Source code for fluidsim.operators.operators3d

"""Operators 3d (:mod:`fluidsim.operators.operators3d`)


.. autoclass:: OperatorsPseudoSpectral3D


from math import pi
from copy import deepcopy
from random import uniform

import numpy as np

from transonic import boost, Array, Transonic
from fluiddyn.util import mpi
from fluiddyn.util.mpi import nb_proc, rank
from fluidfft.fft3d.operators import OperatorsPseudoSpectral3D as _Operators

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables
from fluidsim.base.params import Parameters

from .operators2d import OperatorsPseudoSpectral2D as OpPseudoSpectral2D
from .. import _is_testing
from .base import OperatorBase

ts = Transonic()

Asov = Array[np.complex128, "4d"]
Aui8 = Array[np.uint8, "3d"]
Ac = Array[np.complex128, "3d"]
Af = Array[np.float64, "3d"]

def dealiasing_setofvar(sov: Asov, where_dealiased: Aui8):
    """Dealiasing 3d setofvar object.


    sov : 4d ndarray
        A set of variables array.

    where_dealiased : 3d ndarray
        A 3d array of "booleans" (actually uint8).

    nk, n0, n1, n2 = sov.shape

    for i0 in range(n0):
        for i1 in range(n1):
            for i2 in range(n2):
                if where_dealiased[i0, i1, i2]:
                    for ik in range(nk):
                        sov[ik, i0, i1, i2] = 0.0

def dealiasing_variable(ff_fft: Ac, where_dealiased: Aui8):
    """Dealiasing 3d array"""
    n0, n1, n2 = ff_fft.shape

    for i0 in range(n0):
        for i1 in range(n1):
            for i2 in range(n2):
                if where_dealiased[i0, i1, i2]:
                    ff_fft[i0, i1, i2] = 0.0

def dealiasing_setofvar_numpy(sov: Asov, where_dealiased: Aui8):
    for i in range(sov.shape[0]):
        sov[i][np.nonzero(where_dealiased)] = 0.0

def dealiasing_variable_numpy(ff_fft: Ac, where_dealiased: Aui8):
    ff_fft[np.nonzero(where_dealiased)] = 0.0

def compute_energy_from_1field(arr: Ac):
    return 0.5 * np.abs(arr) ** 2

def compute_energy_from_1field_with_coef(arr: Ac, coef: float):
    return 0.5 * coef * np.abs(arr) ** 2

def compute_energy_from_2fields(vx: Ac, vy: Ac):
    return 0.5 * (np.abs(vx) ** 2 + np.abs(vy) ** 2)

def compute_energy_from_3fields(vx: Ac, vy: Ac, vz: Ac):
    return 0.5 * (np.abs(vx) ** 2 + np.abs(vy) ** 2 + np.abs(vz) ** 2)

if not ts.is_transpiling and not ts.is_compiled and not _is_testing:
    # for example if Pythran is not available
    dealiasing_variable = dealiasing_variable_numpy
    dealiasing_setofvar = dealiasing_setofvar_numpy
elif ts.is_transpiling:
    _Operators = object

