Source code for fluidsim.util.util

"""Utilities for the numerical simulations (:mod:`fluidsim.util.util`)


import json
import os
import time
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy as _deepcopy
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import partial
from importlib import import_module
from pathlib import Path
from time import perf_counter
from math import radians

import h5netcdf
import h5py
import numpy as np

import fluiddyn as fld
from import stdout_redirected
from fluiddyn.util import mpi
from fluiddyn.util import get_memory_usage

from fluidsim_core import loader
from fluidsim_core.output.dataframe_from_paths import DataframeMaker

from fluidsim_core.paths import find_path_result_dir

from fluidsim.base.params import (
from fluidsim.base.solvers.info_base import create_info_simul
from fluidsim.extend_simul import _extend_simul_class_from_path

from .output import save_file

available_solvers = partial(
    loader.available_solvers, entrypoint_grp="fluidsim.solvers"

import_module_solver_from_key = partial(
    loader.import_module_solver, entrypoint_grp="fluidsim.solvers"

import_simul_class_from_key = partial(
    loader.import_cls_simul, entrypoint_grp="fluidsim.solvers"

# A bad hack to silence a h5netcdf warning
h5netcdf.File = partial(h5netcdf.File, decode_vlen_strings=True)
# FutureWarning: String decoding changed with h5py >= 3.0. See
# and
# for more details. Currently
# backwards compatibility with h5py < 3.0 is kept by decoding vlen strings per
# default. This will change in future versions for consistency with h5py >= 3.0.
# To silence this warning set kwarg ``decode_vlen_strings=False`` which will
# return Python bytes from variables containing vlen strings. Setting
# ``decode_vlen_strings=True`` forces vlen string decoding which returns Python
# strings from variables containing vlen strings.

def print_memory_usage_seq(message, flush=None):
    mem = get_memory_usage()
    print(message, f"{mem/1024: 7.3f} Go", flush=flush)

def available_solver_keys():
    """List all available solvers.


    return sorted(available_solvers())

def get_dim_from_solver_key(key):
    """Try to guess the dimension from the solver key (via the operator name)."""
    cls = import_simul_class_from_key(key)
    info = cls.InfoSolver(only_root=True)
    class_name = info.classes.Operators.class_name

    # special cases:
    if class_name == "OperatorsPseudoSpectralSW1L":
        return "2"

    for dim in range(4):
        if str(dim) in class_name:
            return str(dim)

    raise NotImplementedError(
        "Cannot deduce dimension of the solver from the name " + class_name

pathdir_from_namedir = find_path_result_dir

class ModulesSolvers(dict):
    """Dictionary to gather imported solvers."""

    def __init__(self, names_solvers):
        for key in names_solvers:
            self[key] = import_module_solver_from_key(key)

def name_file_from_time_approx(path_dir, t_approx=None):
    """Return the file name whose time is the closest to the given time.


    path_dir: Path or str

      Path of the directory of the simulation.

    t_approx : number or "last" (optional)

      Approximate time of the file to be loaded.

    .. todo::

        Can be elegantly implemented using regex as done in

    if not isinstance(path_dir, Path):
        path_dir = Path(path_dir)

    path_files = sorted(path_dir.glob("state_phys_t*"))

    nb_files = len(path_files)
    if nb_files == 0 and mpi.rank == 0:
        raise ValueError("No state file in the dir\n" + str(path_dir))

    if t_approx is None:
        # should be the last one but not 100% sure
        return path_files[-1].name

    name_files = [ for path in path_files]
    if "state_phys_t=" in name_files[0]:
        ind_start_time = len("state_phys_t=")
        ind_start_time = len("state_phys_t")

    times = np.empty([nb_files])
    for ii, name in enumerate(name_files):
        tmp = ".".join(name[ind_start_time:].split(".")[:2])
        if "_" in tmp:
            tmp = tmp[: tmp.index("_")]
        times[ii] = float(tmp)
    if t_approx == "last":
        t_approx = times.max()
    i_file = abs(times - t_approx).argmin()
    name_file = path_files[i_file].name
    return name_file

