Source code for fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.output.correlations_freq

Correl freq (:mod:`fluidsim.solvers.plate2d.output.correlations_freq`)


.. autoclass:: CorrelationsFreq


import os

import numpy as np
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from transonic import boost
from fluiddyn.util import mpi
from fluiddyn.calcul.easypyfft import FFTW1DReal2Complex

from fluidsim.base.output.base import SpecificOutput

def compute_correl4_seq(
    q_fftt: "complex128[][]", iomegas1: "int32[]", nb_omegas: int, nb_xs_seq: int
    r"""Compute the correlations 4.

    .. math::
       C_4(\omega_1, \omega_2, \omega_3, \omega_4) =
       \tilde w(\omega_1, \mathbf{x})
       \tilde w(\omega_2, \mathbf{x})
       \tilde w(\omega_3, \mathbf{x})^*
       \tilde w(\omega_4, \mathbf{x})^*


    .. math::
       \omega_2 = \omega_3 + \omega_4 - \omega_1

    and :math:`\omega_1 > 0`, :math:`\omega_3 > 0` and
    :math:`\omega_4 > 0`. Thus, this function produces an array
    :math:`C_4(\omega_1, \omega_3, \omega_4)`.

    q_fftt_conj = np.conj(q_fftt)

    nx = q_fftt.shape[0]
    n0 = iomegas1.shape[0]

    corr4 = np.zeros((len(iomegas1), nb_omegas, nb_omegas), dtype=np.complex128)

    for i1 in range(n0):
        io1 = iomegas1[i1]
        # this loop could be parallelized (OMP)
        for io3 in range(nb_omegas):
            # we use the symmetry omega_3 <--> omega_4
            for io4 in range(io3 + 1):
                io2 = io3 + io4 - io1
                if io2 < 0:
                    io2 = -io2
                    for ix in range(nx):
                        corr4[i1, io3, io4] += (
                            q_fftt[ix, io1]
                            * q_fftt_conj[ix, io3]
                            * q_fftt_conj[ix, io4]
                            * q_fftt_conj[ix, io2]
                elif io2 >= nb_omegas:
                    io2 = 2 * nb_omegas - 1 - io2
                    for ix in range(nx):
                        corr4[i1, io3, io4] += (
                            q_fftt[ix, io1]
                            * q_fftt_conj[ix, io3]
                            * q_fftt_conj[ix, io4]
                            * q_fftt_conj[ix, io2]
                    for ix in range(nx):
                        corr4[i1, io3, io4] += (
                            q_fftt[ix, io1]
                            * q_fftt_conj[ix, io3]
                            * q_fftt_conj[ix, io4]
                            * q_fftt[ix, io2]
                # symmetry omega_3 <--> omega_4:
                corr4[i1, io4, io3] = corr4[i1, io3, io4]
    return corr4

def compute_correl2_seq(
    q_fftt: "complex128[][]", iomegas1: "int32[]", nb_omegas: int, nb_xs_seq: int
    r"""Compute the correlations 2.

    .. math::
       C_2(\omega_1, \omega_2) =
       \tilde w(\omega_1, \mathbf{x})
       \tilde w(\omega_2, \mathbf{x})^*

    where :math:`\omega_1 = \omega_2`. Thus, this function
    produces an array :math:`C_2(\omega)`.

    q_fftt_conj = np.conj(q_fftt)
    nx = q_fftt.shape[0]

    corr2 = np.zeros((nb_omegas, nb_omegas), dtype=np.complex128)

    for io3 in range(nb_omegas):
        for io4 in range(io3 + 1):
            for ix in range(nx):
                corr2[io3, io4] += q_fftt[ix, io3] * q_fftt_conj[ix, io4]
            corr2[io4, io3] = np.conj(corr2[io3, io4])

    return corr2

def compute_correl4(q_fftt, iomegas1, nb_omegas, nb_xs_seq):
    corr4 = compute_correl4_seq(q_fftt, iomegas1, nb_omegas, nb_xs_seq)
    if mpi.nb_proc > 1:
        # reduce SUM for mean:
        corr4 = mpi.comm.reduce(corr4, op=mpi.MPI.SUM, root=0)