if nb_proc > 1:
    MPI = mpi.MPI
    comm = mpi.comm

[docs] @boost class OperatorsPseudoSpectral3D(_Operators, OperatorBase): """Provides fast Fourier transform functions and 3D operators. Uses fft operators that implement the methods: - ifft - fft - get_shapeX_loc - get_shapeX_seq - get_shapeK_loc - get_shapeK_seq - get_dimX_K - get_seq_indices_first_K - get_k_adim_loc - sum_wavenumbers - build_invariant_arrayK_from_2d_indices12X """ Kx: Af Ky: Af Kz: Af inv_K_square_nozero: Af inv_Kh_square_nozero: Af deltax: float deltay: float deltaz: float @classmethod def _create_default_params(cls): params = Parameters(tag="params", attribs={"ONLY_COARSE_OPER": False}) cls._complete_params_with_default(params) return params
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" attribs = { "type_fft": "default", "type_fft2d": "sequential", "coef_dealiasing": 2.0 / 3, "nx": 48, "ny": 48, "nz": 48, "Lx": 2 * pi, "Ly": 2 * pi, "Lz": 2 * pi, "truncation_shape": "cubic", "NO_SHEAR_MODES": False, } params._set_child("oper", attribs=attribs) params.oper._set_doc( """ See the `documentation of fluidfft <>`_ (in particular of the `3d operator class <>`_). type_fft: str Method for the FFT (as defined by fluidfft). type_fft2d: str Method for the 2d FFT. coef_dealiasing: float dealiasing coefficient. nx: int Number of points over the x-axis (last dimension in the physical space). ny: int Number of points over the y-axis (second dimension in the physical space). nz: int Number of points over the z-axis (first dimension in the physical space). Lx, Ly and Lz: float Length of the edges of the numerical domain. """ )
def __init__(self, params=None): self.params = params self.axes = ("z", "y", "x") params.oper.nx = int(params.oper.nx) params.oper.ny = int(params.oper.ny) = int( if params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER: nx = ny = nz = 4 else: nx = params.oper.nx ny = params.oper.ny nz = super().__init__( nx, ny, nz, params.oper.Lx, params.oper.Ly, params.oper.Lz, fft=params.oper.type_fft, coef_dealiasing=params.oper.coef_dealiasing, ) # compatibility for fluidfft <= 0.3.0 if not hasattr(self, "oper_fft") and hasattr(self, "_op_fft"): self.oper_fft = self._op_fft # problem here type_fft params2d = deepcopy(params) params2d.oper.type_fft = params2d.oper.type_fft2d fft = params2d.oper.type_fft if ( any([fft.startswith(s) for s in ["fluidfft.fft2d.", "fft2d."]]) or fft in ("default", "sequential") or fft is None ): self.oper2d = OpPseudoSpectral2D(params2d) else: raise ValueError self.ifft2 = self.ifft2d = self.oper2d.ifft2 self.fft2 = self.fft2d = self.oper2d.fft2 if not self.is_sequential: self.iK0loc_start = self.seq_indices_first_K[0] self.nk0_loc, self.nk1_loc, self.nk2_loc = self.shapeK_loc self.iK0loc_start_rank = np.array(comm.allgather(self.iK0loc_start)) size_loc = size_loc_versus_rank = comm.allgather(size_loc) self.SAME_SIZE_IN_ALL_PROC = not any(np.diff(size_loc_versus_rank)) self.dimX_K = self.oper_fft.get_dimX_K() else: self.SAME_SIZE_IN_ALL_PROC = True self._cache_where_is_wavenumber = {} self._reinit_truncation() try: NO_SHEAR_MODES = self.params.oper.NO_SHEAR_MODES except AttributeError: pass else: if NO_SHEAR_MODES: COND_NOSHEAR = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 == 0.0 self.where_dealiased = np.array( np.logical_or(COND_NOSHEAR, self.where_dealiased), dtype=np.uint8, ) def get_region_multiple_aliases(self): aliases_x = abs(self.Kx) >= 2 / 3 * self.deltakx * self.nx / 2 aliases_y = abs(self.Ky) >= 2 / 3 * self.deltaky * self.ny / 2 aliases_z = abs(self.Kz) >= 2 / 3 * self.deltakz * / 2 return ( (aliases_x & aliases_y) | (aliases_y & aliases_z) | (aliases_z & aliases_x) ) @property def K2_not0(self): K2_not0 = np.copy(self.K2) if sum(self.seq_indices_first_K) == 0: K2_not0[0, 0, 0] = 1e-14 return K2_not0 @property def K4(self): return self.K2**2
