Source code for fluidsim.solvers.ns3d.output.spatial_means

"""Spatial means output (:mod:`fluidsim.solvers.ns3d.output.spatial_means`)

.. autoclass:: SpatialMeansNS3D


import os

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

from fluidsim.base.output.spatial_means import SpatialMeansBase

[docs] class SpatialMeansNS3D(SpatialMeansBase): """Spatial means output.""" def _save_one_time(self): tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t self.t_last_save = tsim nrj_vx_fft, nrj_vy_fft, nrj_vz_fft = self.output.compute_energies_fft() energy_fft = nrj_vx_fft + nrj_vy_fft + nrj_vz_fft nrj_vx = self.sum_wavenumbers(nrj_vx_fft) nrj_vy = self.sum_wavenumbers(nrj_vy_fft) nrj_vz = self.sum_wavenumbers(nrj_vz_fft) energy = nrj_vx + nrj_vy + nrj_vz f_d, f_d_hypo = self.sim.compute_freq_diss() epsK = self.sum_wavenumbers(f_d * 2 * energy_fft) epsK_hypo = self.sum_wavenumbers(f_d_hypo * 2 * energy_fft) if self.sim.params.nu_4 > 0.0: f_d4 = self.params.nu_4 * self.oper.K4 epsK4 = self.sum_wavenumbers(f_d4 * 2 * energy_fft) del f_d4 if self.sim.params.nu_8 > 0.0: f_d8 = self.params.nu_8 * self.oper.K8 epsK8 = self.sum_wavenumbers(f_d8 * 2 * energy_fft) del f_d8 if self.sim.params.forcing.enable: deltat = self.sim.time_stepping.deltat forcing_fft = self.sim.forcing.get_forcing() fx_fft = forcing_fft.get_var("vx_fft") fy_fft = forcing_fft.get_var("vy_fft") fz_fft = forcing_fft.get_var("vz_fft") vx_fft = self.sim.state.state_spect.get_var("vx_fft") vy_fft = self.sim.state.state_spect.get_var("vy_fft") vz_fft = self.sim.state.state_spect.get_var("vz_fft") PK1_fft = np.ascontiguousarray( np.real( vx_fft.conj() * fx_fft + vy_fft.conj() * fy_fft + vz_fft.conj() * fz_fft ) ) PK2_fft = ( (abs(fx_fft) ** 2 + abs(fy_fft) ** 2 + abs(fz_fft) ** 2) * deltat / 2 ) PK1 = self.sum_wavenumbers(PK1_fft) PK2 = self.sum_wavenumbers(PK2_fft) if mpi.rank == 0: self.file.write( f"####\ntime = {tsim:11.5e}\n" f"E = {energy:11.5e}\n" f"Ex = {nrj_vx:11.5e} ; Ey = {nrj_vy:11.5e} ; Ez = {nrj_vz:11.5e}\n" f"epsK = {epsK:11.5e} ; epsK_hypo = {epsK_hypo:11.5e} ; " f"epsK_tot = {epsK + epsK_hypo:11.5e} \n" ) if self.sim.params.nu_4 > 0.0: self.file.write(f"epsK4 = {epsK4:11.5e}\n") if self.sim.params.nu_8 > 0.0: self.file.write(f"epsK8 = {epsK8:11.5e}\n") if self.sim.params.forcing.enable: self.file.write( f"PK1 = {PK1:11.5e} ; PK2 = {PK2:11.5e} ; " f"PK_tot = {PK1 + PK2:11.5e} \n" ) self.file.flush() os.fsync(self.file.fileno()) if self.has_to_plot and mpi.rank == 0: self.ax_a.plot(tsim, energy, "k.") # self.axe_b.plot(tsim, epsK_tot, 'k.') # if self.sim.params.forcing.enable: # self.axe_b.plot(tsim, PK_tot, 'm.') if tsim - self.t_last_show >= self.period_show: self.t_last_show = tsim fig = self.ax_a.get_figure() fig.canvas.draw() def load(self): dict_results = {"name_solver": self.output.name_solver} with open(self.path_file) as file_means: lines = file_means.readlines() lines_t = [] lines_E = [] lines_Ex = [] lines_PK = [] lines_epsK = [] lines_epsK4 = [] lines_epsK8 = [] for il, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith("time ="): lines_t.append(line) if line.startswith("E ="): lines_E.append(line) if line.startswith("Ex ="): lines_Ex.append(line) if line.startswith("PK1 ="): lines_PK.append(line) if line.startswith("epsK ="): lines_epsK.append(line) elif line.startswith("epsK4 ="): lines_epsK4.append(line) elif