    if mpi.rank == 0:
        corr4 /= nb_xs_seq
        return corr4

def compute_correl2(q_fftt, iomegas1, nb_omegas, nb_xs_seq):
    corr2 = compute_correl2_seq(q_fftt, iomegas1, nb_omegas, nb_xs_seq)
    if mpi.nb_proc > 1:
        # reduce SUM for mean:
        corr2 = mpi.comm.reduce(corr2, op=mpi.MPI.SUM, root=0)

    if mpi.rank == 0:
        corr2 /= nb_xs_seq
        return corr2

[docs] class CorrelationsFreq(SpecificOutput): """Compute, save, load and plot correlations of frequencies.""" _tag = "correl_freq" _name_file = _tag + ".h5" @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): tag = "correl_freq" params.output.periods_save._set_attrib(tag, 0) params.output._set_child( tag, attribs={ "HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED": False, "it_start": 10, "nb_times_compute": 100, "coef_decimate": 10, "key_quantity": "w", "iomegas1": [1], }, ) def __init__(self, output): params = output.sim.params pcorrel_freq = params.output.correl_freq super().__init__( output, period_save=params.output.periods_save.correl_freq, has_to_plot_saved=pcorrel_freq.HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED, ) self.nb_times_compute = pcorrel_freq.nb_times_compute self.coef_decimate = pcorrel_freq.coef_decimate self.key_quantity = pcorrel_freq.key_quantity self.iomegas1 = np.array(pcorrel_freq.iomegas1, dtype=np.int32) self.it_last_run = pcorrel_freq.it_start n0 = len( list(range(0, output.sim.oper.shapeX_loc[0], self.coef_decimate)) ) n1 = len( list(range(0, output.sim.oper.shapeX_loc[1], self.coef_decimate)) ) nb_xs = n0 * n1 self.spatio_temp = np.empty([nb_xs, self.nb_times_compute]) self.oper_fft1 = FFTW1DReal2Complex(self.spatio_temp.shape) self.nb_omegas = self.oper_fft1.shapeK[-1] self.hamming = np.hanning(self.nb_times_compute) if mpi.nb_proc > 1: nb_xs = mpi.comm.reduce(nb_xs, op=mpi.MPI.SUM, root=0) if mpi.rank > 0: nb_xs = 0 self.nb_xs_seq = nb_xs self.nb_times_in_spatio_temp = 0 if os.path.exists(self.path_file): with h5py.File(self.path_file, "r") as file: link_corr4 = file["corr4"] link_corr2 = file["corr2"] link_nb_means = file["nb_means"] self.corr4 = link_corr4[-1] self.corr2 = link_corr2[-1] self.nb_means_times = link_nb_means[-1] self.periods_fill = file["periods_fill"][...] if self.sim.time_stepping.deltat != file["deltat"][...]: raise ValueError() else: self.periods_fill = params.output.periods_save.correl_freq self.corr4 = np.zeros( [len(self.iomegas1), self.nb_omegas, self.nb_omegas], dtype=np.complex128, ) self.corr2 = np.zeros( [self.nb_omegas, self.nb_omegas], dtype=np.complex128 ) self.nb_means_times = 0 if self.periods_fill > 0: dt_output = self.periods_fill * output.sim.time_stepping.deltat duration = self.nb_times_compute * dt_output delta_omega = 2 * np.pi / duration self.omegas = delta_omega * np.arange(self.nb_omegas) self.omega_Nyquist = np.pi / dt_output omega1_max = self.iomegas1.max() * delta_omega if self.omega_Nyquist <= omega1_max: raise ValueError( f"omega_1_max={omega1_max} is larger than " f"omega_Nyquist={self.omega_Nyquist}." ) self.omega_dealiasing = ( self.params.oper.coef_dealiasing * np.pi * self.params.oper.nx / self.params.oper.Lx ) ** 2 if