[docs] def build_invariant_arrayX_from_2d_indices12X(self, arr2d, oper2d=None): """Build a 3D array from a 2D array""" if oper2d is None: oper2d = self.oper2d if mpi.nb_proc == 1: return self.oper_fft.build_invariant_arrayX_from_2d_indices12X( oper2d.oper_fft, arr2d ) if rank > 0: assert arr2d is None arr2d = mpi.comm.bcast(arr2d, root=0) n0_loc, n1_loc, n2_loc = self.shapeX_loc if rank == 0: shapeX_loc_2d = oper2d.shapeX_loc else: shapeX_loc_2d = None shapeX_loc_2d = mpi.comm.bcast(shapeX_loc_2d, root=0) if shapeX_loc_2d != (n1_loc, n2_loc): raise NotImplementedError # ind0seq_first, ind1seq_first, ind2seq_first = \ # self.oper_fft.get_seq_indices_first_K() return np.stack(n0_loc * [arr2d])
[docs] def build_invariant_arrayK_from_2d_indices12X(self, arr2d): """Build a 3D array from a 2D array""" return self.oper_fft.build_invariant_arrayK_from_2d_indices12X( self.oper2d, arr2d )
[docs] def dealiasing(self, *args): """Dealiasing of SetOfVariables or np.ndarray""" for thing in args: if isinstance(thing, SetOfVariables): dealiasing_setofvar(thing, self.where_dealiased) elif isinstance(thing, np.ndarray): dealiasing_variable(thing, self.where_dealiased)
[docs] def put_coarse_array_in_array_fft( self, arr_coarse, arr, oper_coarse, shapeK_coarse ): """Put the values contained in a coarse array in an array. Both arrays are in Fourier space. """ if arr.ndim == 4: if rank == 0: if arr_coarse.ndim != 4: raise ValueError for ikey in range(arr.shape[0]): if rank == 0: arr3d_coarse = arr_coarse[ikey] else: arr3d_coarse = None self.put_coarse_array_in_array_fft( arr3d_coarse, arr[ikey], oper_coarse, shapeK_coarse ) return nkzc, nkyc, nkxc = nk0c, nk1c, nk2c = shapeK_coarse nk0, nk1, nk2 = self.shapeK_seq if nb_proc == 1: nkz, nky, nkx = self.shapeK_seq for ikzc in range(nkzc): ikz = _ik_from_ikc(ikzc, nkzc, nkz) for ikyc in range(nkyc): iky = _ik_from_ikc(ikyc, nkyc, nky) for ikxc in range(nkxc): arr[ikz, iky, ikxc] = arr_coarse[ikzc, ikyc, ikxc] return for position_x_K in range(3): if self.dimX_K[position_x_K] == 2: break if self.dimX_K == (1, 0, 2): if rank == 0: fck_fft = np.zeros((nkyc, nkzc, nkxc), dtype=np.complex128) for i0 in range(nkzc): for i1 in range(nkyc): fck_fft[i1, i0, :] = arr_coarse[i0, i1, :] nk0c, nk1c, nk2c = nkyc, nkzc, nkxc assert position_x_K == 2 elif self.dimX_K == (2, 1, 0): if rank == 0: fck_fft = np.zeros((nkxc, nkyc, nkzc), dtype=np.complex128) for i0 in range(nkzc): for i1 in range(nkyc): for i2 in range(nkxc): fck_fft[i2, i1, i0] = arr_coarse[i0, i1, i2] nk0c, nk1c, nk2c = nkxc, nkyc, nkzc assert position_x_K == 0 elif self.dimX_K == (0, 1, 2): if rank == 0: fck_fft = arr_coarse nk0c, nk1c, nk2c = nkzc, nkyc, nkxc assert position_x_K == 2 elif self.dimX_K == (1, 2, 0): if rank == 0: fck_fft = np.zeros((nkyc, nkxc, nkzc), dtype=np.complex128) for iz in range(nkzc): for iy in range(nkyc): for ix in range(nkxc): fck_fft[iy, ix, iz] = arr_coarse[iz, iy, ix] nk0c, nk1c, nk2c = nkyc, nkxc, nkzc assert position_x_K == 1 else: raise NotImplementedError # if rank == 0: # print(f"{fck_fft = }") if self.shapeK_loc[1:2] == self.shapeK_seq[1:2]: ik1c = 0 ik2c = 0 for ik0c in range(min(nk0c, nk0)): ik0 = _ik_from_ikc(ik0c, nk0c, nk0, is_x=(position_x_K == 0)) rank_ik, ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc = self.where_is_wavenumber( ik0, ik1c, ik2c ) # print(f"{ik0 = } => {(rank_ik, ik0loc) = }") if rank == 0: fc2d = fck_fft[ik0c, :, :] if rank_ik != 0: # message fc2d if rank == rank_ik: fc2d = np.empty([nk1c, nk2c], dtype=np.complex128) if rank == 0 or rank == rank_ik: fc2d = np.ascontiguousarray(fc2d) if rank == 0: mpi.comm.Send( [fc2d, mpi.MPI.COMPLEX], dest=rank_ik, tag=ik0c ) elif rank == rank_ik: mpi.comm.Recv([fc2d, mpi.MPI.COMPLEX], source=0, tag=ik0c) if rank == rank_ik: # copy if self.dimX_K == (1, 0, 2): for ik1c in range(nk1c): ik1 = _ik_from_ikc(ik1c, nk1c, nk1) arr[ik0loc, ik1, 0:nk2c] = fc2d[ik1c, :] elif