[docs] def load_sim_for_plot( name_dir=None, merge_missing_params=False, hide_stdout=False ): """Create a object Simul from a dir result. Creating simulation objects with this function should be fast because the state is not initialized with the output file and only a coarse operator is created. Parameters ---------- name_dir : str (optional) Name of the directory of the simulation. If nothing is given, we load the data in the current directory. Can be an absolute path, a relative path, or even simply just the name of the directory under $FLUIDSIM_PATH. merge_missing_params : bool (optional, default == False) Can be used to load old simulations carried out with an old fluidsim version. hide_stdout : bool (optional, default == False) If True, without stdout. """ path_dir = pathdir_from_namedir(name_dir) info_solver = load_info_solver(path_dir) if hasattr(info_solver, "loader"): name_module, name_func = info_solver.loader.split(".") mod = import_module(name_module) loader = getattr(mod, name_func) return loader(path_dir) solver = import_module(info_solver.module_name) params = load_params_simul(path_dir) if merge_missing_params: merge_params(params, solver.Simul.create_default_params()) params.path_run = path_dir params.init_fields.type = "constant" params.init_fields.modif_after_init = False params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER = True params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS = False params.output.HAS_TO_SAVE = False params.output.ONLINE_PLOT_OK = False try: params.preprocess.enable = False except AttributeError: pass try: params.oper.type_fft = "default" params.oper.type_fft2d = "sequential" except AttributeError: pass fix_old_params(params) try: path_file = Path(path_dir) / name_file_from_time_approx(path_dir) except ValueError: # no state_phys file to extend the simul class. Let's try with info_solver.xml path_file = Path(path_dir) / "info_solver.xml" if path_file.exists(): Simul = _extend_simul_class_from_path(solver.Simul, path_file) else: Simul = solver.Simul with stdout_redirected(hide_stdout): sim = Simul(params) return sim
def _import_solver_from_path(path_dir): info_solver = load_info_solver(path_dir) solver = import_module(info_solver.module_name) return solver
[docs] def load_state_phys_file( name_dir=None, t_approx="last", modif_save_params=True, merge_missing_params=False, init_with_initialized_state=True, hide_stdout=False, ): """Create a simulation from a file. For large resolution, creating a simulation object with this function can be slow because the state is initialized with the output file. Parameters ---------- name_dir : str (optional) Name of the directory of the simulation. If nothing is given, we load the data in the current directory. Can be an absolute path, a relative path, or even simply just the name of the directory under $FLUIDSIM_PATH. t_approx : number (optional) Approximate time of the file to be loaded. modif_save_params : bool (optional, default == True) If True, the parameters of the simulation are modified before loading:: params.output.HAS_TO_SAVE = False params.output.ONLINE_PLOT_OK = False merge_missing_params : bool (optional, default == False) Can be used to load old simulations carried out with an old fluidsim version. init_with_initialized_state : bool (optional, default == True) If True, call sim.output.init_with_initialized_state. hide_stdout : bool (optional, default == False) If True, without stdout. """ params, Simul = load_for_restart(name_dir, t_approx, merge_missing_params) if modif_save_params: params.output.HAS_TO_SAVE = False params.output.ONLINE_PLOT_OK = False params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER = False try: params.oper.type_fft = "default" params.oper.type_fft2d = "sequential" except AttributeError: pass with stdout_redirected(hide_stdout): sim = Simul(params) if init_with_initialized_state: sim.output.init_with_initialized_state() return sim