self.omega_dealiasing > self.omega_Nyquist: print("Warning: omega_dealiasing > omega_Nyquist") def _init_files(self, arrays_1st_time=None): # we can not do anything when this function is called. pass def _init_files2(self, correlations): time_tot = ( self.sim.time_stepping.deltat * self.nb_times_compute * self.periods_fill ) omegas = 2 * np.pi / time_tot * np.arange(self.nb_omegas) arrays_1st_time = { "omegas": omegas, "deltat": self.sim.time_stepping.deltat, "nb_times_compute": self.nb_times_compute, "periods_fill": self.periods_fill, } self._create_file_from_dict_arrays( self.path_file, correlations, arrays_1st_time ) self.t_last_save = self.sim.time_stepping.t
[docs] def _online_save(self): """Save the values at one time.""" itsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t / self.sim.time_stepping.deltat periods_save = self.sim.params.output.periods_save.correl_freq if itsim - self.it_last_run >= periods_save - 1: self.it_last_run = itsim field = self.sim.state.state_phys.get_var(self.key_quantity) field = field[:: self.coef_decimate, :: self.coef_decimate] self.spatio_temp[:, self.nb_times_in_spatio_temp] = field.reshape( [field.size] ) self.nb_times_in_spatio_temp += 1 if self.nb_times_in_spatio_temp == self.nb_times_compute: self.nb_times_in_spatio_temp = 0 self.t_last_save = self.sim.time_stepping.t spatio_fft = self.oper_fft1.fft(self.hamming * self.spatio_temp) new_corr4 = compute_correl4( spatio_fft, self.iomegas1, self.nb_omegas, self.nb_xs_seq ) new_corr2 = compute_correl2( spatio_fft, self.iomegas1, self.nb_omegas, self.nb_xs_seq ) if mpi.rank == 0: self.corr4 = (1.0 / (self.nb_means_times + 1)) * ( self.nb_means_times * self.corr4 + new_corr4 ) self.corr2 = (1.0 / (self.nb_means_times + 1)) * ( self.nb_means_times * self.corr2 + new_corr2 ) self.nb_means_times += 1 if ( self.nb_means_times % 128 == 0 or np.log(self.nb_means_times) / np.log(2) % 1 == 0 ) and self.nb_means_times != 1: correlations = { "corr4": self.corr4, "corr2": self.corr2, "nb_means": self.nb_means_times, } if not os.path.exists(self.path_file): self._init_files2(correlations) else: # save the spectra in the file correl_freq.h5 self._add_dict_arrays_to_file( self.path_file, correlations ) if self.has_to_plot: self._online_plot_saving(correlations)
# if (tsim-self.t_last_show >= self.period_show): # self.t_last_show = tsim # def _init_online_plot(self): if mpi.rank == 0: fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe(numfig=4_100_000) = ax ax.set_xlabel("Omega") ax.set_ylabel("Correlations") ax.set_title("Correlation\n" + self.output.summary_simul) def _online_plot_saving(self, dict_results): nb_omegas = self.nb_omegas corr4 = dict_results["corr4"] corr2 = dict_results["corr2"] corr = np.empty(corr4.shape) fy, fx = np.meshgrid(self.omegas, self.omegas) for i1, io1 in enumerate(self.iomegas1): for io3 in range(nb_omegas): for io4 in range(io3 + 1): io2 = io3 + io4 - io1 if io2 < 0: io2 = -io2 elif io2 >= nb_omegas: io2 = 2 * nb_omegas - 1 - io2 corr[i1, io3, io4] = abs(corr4[i1, io3, io4]) / np.sqrt( abs( corr2[io1, io1] * corr2[io3, io3] * corr2[io4, io4] * corr2[io2, io2] ) ) corr[i1, io4, io3] = corr[i1, io3, io4] fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe(numfig=4_100_000) = ax