self.dimX_K == (2, 1, 0): for ik1c in range(nk1c): ik1 = _ik_from_ikc(ik1c, nk1c, nk1) for ik2c in range(nk2c): ik2 = _ik_from_ikc(ik2c, nk2c, nk2) # print(f"{ik0loc, ik1, ik2 = }; {ik1c, ik2c = }") arr[ik0loc, ik1, ik2] = fc2d[ik1c, ik2c] else: raise NotImplementedError elif self.shapeK_loc[2] == self.shapeK_seq[2]: ik2c = 0 for ik0c in range(min(nk0c, nk0)): ik0 = _ik_from_ikc(ik0c, nk0c, nk0, is_x=(position_x_K == 0)) for ik1c in range(min(nk1c, nk1)): ik1 = _ik_from_ikc(ik1c, nk1c, nk1, is_x=(position_x_K == 1)) rank_ik, ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc = self.where_is_wavenumber( ik0, ik1, ik2c ) # print(f"{(ik0, ik1, ik2c) = } => {(rank_ik, ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc) = }") if rank == 0: fc1d = fck_fft[ik0c, ik1c, :] if rank_ik != 0: # message fc1d if rank == rank_ik: fc1d = np.empty(nk2c, dtype=np.complex128) if rank == 0: fc1d = np.ascontiguousarray(fc1d) mpi.comm.Send( [fc1d, mpi.MPI.COMPLEX], dest=rank_ik, tag=ik0c ) elif rank == rank_ik: mpi.comm.Recv( [fc1d, mpi.MPI.COMPLEX], source=0, tag=ik0c ) if rank == rank_ik: if position_x_K == 2: arr[ik0loc, ik1loc, :nk2c] = fc1d else: tmp = nk2c // 2 + 1 arr[ik0loc, ik1loc, :tmp] = fc1d[:tmp] tmp = -nk2c // 2 + 1 arr[ik0loc, ik1loc, tmp:] = fc1d[tmp:] else: for ik0c in range(min(nk0c, nk0)): ik0 = _ik_from_ikc(ik0c, nk0c, nk0, is_x=(position_x_K == 0)) for ik1c in range(min(nk1c, nk1)): ik1 = _ik_from_ikc(ik1c, nk1c, nk1, is_x=(position_x_K == 1)) for ik2c in range(min(nk2c, nk2)): ik2 = _ik_from_ikc( ik2c, nk2c, nk2, is_x=(position_x_K == 2) ) ( rank_ik, ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc, ) = self.where_is_wavenumber(ik0, ik1, ik2) # print(f"{(ik0, ik1, ik2) = } => {(rank_ik, ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc) = }") if rank == 0: fc0D = fck_fft[ik0c, ik1c, ik2c] if rank_ik != 0: # message fc0D if rank == 0: comm.send(fc0D, dest=rank_ik, tag=ik0c) elif rank == rank_ik: fc0D = comm.recv(source=0, tag=ik0c) if rank == rank_ik: # copy if self.dimX_K == (0, 1, 2): arr[ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc] = fc0D else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def coarse_seq_from_fft_loc(self, f_fft, shapeK_coarse): """Return a coarse field in K space.""" nkzc, nkyc, nkxc = shapeK_coarse if nb_proc == 1: fc_fft = np.empty(shapeK_coarse, np.complex128) nkz, nky, nkx = self.shapeK_seq for ikzc in range(nkzc): ikz = _ik_from_ikc(ikzc, nkzc, nkz) for ikyc in range(nkyc): iky = _ik_from_ikc(ikyc, nkyc, nky) for ikxc in range(nkxc): fc_fft[ikzc, ikyc, ikxc] = f_fft[ikz, iky, ikxc] return fc_fft for position_x_K in range(3): if self.dimX_K[position_x_K] == 2: break nkzc, nkyc, nkxc = shapeK_coarse if self.dimX_K == (1, 0, 2): nk0c, nk1c, nk2c = nkyc, nkzc, nkxc elif self.dimX_K == (2, 1, 0): nk0c, nk1c, nk2c = nkxc, nkyc, nkzc elif self.dimX_K == (0, 1, 2): nk0c, nk1c, nk2c = nkzc, nkyc, nkxc elif self.dimX_K == (1, 2, 0): nk0c, nk1c, nk2c = nkyc, nkxc, nkzc else: raise NotImplementedError fc_fft_tmp = np.zeros([nk0c, nk1c, nk2c], np.complex128) nk0, nk1, nk2 = self.shapeK_seq if self.shapeK_seq[1:2] == self.shapeK_loc[1:2]: f1d_temp = np.empty([nk1c, nk2c], np.complex128) for ik0c in range(min(nk0c, nk0)): ik1c = 0 ik2c = 0 ik0 = _ik_from_ikc(ik0c, nk0c, nk0, is_x=(position_x_K == 0)) rank_ik, ik0loc, ik1loc, ik1loc = self.where_is_wavenumber( ik0, ik1c, ik2c ) if rank == rank_ik: # create f1d_temp if self.dimX_K == (1, 0, 2): for ik1c in range(nk1c): ik1 = _ik_from_ikc(ik1c, nk1c, nk1) f1d_temp[ik1c, :] = f_fft[ik0loc, ik1, 0:nk2c] else: for ik1c in range(nk1c): ik1 = _ik_from_ikc(ik1c, nk1c, nk1) for ik2c in range(nk2c): ik2 = _ik_from_ikc(ik2c, nk2c, nk2) f1d_temp[ik1c, ik2c] = f_fft[ik0loc, ik1, ik2] if rank_ik != 0: # message f1d_temp if rank == 0: comm.Recv( [f1d_temp, MPI.DOUBLE_COMPLEX], source=rank_ik, tag=ik0c, ) elif rank == rank_ik: comm.Send( [f1d_temp, MPI.DOUBLE_COMPLEX], dest=0, tag=ik0c ) if rank == 0: # copy into fc_fft fc_fft_tmp[ik0c] = f1d_temp.copy() else: for ik0c in range(min(nk0c, nk0)): ik0 = _ik_from_ikc(ik0c, nk0c, nk0, is_x=(position_x_K == 0)) for ik1c in range(min(nk1c, nk1)): ik1 = _ik_from_ikc(ik1c, nk1c, nk1, is_x=(position_x_K == 1)) for ik2c in range(min(nk2c, nk2)): ik2 = _ik_from_ikc( ik2c, nk2c, nk2, is_x=(position_x_K == 2) ) # print(f"{(ik0c, ik1c, ik2c) = }") ( rank_ik, ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc, ) = self.where_is_wavenumber(ik0, ik1, ik2) # print(f"{(ik0, ik1, ik2) = } => {(rank_ik, ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc) = }") if rank == rank_ik: f0d_temp = f_fft[ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc] # print(f"{(rank_ik, ik0loc, ik1loc, ik2loc) = }, {f0d_temp = }") if rank_ik != 0: # message f0d_temp if rank == rank_ik: comm.send(f0d_temp, dest=0, tag=ik2c) elif rank == 0: f0d_temp = comm.recv(source=rank_ik, tag=ik2c) if rank == 0: fc_fft_tmp[ik0c, ik1c, ik2c] = f0d_temp if rank == 0: # print(f"{fc_fft_tmp = }") fc_fft = np.zeros(shapeK_coarse, dtype=np.complex128) if self.dimX_K == (1, 0, 2): for i0 in range(nkzc): for i1 in range(nkyc): fc_fft[i0, i1, :] = fc_fft_tmp[i1, i0, :] elif self.dimX_K == (2, 1, 0): for i0 in range(nkzc): for i1 in range(nkyc): for i2 in range(nkxc): fc_fft[i0, i1, i2] = fc_fft_tmp[i2, i1, i0] elif self.dimX_K == (0, 1, 2): fc_fft = fc_fft_tmp elif self.dimX_K == (1, 2, 0): for iz in range(nkzc): for iy in range(nkyc): for ix in range(nkxc): fc_fft[iz, iy, ix] = fc_fft_tmp[iy, ix, iz] else: raise NotImplementedError return fc_fft
[docs] def where_is_wavenumber(self, ik0, ik1, ik2): """Give local indices and rank from the sequential indices""" if nb_proc == 1: rank_k = 0 return rank_k, ik0, ik1, ik2 # cannot use lru_cache because it can lead to blocking with MPI try: return self._cache_where_is_wavenumber[(ik0, ik1, ik2)] except KeyError: pass if self.shapeK_loc[1:2] == self.shapeK_seq[1:2]: if self.SAME_SIZE_IN_ALL_PROC: rank_k = int(np.floor(float(ik0) / self.nk0_loc)) else: for rank_k, iK0loc_start in enumerate(self.iK0loc_start_rank): if ik0 < iK0loc_start: rank_k -= 1 break ik0_loc = ik0 - self.iK0loc_start_rank[rank_k] ik1_loc = ik1 ik2_loc = ik2 else: iki_first = self.seq_indices_first_K rank_k_equal_rank = ( iki_first[0] <= ik0 < iki_first[0] + self.shapeK_loc[0] and iki_first[1] <= ik1 < iki_first[1] + self.shapeK_loc[1] and iki_first[2] <= ik2 < iki_first[2] + self.shapeK_loc[2] ) tmp = comm.allgather(rank_k_equal_rank) try: rank_k = tmp.index(True) except ValueError: print( f"ValueError for {(ik0, ik1, ik2) = }\n" f"{iki_first[0]=}, {ik0=}, {iki_first[0]+self.shapeK_loc[0]=}\n" f"{iki_first[1]=}, {ik1=}, {iki_first[1]+self.shapeK_loc[1]=}\n" f"{iki_first[2]=}, {ik2=}, {iki_first[2]+self.shapeK_loc[2]=}\n" ) raise if rank == rank_k: ik0_loc = ik0 - iki_first[0] ik1_loc = ik1 - iki_first[1] ik2_loc = ik2 - iki_first[2] buffer = np.array([ik0_loc, ik1_loc, ik2_loc], dtype=int) else: buffer = np.empty(3, dtype=int) comm.Bcast(buffer, root=rank_k) ik0_loc, ik1_loc, ik2_loc = buffer result = (rank_k, ik0_loc, ik1_loc, ik2_loc) self._cache_where_is_wavenumber[(ik0, ik1, ik2)] = result return result
[docs] @boost def urudfft_from_vxvyfft(self, vx_fft: Ac, vy_fft: Ac): """Compute toroidal and poloidal horizontal velocities. urx_fft, ury_fft contain shear modes! """ inv_Kh_square_nozero = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 inv_Kh_square_nozero[inv_Kh_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_Kh_square_nozero = 1 / inv_Kh_square_nozero kdotu_fft = self.Kx * vx_fft + self.Ky * vy_fft udx_fft = kdotu_fft * self.Kx * inv_Kh_square_nozero udy_fft = kdotu_fft * self.Ky * inv_Kh_square_nozero urx_fft = vx_fft - udx_fft ury_fft = vy_fft - udy_fft return urx_fft, ury_fft, udx_fft, udy_fft