line.startswith("epsK8 ="): lines_epsK8.append(line) # fmt: off nt = self._get_nb_points_from_lines( lines_t, lines_E, lines_Ex, lines_PK, lines_epsK, lines_epsK4, lines_epsK8 ) # fmt: on t = np.empty(nt) E = np.empty(nt) Ex = np.empty(nt) Ey = np.empty(nt) Ez = np.empty(nt) PK1 = np.zeros(nt) PK2 = np.zeros(nt) PK_tot = np.zeros(nt) epsK = np.empty(nt) epsK_hypo = np.zeros(nt) epsK_tot = np.zeros(nt) if lines_epsK4: epsK4 = np.empty(nt) if lines_epsK8: epsK8 = np.empty(nt) for il in range(nt): line = lines_t[il] words = line.split() t[il] = float(words[2]) line = lines_E[il] words = line.split() E[il] = float(words[2]) line = lines_Ex[il] words = line.split() Ex[il] = float(words[2]) Ey[il] = float(words[6]) Ez[il] = float(words[10]) if self.sim.params.forcing.enable: line = lines_PK[il] words = line.split() PK1[il] = float(words[2]) PK2[il] = float(words[6]) PK_tot[il] = float(words[10]) line = lines_epsK[il] words = line.split() epsK[il] = float(words[2]) epsK_hypo[il] = float(words[6]) epsK_tot[il] = float(words[10]) if lines_epsK4: line = lines_epsK4[il] words = line.split() epsK4[il] = float(words[2]) if lines_epsK8: line = lines_epsK8[il] words = line.split() epsK8[il] = float(words[2]) dict_results["t"] = t dict_results["E"] = E dict_results["Ex"] = Ex dict_results["Ey"] = Ey dict_results["Ez"] = Ez dict_results["PK1"] = PK1 dict_results["PK2"] = PK2 dict_results["PK_tot"] = PK_tot dict_results["epsK"] = epsK dict_results["epsK_hypo"] = epsK_hypo dict_results["epsK_tot"] = epsK_tot if lines_epsK4: dict_results["epsK4"] = epsK4 if lines_epsK8: dict_results["epsK8"] = epsK8 return dict_results def plot(self, plot_injection=True, plot_hyper=False): dict_results = self.load() t = dict_results["t"] E = dict_results["E"] Ex = dict_results["Ex"] Ey = dict_results["Ey"] Ez = dict_results["Ez"] epsK = dict_results["epsK"] epsK_hypo = dict_results["epsK_hypo"] epsK_tot = dict_results["epsK_tot"] fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe() ax.set_title("Energy and enstrophy\n" + self.output.summary_simul) ax.set_ylabel("$E(t)$") ax.set_xlabel("$t$") ax.plot(t, E, "k", linewidth=2, label="Energy") ax.plot(t, Ex, "b", label="$E_x$") ax.plot(t, Ey, "r", label="$E_y$") ax.plot(t, Ez, "c", label="$E_z$") ax.legend() fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe() ax.set_title( "Dissipation of energy and enstrophy\n" + self.output.summary_simul ) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\epsilon_K(t)$") ax.set_xlabel("$t$") def _plot(x, y, fmt, label=None, linewidth=1, zorder=10): ax.plot( x, y, fmt, label=label, linewidth=linewidth, zorder=zorder, ) _plot(t, epsK, "r", r"$\epsilon$", linewidth=2) if self.sim.params.nu_m4 != 0: _plot(t, epsK_hypo, "g", r"$\epsilon_{-4}$", linewidth=2) _plot(t, epsK_tot, "k", r"$\epsilon_{tot}$", linewidth=2) if "epsK4" in dict_results and plot_hyper: epsK4 = dict_results["epsK4"] if not np.allclose(epsK, epsK4): _plot( t, epsK4, "r:", r"$\epsilon_4$", ) if "epsK8" in dict_results and plot_hyper: epsK8 = dict_results["epsK8"] if not np.allclose(epsK, epsK8): _plot( t, epsK8, "r:", r"$\epsilon_8$", ) if "PK_tot" in dict_results and plot_injection: PK_tot = dict_results["PK_tot"] ax.plot(t, PK_tot, "r--", label=r"$P$", zorder=0) ax.legend() def plot_dt_E(self): dict_results = self.load() times = dict_results["t"] E_tot = dict_results["E"] dt_E_tot = np.gradient(E_tot, times) try: eps_tot = dict_results["eps_tot"] except KeyError: eps_tot = dict_results["epsK_tot"] all_terms = -eps_tot.copy() if "PK_tot" in dict_results: P_tot = dict_results["PK_tot"] if "PA_tot" in dict_results: P_tot += dict_results["PA_tot"] all_terms += P_tot fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe() ax.plot(times, dt_E_tot, "--k", label="$d_t E$") if "PK_tot" in dict_results: ax.plot(times, P_tot, "b", label="forcing") ax.plot(times, -eps_tot, color="orange", label="viscosity") ax.plot(times, all_terms, "r", label="All terms") ax.set_title(self.output.summary_simul) ax.set_xlabel("time") fig.legend() fig.tight_layout()
[docs] def get_dimless_numbers_versus_time(self, data=None): """Compute dimensionless numbers""" if data is None: data = self.load() results = {"t": data["t"]} try: EKh = Uh2 = data["Ex"] + data["Ey"] EKz = data["Ez"] except KeyError: EKhr = data["EKhr"] EKhd = data["EKhd"] EKhs = data["EKhs"] EKh = Uh2 = EKhr + EKhd + EKhs EKz = data["EKz"] epsK = data["epsK"] epsK_hyper = np.zeros_like(epsK) nu_2 = self.params.nu_2 nu_4 = self.params.nu_4 nu_8 = self.params.nu_8 if nu_2: eta = (nu_2**3 / epsK) ** (1 / 4) delta_kz = 2 * np.pi / self.params.oper.Lz coef_dealiasing = self.params.oper.coef_dealiasing k_max = coef_dealiasing * delta_kz * / 2 results["k_max*eta"] = k_max * eta if nu_4: epsK_hyper += data["epsK4"] if nu_8: epsK_hyper += data["epsK8"] if nu_2: if nu_4 or nu_8: epsK2 = epsK - epsK_hyper results["epsK2/epsK"] = epsK2 / epsK else: results["epsK2/epsK"] = np.ones_like(epsK) results["dimensional"] = { "Uh2": Uh2, "epsK": epsK, "EKh": EKh, "EKz": EKz, } if nu_2: results["dimensional"]["eta"] = eta return results
[docs] def get_dimless_numbers_averaged(self, tmin=0, tmax=None): """Compute averaged dimensionless numbers""" numbers_vs_time = self.get_dimless_numbers_versus_time() times = numbers_vs_time["t"] itmin, itmax = _compute_indices_tmin_tmax(times, tmin, tmax) stop = itmax + 1 result = { k: q[itmin:stop].mean() for k, q in numbers_vs_time.items() if k not in ["t", "dimensional"] } result["dimensional"] = { k: q[itmin:stop].mean() for k, q in numbers_vs_time["dimensional"].items() } delta_kz = 2 * np.pi / self.params.oper.Lz coef_dealiasing = self.params.oper.coef_dealiasing result["dimensional"]["k_max"] = ( coef_dealiasing * delta_kz * / 2 ) return result
[docs] def plot_dimless_numbers_versus_time(self, tmin=0, tmax=None): """Plot dimensionless numbers""" numbers_vs_time = self.get_dimless_numbers_versus_time() times = numbers_vs_time["t"] itmin, itmax = _compute_indices_tmin_tmax(times, tmin, tmax) stop = itmax + 1 times = times[itmin:stop] fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True) keys_ax1 = ["k_max*eta", "epsK2/epsK", "Gamma"] for key, quantity in numbers_vs_time.items(): if key in ["t", "dimensional"]: continue quantity = quantity[itmin:stop] if key in keys_ax1: ax = ax1 else: ax = ax0 ax.plot(times, quantity, label=key) print(f"<{key}> = {np.mean(quantity):.3g}") for ax in (ax0, ax1): ax.set_yscale("log") ax.legend() ax0.set_xlabel("$t$") fig.suptitle(f"dimensionless numbers\n{self.output.summary_simul}")
def _compute_indices_tmin_tmax(times, tmin, tmax): if tmax is None: itmax = len(times) - 1 else: itmax = abs(times - tmax).argmin() itmin = abs(times - tmin).argmin() return itmin, itmax