def _path_file_from_time_approx(thing, t_approx): if thing is not None and Path(thing).is_file(): path_file = Path(thing) else: path_dir = pathdir_from_namedir(thing) # choose the file with the time closer to t_approx name_file = name_file_from_time_approx(path_dir, t_approx) path_file = Path(path_dir) / name_file return path_file
[docs] def load_for_restart(name_dir=None, t_approx="last", merge_missing_params=False): """Load params and Simul for a restart. >>> params, Simul = load_for_restart(name_dir) Parameters ---------- name_dir : str (optional) Name of the directory of the simulation. If nothing is given, we load the data in the current directory. Can be an absolute path, a relative path, or even simply just the name of the directory under $FLUIDSIM_PATH. t_approx : number (optional) Approximate time of the file to be loaded. merge_missing_params : bool (optional, default == False) Can be used to load old simulations carried out with an old fluidsim version. """ path_file = _path_file_from_time_approx(name_dir, t_approx) path_dir = path_file.parent solver = _import_solver_from_path(path_dir) Simul = _extend_simul_class_from_path(solver.Simul, path_file) if merge_missing_params: # this has to be done by all processes otherwise there is a problem # with Transonic (see default_params = Simul.create_default_params() if mpi.rank > 0: params = None else: with h5py.File(path_file, "r") as file: params = Parameters(hdf5_object=file["info_simul"]["params"]) if merge_missing_params: merge_params(params, default_params) params.path_run = path_dir params.NEW_DIR_RESULTS = False params.init_fields.type = "from_file" params.init_fields.from_file.path = path_file params.init_fields.modif_after_init = False try: params.preprocess.enable = False except AttributeError: pass fix_old_params(params) if mpi.nb_proc > 1: params = mpi.comm.bcast(params, root=0) return params, Simul
def modif_resolution_all_dir(t_approx=None, coef_modif_resol=2, dir_base=None): """Save files with a modified resolution.""" raise DeprecationWarning("Sorry, use modif_resolution_from_dir instead")
[docs] def modif_resolution_from_dir( name_dir=None, t_approx="last", coef_modif_resol=2, PLOT=True ): """Save a file with a modified resolution.""" sim = load_state_phys_file(name_dir, t_approx) params2 = _deepcopy(sim.params) params2.output.HAS_TO_SAVE = True params2.oper.nx = int(sim.params.oper.nx * coef_modif_resol) params2.oper.ny = int(sim.params.oper.ny * coef_modif_resol) try: = int( * coef_modif_resol) except AttributeError: dimension = 2 else: dimension = 3 params2.init_fields.type = "from_simul" sim2 = sim.__class__(params2) sim2.init_fields.get_state_from_simul(sim) oper_new = sim2.params.oper if dimension == 3: dir_new_file = f"/State_phys_{oper_new.nx}x{oper_new.ny}x{}" else: dir_new_file = f"/State_phys_{oper_new.nx}x{oper_new.ny}" sim2.output.path_run = str(sim.output.path_run) + dir_new_file print("Save file in directory\n" + sim2.output.path_run)"modif_resolution") print("The new file is saved.") if PLOT: sim.output.phys_fields.plot(numfig=0) sim2.output.phys_fields.plot(numfig=1)
class StatePhysLike: def __init__(self, path_file, oper, oper2): self.path_file = path_file self.oper = oper self.oper2 = oper2 = "state_phys" self.field = oper.create_arrayX() self.field_spect = oper.create_arrayK() print_memory_usage_seq("Memory usage after init fields: ") self.field2 = oper2.create_arrayX() print( "size field2: " f"{self.field2.nbytes / 1024**3:7.3f} Go" ) print_memory_usage_seq("Memory usage after init field2: ") self.field2_spect = oper2.create_arrayK(0) print( "size field2_spect: " f"{self.field2_spect.nbytes / 1024**3:7.3f} Go" ) print_memory_usage_seq("Memory usage after init field2_spect: ") if path_file.suffix == ".nc": self.h5pack = h5netcdf else: self.h5pack = h5py with self.h5pack.File(self.path_file, "r") as h5file: group_state_phys = h5file["/state_phys"] self.keys = list(group_state_phys.keys()) self.time = float(group_state_phys.attrs["time"]) = int(group_state_phys.attrs["it"]) self.name_run = h5file.attrs["name_run"] def get_var(self, key): print(f'get_var("{key}")') def start_counter(message): print(f"- {message + '...':30s}", end="", flush=True) return perf_counter() def end_counter(t_start): print(f"done in {timedelta(seconds=perf_counter() - t_start)}") t_start = start_counter("reading field from disk") with self.h5pack.File(self.path_file, "r") as h5file: group_state_phys = h5file["/state_phys"] self.field[:] = group_state_phys[key][...] end_counter(t_start) t_start = start_counter("forward fft smaller field") self.oper.fft_as_arg(self.field, self.field_spect) end_counter(t_start) dimension = len(self.field_spect.shape) if dimension not in [2, 3]: raise NotImplementedError t_start = start_counter("filling field2_fft") self.oper2.fill_field_fft(self.field_spect, self.field2_spect, self.oper) end_counter(t_start) t_start = start_counter("backward fft field2") self.oper2.ifft_as_arg(self.field2_spect, self.field2) end_counter(t_start) return self.field2
[docs] def modif_resolution_from_dir_memory_efficient( name_dir=None, t_approx="last", coef_modif_resol=2 ): """Save a file with a modified resolution. Faster and more memory efficient than ``modif_resolution_from_dir`` (but not plot). """ t_start = perf_counter() if mpi.nb_proc > 1: raise NotImplementedError path_file = _path_file_from_time_approx(name_dir, t_approx) print(f"Changing resolution of the state contained in\n{path_file}") path_dir = path_file.parent solver = _import_solver_from_path(path_dir) Simul = _extend_simul_class_from_path(solver.Simul, path_file) try: info_solver = Simul.info_solver except AttributeError: info_solver = Simul.InfoSolver() with h5py.File(path_file, "r") as h5file: params = Parameters(hdf5_object=h5file["/info_simul/params"]) try: params.oper.type_fft = "default" params.oper.type_fft2d = "sequential" except AttributeError: pass params2 = _deepcopy(params) params2.output.HAS_TO_SAVE = True nx2 = params2.oper.nx = int(params.oper.nx * coef_modif_resol) ny2 = params2.oper.ny = int(params.oper.ny * coef_modif_resol) try: nz2 = = int( * coef_modif_resol) except AttributeError: dimension = 2 shape = (params.oper.ny, params.oper.nx) shape2 = (ny2, nx2) else: dimension = 3 shape = (, params.oper.ny, params.oper.nx) shape2 = (nz2, ny2, nx2) from .mini_oper_modif_resol import MiniOperModifResol oper = MiniOperModifResol(shape) print_memory_usage_seq( 'Memory usage after init operator "input": ', flush=True ) oper2 = MiniOperModifResol(shape2) print_memory_usage_seq('Memory usage after init operator "output":') info2 = create_info_simul(info_solver, params2) state_phys = StatePhysLike(path_file, oper, oper2) if dimension == 3: dir_new_new = f"State_phys_{nx2}x{ny2}x{nz2}" else: dir_new_new = f"State_phys_{nx2}x{ny2}" path_file_out = path_file.parent / dir_new_new / path_file_out.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) print(f"Saving file {}...", flush=True) save_file( path_file_out, state_phys, info2, state_phys.name_run, oper2, state_phys.time,, particular_attr="modif_resolution", ) print( f"File {} saved in:\n{path_file_out.parent}\n" f"total duration: {timedelta(seconds=perf_counter() - t_start)}" )
[docs] def times_start_last_from_path(path): """Return the start and last times from a result directory path.""" path_file = Path(path) / "stdout.txt" if not path_file.exists(): print(f"Given path does not exist:\n{path}") return 666, 666 with open(path_file, "r") as file_stdout: line = "" while not line.startswith("it ="): line = file_stdout.readline() words = line.split() t_s = float(words[6]) # in order to get the information at the end of the file, # we do not want to read the full file..., os.SEEK_END) # go to the end nb_caract = file_stdout.tell() nb_caract_to_read = min(nb_caract, 1000) - nb_caract_to_read, os.SEEK_SET) while line != "": if line.startswith("it ="): line_it = line last_line = line line = file_stdout.readline() if last_line.startswith("save state_phys"): name_file = last_line.split()[-1] name_file, ext = os.path.splitext(name_file) word = name_file.split("_it=")[0].split("state_phys_t")[-1] t_last = float(word.replace(ext, "")) else: words = line_it.split() t_last = float(words[6]) return t_s, t_last