[docs] @boost def project_kradial3d(self, vx_fft: Ac, vy_fft: Ac, vz_fft: Ac): r"""Project (inplace) a vector field parallel to the k-radial direction of the wavevector. Parameters ---------- Arrays containing the velocity in Fourier space. Notes ----- .. |kk| mathmacro:: \mathbf{k} .. |ee| mathmacro:: \mathbf{e} .. |vv| mathmacro:: \mathbf{v} The radial unitary vector for the mode :math:`\kk` is .. math:: \ee_\kk = \frac{\kk}{|\kk|} = \sin \theta_\kk \cos \varphi_\kk ~ \ee_x + \sin \theta_\kk \sin \varphi_\kk ~ \ee_y + \cos \theta_\kk ~ \ee_z, and the projection of a velocity mode :math:`\hat{\vv}_\kk` along :math:`\ee_\kk` is .. math:: \hat{v}_\kk ~ \ee_\kk \equiv \hat{\vv}_\kk \cdot \ee_\kk ~ \ee_\kk This function set :math:`\hat{\vv}_\kk = \hat{v}_\kk ~ \ee_\kk` for all modes. .. note: For a divergent less vector field, the resulting vector is zero. """ K_square_nozero = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 + self.Kz**2 K_square_nozero[K_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_K_square_nozero = 1.0 / K_square_nozero tmp = ( self.Kx * vx_fft + self.Ky * vy_fft + self.Kz * vz_fft ) * inv_K_square_nozero n0, n1, n2 = vx_fft.shape for i0 in range(n0): for i1 in range(n1): for i2 in range(n2): vx_fft[i0, i1, i2] = self.Kx[i0, i1, i2] * tmp[i0, i1, i2] vy_fft[i0, i1, i2] = self.Ky[i0, i1, i2] * tmp[i0, i1, i2] vz_fft[i0, i1, i2] = self.Kz[i0, i1, i2] * tmp[i0, i1, i2]
[docs] @boost def project_poloidal(self, vx_fft: Ac, vy_fft: Ac, vz_fft: Ac): r"""Project (inplace) a vector field parallel to the k-poloidal (or polar) direction. Parameters ---------- Arrays containing the velocity in Fourier space. Notes ----- The poloidal unitary vector for the mode :math:`\kk` is .. math:: \ee_{\kk\theta} = \cos \theta_\kk \cos \varphi_\kk ~ \ee_x + \cos \theta_\kk \sin \varphi_\kk ~ \ee_y - \sin \theta_\kk ~ \ee_z, and the projection of a velocity mode :math:`\hat{\vv}_\kk` along :math:`\ee_{\kk\theta}` is .. math:: \hat{v}_{\kk\theta} ~ \ee_{\kk\theta} \equiv \hat{\vv}_\kk \cdot \ee_{\kk\theta} ~ \ee_{\kk\theta} This function set :math:`\hat{\vv}_\kk = \hat{v}_{\kk\theta} ~ \ee_{\kk\theta}` for all modes. """ Kh_square = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 K_square_nozero = Kh_square + self.Kz**2 Kh_square_nozero = Kh_square.copy() Kh_square_nozero[Kh_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 K_square_nozero[K_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_Kh_square_nozero = 1.0 / Kh_square_nozero inv_K_square_nozero = 1.0 / K_square_nozero cos_theta_k = self.Kz * np.sqrt(inv_K_square_nozero) sin_theta_k = np.sqrt(Kh_square * inv_K_square_nozero) cos_phi_k = self.Kx * np.sqrt(inv_Kh_square_nozero) sin_phi_k = self.Ky * np.sqrt(inv_Kh_square_nozero) tmp = ( cos_theta_k * cos_phi_k * vx_fft + cos_theta_k * sin_phi_k * vy_fft - sin_theta_k * vz_fft ) n0, n1, n2 = vx_fft.shape for i0 in range(n0): for i1 in range(n1): for i2 in range(n2): vx_fft[i0, i1, i2] = ( cos_theta_k[i0, i1, i2] * cos_phi_k[i0, i1, i2] * tmp[i0, i1, i2] ) vy_fft[i0, i1, i2] = ( cos_theta_k[i0, i1, i2] * sin_phi_k[i0, i1, i2] * tmp[i0, i1, i2] ) vz_fft[i0, i1, i2] = ( -sin_theta_k[i0, i1, i2] * tmp[i0, i1, i2] )
[docs] @boost def vpfft_from_vecfft(self, vx_fft: Ac, vy_fft: Ac, vz_fft: Ac): """Return the poloidal component of a vector field.""" Kh_square = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 K_square_nozero = Kh_square + self.Kz**2 Kh_square_nozero = Kh_square.copy() Kh_square_nozero[Kh_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 K_square_nozero[K_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_Kh_square_nozero = 1.0 / Kh_square_nozero inv_K_square_nozero = 1.0 / K_square_nozero cos_theta_k = self.Kz * np.sqrt(inv_K_square_nozero) sin_theta_k = np.sqrt(Kh_square * inv_K_square_nozero) cos_phi_k = self.Kx * np.sqrt(inv_Kh_square_nozero) sin_phi_k = self.Ky * np.sqrt(inv_Kh_square_nozero) result = ( cos_theta_k * cos_phi_k * vx_fft + cos_theta_k * sin_phi_k * vy_fft - sin_theta_k * vz_fft ) return result
