replace("e+", "e") if "e" not in str_parameter and "." in str_parameter: str_parameter = str_parameter.rstrip("0") if str_parameter.endswith("."): str_parameter = str_parameter[:-1] list_repr.append((name_parameter, str_parameter)) else: raise ValueError return list_repr def get_list_repr(self): if not hasattr(self, "_list_repr"): self._list_repr = self._make_list_repr() return self._list_repr def time_from_path_run(self, path_run): if isinstance(path_run, Path): path_run = return "_".join(path_run.split("_")[-2:]) def get_time_as_str(self): params = self.sim.params if not params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS: return self.time_from_path_run(params.path_run) else: return time_as_str()
[docs] def make_representations(self): """Generate a unique name and summary for the simulation run""" time = self.get_time_as_str() list_repr = self.get_list_repr().copy() list_repr.append(time) for_name = [] for_summary = [] for obj in list_repr: if isinstance(obj, tuple): name_parameter, str_parameter = obj obj = f"{name_parameter}{str_parameter}" str_summary = f"{name_parameter}={str_parameter}" else: str_summary = obj.replace("_", ", ") for_name.append(obj) for_summary.append(str_summary) name_run = "_".join(for_name) summary_simul = ", ".join(for_summary) return name_run, summary_simul
[docs] class OutputCore(ABC): """Base Output class""" SimReprMaker = SimReprMakerCore
[docs] @abstractstaticmethod def _complete_info_solver(info_solver): """Complete the ParamContainer info_solver. More *specialized output* classes may be assigned as follows: .. code-block:: python classes = info_solver.classes.Output.classes classes._set_child( "PrintStdOut", attribs={ "module_name": "package.module", "class_name": "MyPrintStdOut", }, ) """ info_solver.classes.Output._set_child("classes")
[docs] @abstractstaticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params, info_solver): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" attribs = { "HAS_TO_SAVE": True, "sub_directory": "", # Possibly more ... } params._set_child("output", attribs=attribs)
# params.output._set_doc("...")
[docs] @abstractmethod def __init__(self, sim): """Initializes the instance attributes and child *output* classes. .. note:: This class relies on a boolean parameter ``params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS``. """ #: The simulation class self.sim = sim if hasattr(sim, "oper"): #: An alias towards the Operators object self.oper = sim.oper params = sim.params #: The tree of parameters for output-related classes self.params = params.output #: Determines whether to save output files on-the-fly self._has_to_save = self.params.HAS_TO_SAVE #: Alias for solver short-name self.name_solver = # initialisation name_run and path_run if mpi.rank == 0: self._init_name_run() else: self.name_run = None if not params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS: try: self.path_run = str(params.path_run) except AttributeError: params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS = True print( "Strange: params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS == False " "but no params.path_run" ) # if _has_to_save, we verify the correspondence between the # resolution of the simulation and the resolution of the # previous simulation saved in this directory if self._has_to_save: if mpi.rank == 0: try: params_dir = sim.Parameters._load_params_simul( self.path_run ) except IOError: raise ValueError( "Strange, no info_simul.h5 in self.path_run" ) cond = False for n in ("nx", "ny", "nz"): try: # Mismatch in resolution if getattr(params.oper, n) != getattr( params_dir.oper, n ): cond = True break except AttributeError: pass if cond: params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS = True print( """ Warning: params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS is False but the resolutions of the simulation and of the simulation in the directory self.path_run are different we put params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS = True""" ) if mpi.nb_proc > 1: params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS = mpi.comm.bcast( params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS ) if params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS: #: Full path of the output directory for this specific simulation self.path_run = self._init_path_run() if mpi.nb_proc > 1: # ensure same name_run across all processes self.name_run = mpi.comm.bcast(self.name_run, root=0) self.sim.name_run = self.name_run #: Optionally an instance of class PrintStdout which writes output # to stdout and also a file buffer self.print_stdout = print
[docs] def _init_path_run(self): """Initialize a unique path for the simulation. Returns ------- str """ params = self.sim.params if FLUIDDYN_PATH_SCRATCH is not None: path_base = FLUIDDYN_PATH_SCRATCH else: path_base = FLUIDSIM_PATH path_base = Path(path_base) if len(params.output.sub_directory) > 0: path_base = path_base / params.output.sub_directory if mpi.rank == 0: while True: path_run = path_base / self.name_run if not params.output.HAS_TO_SAVE: break if not path_run.exists(): try: path_run.mkdir(parents=True) except OSError: # in case of simultaneously launched simulations print( 'Warning: NEW_DIR_RESULTS=True, but path"', path_run, "already exists. Trying a new path...", ) sleep(1) self._init_name_run() else: break else: sleep(1) self._init_name_run() path_run = str(path_run) else: path_run = None if mpi.rank == 0: params._set_attrib("path_run", path_run) if mpi.nb_proc > 1: path_run = mpi.comm.bcast(path_run, root=0) return path_run
[docs] def _init_sim_repr_maker(self): """Create a list of strings to make the run name. Returns ------- :any:`fluidsim_core.output.base.SimReprMakerCore` """ sim = self.sim sim_repr_maker = self.SimReprMaker(sim) sim_repr_maker.add_word(self.name_solver) sim_repr_maker.add_word(sim.params.short_name_type_run) # Modify sim_repr_maker as necessary return sim_repr_maker
[docs] def _init_name_run(self): """Initialize the ``name_run`` and ``summary_simul`` attributes by calling :any:`fluidsim_core.output.base.SimReprMakerCore.make_representations` """ if not hasattr(self, "_sim_repr_maker"): self._sim_repr_maker = self._init_sim_repr_maker() ( #: Name of the output directory for this specific simulation self.name_run, self.summary_simul, ) = self._sim_repr_maker.make_representations()
[docs] @abstractmethod def post_init(self): """Execute once the sim object is injected with all child classes. Typically used to print descriptive initialization messages. """ sim = self.sim if mpi.rank == 0: objects_to_print = { "sim": sim, "sim.output": sim.output, } for key, obj in objects_to_print.items(): self.print_stdout(f"{key + ': ':20s}" + str(obj.__class__)) self._save_info_solver_params_xml()
[docs] def _save_info_solver_params_xml(self, replace=False, comment=""): """Save files with information on the solver and on the run.""" if ( mpi.rank == 0 and self._has_to_save and self.sim.params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS ): comment = f"""\ This file should not be modified (except for adding xml comments). Created by the Python programs: FluidDyn {fluiddyn.__version__} FluidSim Core {__version__} {comment} """ path_run = Path(self.path_run) info_solver_xml_path = path_run / "info_solver.xml" params_xml_path = path_run / "params_simul.xml" # save info on the run if replace: info_solver_xml_path.unlink() params_xml_path.unlink() path_file=info_solver_xml_path, comment=comment ) self.sim.params._save_as_xml( path_file=params_xml_path, comment=comment )