ax.set_xlabel("Omega") ax.set_xlabel("Correlation") ax.plot(corr2[:, :], "k.") fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe(numfig=2333) = ax ax.set_xlabel("Omega") ax.set_ylabel("Omega") pc = ax.pcolormesh(fx, fy, abs(corr[0, :, :]), shading="nearest") fig.colorbar(pc) fig1, ax1 = self.output.figure_axe(numfig=2334) self.ax1 = ax1 ax1.set_xlabel("Omega") ax1.set_ylabel("Omega") pc1 = ax1.pcolormesh(fx, fy, corr[1, :, :], shading="nearest") fig1.colorbar(pc1) def compute_corr4_norm(self, it=-1): with h5py.File(self.path_file, "r") as file: corr4 = file["corr4"][it] corr2 = file["corr2"][it] nb_means = file["nb_means"][it] nb_omegas = self.nb_omegas corr_norm = np.empty_like(corr4) cum_norm = np.empty(corr4.shape) norm = np.empty(corr4.shape) tmp1 = np.empty((nb_omegas, nb_omegas), dtype=np.complex128) tmp2 = np.empty((nb_omegas, nb_omegas), dtype=np.complex128) for i1, io1 in enumerate(self.iomegas1): for io3 in range(nb_omegas): for io4 in range(io3 + 1): io2 = io3 + io4 - io1 if io2 < 0: io2 = -io2 elif io2 >= nb_omegas: io2 = 2 * nb_omegas - 1 - io2 norm[i1, io3, io4] = np.sqrt( abs( corr2[io1, io1] * corr2[io3, io3] * corr2[io4, io4] * corr2[io2, io2] ) ) norm[i1, io4, io3] = norm[i1, io3, io4] tmp1[io3, io4] = corr2[io4, io2].conj() * corr2[io1, io3] tmp2[io3, io4] = corr2[io1, io4] * corr2[io3, io2].conj() cum_norm[i1, io3, io4] = ( abs(corr4[i1, io3, io4] - tmp1[io3, io4] - tmp2[io3, io4]) / norm[i1, io3, io4] ) cum_norm[i1, io4, io3] = cum_norm[i1, io3, io4] corr_norm[i1, io3, io4] = abs( corr4[i1, io3, io4] / norm[i1, io3, io4] ) corr_norm[i1, io4, io3] = corr_norm[i1, io3, io4] return norm, corr_norm, cum_norm, nb_means # def _compute_correl4(self, q_fftt): # r"""Compute the correlations 4. # .. math:: # C_4(\omega_1, \omega_2, \omega_3, \omega_4) = # \langle # \tilde w(\omega_1, \mathbf{x}) # \tilde w(\omega_2, \mathbf{x}) # \tilde w(\omega_3, \mathbf{x})^* # \tilde w(\omega_4, \mathbf{x})^* # \rangle_\mathbf{x}, # where # .. math:: # \omega_2 = \omega_3 + \omega_4 - \omega_1 # and :math:`\omega_1 > 0`, :math:`\omega_3 > 0` and # :math:`\omega_4 > 0`. Thus, this function produces an array # :math:`C_4(\omega_1, \omega_3, \omega_4)`. # """ # q_fftt_conj = q_fftt.conj() # nb_omegas = self.nb_omegas # corr4 = np.empty([len(self.iomegas1), nb_omegas, nb_omegas]) # for i1, io1 in enumerate(self.iomegas1): # # this loop could be parallelized (OMP) # for io3 in range(nb_omegas): # # we use the symmetry omega_3 <--> omega_4 # for io4 in range(io3 + 1): # tmp = ( # q_fftt[:, io1] * q_fftt_conj[:, io3] * q_fftt_conj[:, io4] # ) # io2 = io3 + io4 - io1 # if io2 < 0: # io2 = -io2 # corr4[i1, io3, io4] = np.sum(tmp * q_fftt_conj[:, io2]) # elif io2 >= nb_omegas: # io2 = 2 * nb_omegas - 1 - io2 # corr4[i1, io3, io4] = np.sum(tmp * q_fftt_conj[:, io2]) # else: # corr4[i1, io3, io4] = np.sum(tmp * q_fftt[:, io2]) # # symmetry omega_3 <--> omega_4: # corr4[i1, io4, io3] = corr4[i1, io3, io4] # if mpi.nb_proc > 1: # # reduce SUM for mean: # corr4 = mpi.comm.reduce(corr4, op=mpi.MPI.SUM, root=0) # if mpi.rank == 0: # corr4 /= self.nb_xs_seq # return corr4 # def _compute_correl2(self, q_fftt): # r"""Compute the correlations 2. # .. math:: # C_2(\omega_1, \omega_2) = # \langle # \tilde w(\omega_1, \mathbf{x}) # \tilde w(\omega_2, \mathbf{x})^* # \rangle_\mathbf{x}. # """ # nb_omegas = self.nb_omegas # corr2 = np.empty([nb_omegas, nb_omegas]) # q_fftt_conj = q_fftt.conj() # for io3 in range(nb_omegas): # for io4 in range(io3 + 1): # corr2[io3, io4] = np.sum(q_fftt[:, io3] * q_fftt_conj[:, io4]) # corr2[io4, io3] = corr2[io3, io4].conj() # if mpi.nb_proc > 1: # # reduce SUM for mean: # corr2 = mpi.comm.reduce(corr2, op=mpi.MPI.SUM, root=0) # if mpi.rank == 0: # corr2 /= self.nb_xs_seq # return corr2 def _compute_norm_pick_corr4_from_corr4(self, corr4, i1=0, delta_io=10): io1 = self.iomegas1[i1] io3 = 4 * io1 io4 = 4 * io1 delta_io = min(delta_io, io3) if corr4.ndim == 3: return np.abs( np.mean( corr4[ i1, io3 - delta_io : io3 + delta_io + 1, io4 - delta_io : io4 + delta_io + 1, ] ) ) elif corr4.ndim == 4: corr4_mini = corr4[ :, i1, io3 - delta_io : io3 + delta_io + 1, io4 - delta_io : io4 + delta_io + 1, ] return np.abs(corr4_mini.mean((1, 2))) def _compute_norm_pick_corr4(self): with h5py.File(self.path_file, "r") as file: corr4 = file["corr4"][:] nb_means = file["nb_means"][:] fcorr4 = self._compute_norm_pick_corr4_from_corr4(corr4) return nb_means, fcorr4 def _compute_dnormpickC4_over_dnbmean(self): with h5py.File(self.path_file, "r") as file: corr4 = file["corr4"][:] nb_means = file["nb_means"][:] fcorr4 = self._compute_norm_pick_corr4_from_corr4(corr4) return ( nb_means, np.absolute( np.diff(fcorr4) / np.diff(nb_means) * nb_means[1:] / fcorr4[1:] ), ) def plot_norm_pick_corr4(self): nb_means, fcorr4 = self._compute_norm_pick_corr4() plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.loglog(nb_means, fcorr4, "x-") ax.set_ylabel("a kind of norm of corr4") ax.set_xlabel("number of averages") def plot_convergence(self): nb_means, dnormpickC4 = self._compute_dnormpickC4_over_dnbmean() fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle('"convergence"') ax = plt.gca() ax.loglog(nb_means[1:], dnormpickC4, "x-") ax.set_xlabel("number of averages") def plot_corr2(self, nonorm=False, it=-1): with h5py.File(self.path_file, "r") as file: corr2_in_file = file["corr2"] corr2 = corr2_in_file[it] nb_means = file["nb_means"][it] fy, fx = np.meshgrid(self.omegas, self.omegas) if nonorm: corr2_norm = corr2 else: corr2_norm = np.empty( (self.nb_omegas, self.nb_omegas), dtype=np.complex128 ) for io3 in range(self.nb_omegas): for io4 in range(io3 + 1): corr2_norm[io3, io4] = corr2[io3, io4] / np.sqrt( np.absolute(corr2[io3, io3] * corr2[io4, io4]) ) corr2_norm[io4, io3] = corr2_norm[io3, io4].conj() log10corr2 = np.log10(abs(corr2_norm)) plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title("log10(abs(corr2)); nb_means: " + str(nb_means)) plt.xlabel("Omega") plt.ylabel("Omega") plt.pcolormesh( fx, fy, log10corr2, shading="nearest", vmin=log10corr2.min(), vmax=log10corr2.max(), ) plt.colorbar() plt.axis([fx.min(), fx.max(), fy.min(), fy.max()]) def plot_corr2_1d(self, it=-1): with h5py.File(self.path_file, "r") as file: corr2 = file["corr2"][it] nb_means = file["nb_means"][it] corr2_diag = np.empty(self.nb_omegas, dtype=np.complex128) for io3 in range(self.nb_omegas): corr2_diag[io3] = corr2[io3, io3] fig = plt.figure(num=18) fig.clf() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title("abs(corr2_diag); nb_means: " + str(nb_means)) plt.xlabel("Omega") plt.ylabel("abs(corr2)") # ax.loglog(self.omegas, abs(corr2_diag)) ax.plot(self.omegas, np.log10(abs(corr2_diag))) def plot_corr4(self, it=-1): nb_omegas1 = self.iomegas1.shape[0] nb_omegas = self.nb_omegas corr_norm = np.empty((nb_omegas1, nb_omegas, nb_omegas)) cum_norm = np.empty(corr_norm.shape) norm = np.empty(corr_norm.shape) norm, corr_norm, cum_norm, nb_means = self.compute_corr4_norm(it) fy, fx = np.meshgrid(self.omegas, self.omegas) fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("log10(abs(corr_norm)); nb_means: " + str(nb_means)) nb_subplot_vert = int(np.sqrt(nb_omegas1)) nb_subplot_horiz = int(round(nb_omegas1 / nb_subplot_vert)) for i1, io1 in enumerate(self.iomegas1): plt.subplot(nb_subplot_vert, nb_subplot_horiz, i1 + 1) plt.xlabel("Omega") plt.ylabel("Omega") plt.pcolormesh( fx, fy, np.log10(abs(corr_norm[i1, :, :])), shading="nearest", vmin=np.log10(abs(corr_norm.min())), vmax=np.log10(abs(corr_norm.max())), ) plt.colorbar() plt.axis([fx.min(), fx.max(), fy.min(), fy.max()]) fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("log10(abs(cum_norm)); nb_means: " + str(nb_means)) for i1, io1 in enumerate(self.iomegas1): plt.subplot(nb_subplot_vert, nb_subplot_horiz, i1 + 1) plt.xlabel("Omega") plt.ylabel("Omega") plt.pcolormesh( fx, fy, np.log10(abs(cum_norm[i1, :, :])), shading="nearest", vmin=np.log10(abs(cum_norm.min())), vmax=np.log10(abs(cum_norm.max())), ) plt.colorbar() plt.axis([fx.min(), fx.max(), fy.min(), fy.max()]) fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("log10(abs(norm)); nb_means: " + str(nb_means)) for i1, io1 in enumerate(self.iomegas1): plt.subplot(nb_subplot_vert, nb_subplot_horiz, i1 + 1) plt.xlabel("Omega") plt.ylabel("Omega") plt.pcolormesh( fx, fy, np.log10(abs(norm[i1, :, :])), shading="nearest", vmin=np.log10(abs(norm.min())), vmax=np.log10(abs(norm.max())), ) plt.colorbar() plt.axis([fx.min(), fx.max(), fy.min(), fy.max()]) def plot_convergence2(self): ws = 10 with h5py.File(self.path_file, "r") as file: corr4_full = file["corr4"][...] nb_means = file["nb_means"][...] means = np.zeros(corr4_full.shape[0]) f_conv = np.zeros(corr4_full.shape[0:2]) for inb in range(corr4_full.shape[0]): corr4_nb = corr4_full[inb] means[inb] = nb_means[inb] for i1, io1 in enumerate(self.iomegas1): print(io1, ws, self.nb_omegas) if (2 * io1 + ws < self.nb_omegas) and (2 * io1 - ws > io1): f_conv[inb, i1] = np.abs( np.mean( corr4_nb[ i1, 2 * io1 - ws : 2 * io1 + ws + 1, 2 * io1 - ws : 2 * io1 + ws + 1, ] ) ) fig, ax1 = self.output.figure_axe() ax1.set_xlabel("nb_means") # ax1.set_ylabel('convergence') ax1.set_title("Trispectra Convergence") if f_conv.max() == 0: return for i1, io1 in enumerate(self.iomegas1): norm = f_conv[-1, i1] if norm != 0: f_conv[:, i1] = f_conv[:, i1] / norm ax1.plot(means, f_conv[:, i1], linewidth=1) ax1.set_xscale("log") ax1.set_yscale("log")