[docs] @boost def vecfft_from_vpfft(self, vp_fft: Ac): """Return a vector field from the poloidal component.""" Kh_square = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 K_square_nozero = Kh_square + self.Kz**2 Kh_square_nozero = Kh_square.copy() Kh_square_nozero[Kh_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 K_square_nozero[K_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_Kh_square_nozero = 1.0 / Kh_square_nozero inv_K_square_nozero = 1.0 / K_square_nozero cos_theta_k = self.Kz * np.sqrt(inv_K_square_nozero) sin_theta_k = np.sqrt(Kh_square * inv_K_square_nozero) cos_phi_k = self.Kx * np.sqrt(inv_Kh_square_nozero) sin_phi_k = self.Ky * np.sqrt(inv_Kh_square_nozero) ux_fft = cos_theta_k * cos_phi_k * vp_fft uy_fft = cos_theta_k * sin_phi_k * vp_fft uz_fft = -sin_theta_k * vp_fft return ux_fft, uy_fft, uz_fft
[docs] @boost def project_toroidal(self, vx_fft: Ac, vy_fft: Ac, vz_fft: Ac): r"""Project (inplace) a vector field parallel to the k-toroidal (or azimutal) direction. Parameters ---------- Arrays containing the velocity in Fourier space. Notes ----- The toroidal unitary vector for the mode :math:`\kk` is .. math:: \ee_{\kk\varphi} = - \sin \varphi_\kk ~ \ee_x + \cos \varphi_\kk ~ \mathbb{e}_y, and the projection of a velocity mode :math:`\hat{\vv}_\kk` along :math:`\ee_{\kk\varphi}` is .. math:: \hat{v}_{\kk\varphi} ~ \ee_{\kk\varphi} \equiv \hat{\vv}_\kk \cdot \ee_{\kk\varphi} ~ \ee_{\kk\varphi} This function compute :math:`\hat{\vv}_\kk = \hat{v}_{\kk\varphi} ~ \ee_{\kk\varphi}` for all modes. """ Kh_square_nozero = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 Kh_square_nozero[Kh_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_Kh_square_nozero = 1.0 / Kh_square_nozero del Kh_square_nozero tmp = np.sqrt(inv_Kh_square_nozero) cos_phi_k = self.Kx * tmp sin_phi_k = self.Ky * tmp tmp = -sin_phi_k * vx_fft + cos_phi_k * vy_fft n0, n1, n2 = vx_fft.shape for i0 in range(n0): for i1 in range(n1): for i2 in range(n2): vx_fft[i0, i1, i2] = -sin_phi_k[i0, i1, i2] * tmp[i0, i1, i2] vy_fft[i0, i1, i2] = cos_phi_k[i0, i1, i2] * tmp[i0, i1, i2] vz_fft[i0, i1, i2] = 0.0
[docs] @boost def vtfft_from_vecfft(self, vx_fft: Ac, vy_fft: Ac, vz_fft: Ac): """Return the toroidal component of a vector field.""" Kh_square_nozero = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 Kh_square_nozero[Kh_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_Kh_square_nozero = 1.0 / Kh_square_nozero del Kh_square_nozero tmp = np.sqrt(inv_Kh_square_nozero) cos_phi_k = self.Kx * tmp sin_phi_k = self.Ky * tmp result = -1j * sin_phi_k * vx_fft + 1j * cos_phi_k * vy_fft return result
[docs] @boost def vecfft_from_vtfft(self, vt_fft: Ac): """Return a 3D vector field from the toroidal component.""" Kh_square_nozero = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 Kh_square_nozero[Kh_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_Kh_square_nozero = 1.0 / Kh_square_nozero tmp = np.sqrt(inv_Kh_square_nozero) cos_phi_k = self.Kx * tmp sin_phi_k = self.Ky * tmp ux_fft = 1j * sin_phi_k * vt_fft uy_fft = -1j * cos_phi_k * vt_fft return ux_fft, uy_fft, np.zeros_like(vt_fft)
[docs] @boost def divhfft_from_vxvyfft(self, vx_fft: Ac, vy_fft: Ac): """Compute the horizontal divergence in spectral space.""" return 1j * (self.Kx * vx_fft + self.Ky * vy_fft)