def times_start_end_from_path(path): """deprecated, use times_start_last_from_path instead""" warnings.warn( "times_start_end_from_path is deprecated please use times_start_last_from_path", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return times_start_last_from_path(path)
[docs] def get_last_estimated_remaining_duration(path): """Get last estimated remaining duration written in stdout.txt""" path_file = Path(path) / "stdout.txt" if not path_file.exists(): raise ValueError(f"No file stdout.txt in {path}") with open(path_file, "r") as file_stdout: # in order to get the information at the end of the file, # we do not want to read the full file..., os.SEEK_END) # go to the end nb_caract = file_stdout.tell() nb_caract_to_read = min(nb_caract, 3000) - nb_caract_to_read, os.SEEK_SET) txt = for line in txt.split("\n")[::-1]: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("estimated remaining duration"): return line.split(" = ")[1].strip() raise RuntimeError(f"No estimated remaining duration in file {path_file}")
[docs] def open_patient( path, *args, time_wait_total=200, time_wait_once=2, class_file=h5py.File, **kwargs, ): """Open a hdf5 type file in a "patient" way. If the file is already opened by another process (``errno==11`` for hdf5), the error is caught and we retry later. Parameters ---------- time_wait_total : number (optional) Time to wait before raising the error. time_wait_once : number (optional) Time between attempts. class_file : type (optional) Class of the file (default ``h5py.File``, but could be ``h5netcdf.File``). """ time_first_try = time.time() while True: try: file = class_file(path, *args, **kwargs) break except OSError as error: errno = int(repr(error).split("errno = ")[1].split(",")[0]) if errno != 11 or time.time() - time_first_try > time_wait_total: raise time.sleep(time_wait_once) return file
[docs] def ensure_radians(angle): """Convert strings like "45°" to radians (as float)""" if isinstance(angle, str): if angle.endswith("°"): angle = radians(float(angle[:-1])) else: raise ValueError( "Angle should be a string with \n" + "the degree symbol or a float in radians" ) return angle
def get_last_time_spatial_means_from_path(path): path_file = Path(path) / "spatial_means.txt" if path_file.exists(): with open(path_file, "rb") as file_means: nb_char =, os.SEEK_END) # go to the end nb_char_to_read = min(nb_char, 1000), 2) line = file_means.readline() while line != b"": if line.startswith(b"time ="): line_time = line line = file_means.readline() words = line_time.split() return float(words[2]) path_file = path_file.with_suffix(".json") if path_file.exists(): with open(path_file, "rb") as file_means: nb_char =, os.SEEK_END) # go to the end nb_char_to_read = min(nb_char, 1000), 2) line = file_means.readline() while line != b"": line_prev = line line = file_means.readline() return json.loads(line_prev)["t"] class _DataframeMakerFluidsim(DataframeMaker): def get_time_start_from_path(self, path): """ "Get first time""" t_start, _ = times_start_last_from_path(path) return t_start def get_time_last_from_path(self, path): """ "Get last saved time""" return get_last_time_spatial_means_from_path(path) def load_sim(self, path): """Load a simulation object""" return load_sim_for_plot(path, hide_stdout=True) def get_dataframe_from_paths( self, paths, tmin=None, tmax=None, use_cache=True, customize=None ): df = super().get_dataframe_from_paths( paths, tmin, tmax, use_cache, customize ) if "R2" in df.columns and "R4" in df.columns: df["min_R"] = np.array([df.R2, df.R4]).min(axis=0) return df _dataframe_maker = _DataframeMakerFluidsim() get_mean_values_from_path = _dataframe_maker.get_mean_values_from_path get_dataframe_from_paths = _dataframe_maker.get_dataframe_from_paths