@boost def vxvyfft_from_rotzfft(self, rotz_fft: Ac): inv_Kh_square_nozero = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 inv_Kh_square_nozero[inv_Kh_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_Kh_square_nozero = 1 / inv_Kh_square_nozero vx_fft = 1j * self.Ky * inv_Kh_square_nozero * rotz_fft vy_fft = -1j * self.Kx * inv_Kh_square_nozero * rotz_fft return vx_fft, vy_fft @boost def vxvyfft_from_divhfft(self, divh_fft: Ac): inv_Kh_square_nozero = self.Kx**2 + self.Ky**2 inv_Kh_square_nozero[inv_Kh_square_nozero == 0] = 1e-14 inv_Kh_square_nozero = 1 / inv_Kh_square_nozero vx_fft = -1j * self.Kx * inv_Kh_square_nozero * divh_fft vy_fft = -1j * self.Ky * inv_Kh_square_nozero * divh_fft return vx_fft, vy_fft @boost def grad_fft_from_arr_fft(self, arr_fft: Ac): dx_arr_fft = np.empty_like(arr_fft) dy_arr_fft = np.empty_like(arr_fft) dz_arr_fft = np.empty_like(arr_fft) dx_arr_fft_flat = dx_arr_fft.ravel() dy_arr_fft_flat = dy_arr_fft.ravel() dz_arr_fft_flat = dz_arr_fft.ravel() Kx = self.Kx.ravel() Ky = self.Ky.ravel() Kz = self.Kz.ravel() for i, value in enumerate(arr_fft.flat): dx_arr_fft_flat[i] = 1j * Kx[i] * value dy_arr_fft_flat[i] = 1j * Ky[i] * value dz_arr_fft_flat[i] = 1j * Kz[i] * value return dx_arr_fft, dy_arr_fft, dz_arr_fft def get_grid1d_seq(self, axis="x"): if axis not in ("x", "y", "z"): raise ValueError if self.params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER: number_points = getattr(self.params.oper, "n" + axis) length = getattr(self, "L" + axis) return np.linspace(0, length, number_points) else: return getattr(self, axis + "_seq") def project_fft_on_realX(self, f_fft): return self.fft(self.ifft(f_fft))
[docs] def _ikxyzseq_from_ik012rank(self, ik0, ik1, ik2, rank=0): """Give the sequential indices (xyz) from the local indices and the rank""" if self._is_mpi_lib: # much more complicated in this case raise NotImplementedError dimX_K = self.oper_fft.get_dimX_K() if dimX_K == (0, 1, 2): ikz, iky, ikx = ik0, ik1, ik2 else: raise NotImplementedError( f"dimX_K={dimX_K} not implemented ({self.oper_fft.__class__})" ) return ikx, iky, ikz
[docs] def _ik012rank_from_ikxyzseq(self, ikx, iky, ikz): """Give the local indices and the rank from "sequential" indices (xyz)""" if self._is_mpi_lib: # much more complicated in this case raise NotImplementedError rank_k = 0 dimX_K = self.oper_fft.get_dimX_K() if dimX_K == (0, 1, 2): ik0, ik1, ik2 = ikz, iky, ikx else: raise NotImplementedError return ik0, ik1, ik2, rank_k
[docs] def _kadim_from_ikxyzseq(self, ikx, iky, ikz): """Give the adimensional wavenumbers from sequential indices""" kx_adim = ikx ky_adim = _kadim_from_ik(iky, self.ny) kz_adim = _kadim_from_ik(ikz, return kx_adim, ky_adim, kz_adim
[docs] def _ikxyzseq_from_kadim(self, kx_adim, ky_adim, kz_adim): """Give the sequential indices from the adimensional wavenumbers""" ikx = kx_adim iky = _ik_from_kadim(ky_adim, self.ny) ikz = _ik_from_kadim(kz_adim, return ikx, iky, ikz
[docs] def kadim_from_ik012rank(self, ik0, ik1, ik2, rank=0): """Give the adimensional wavenumbers from local indices and rank""" ikx, iky, ikz = self._ikxyzseq_from_ik012rank(ik0, ik1, ik2, rank) return self._kadim_from_ikxyzseq(ikx, iky, ikz)
[docs] def ik012rank_from_kadim(self, kx_adim, ky_adim, kz_adim): """Give the local indices and rank from the adimensional wavenumbers""" ikx, iky, ikz = self._ikxyzseq_from_kadim(kx_adim, ky_adim, kz_adim) return self._ik012rank_from_ikxyzseq(ikx, iky, ikz)
[docs] def set_value_spect( self, arr_fft, value, kx_adim, ky_adim, kz_adim, from_rank=0 ): """Set a value in a spectral array given the adimensional wavenumber""" ik0, ik1, ik2, rank_k = self.ik012rank_from_kadim( kx_adim, ky_adim, kz_adim ) if rank != rank_k or from_rank != 0: raise NotImplementedError # print("-" * 20) # print(f"ik0, ik1, ik2 = ({ik0:4d}, {ik1:4d}, {ik2:4d})") arr_fft[ik0, ik1, ik2] = value
[docs] def get_value_spect(self, arr_fft, kx_adim, ky_adim, kz_adim, to_rank=0): """Get a value in a spectral array given the adimensional wavenumber""" ik0, ik1, ik2, rank_k = self.ik012rank_from_kadim( kx_adim, ky_adim, kz_adim ) if rank != rank_k or to_rank != 0: raise NotImplementedError return arr_fft[ik0, ik1, ik2]
@boost def get_phases_random(self): # Not supported by Pythran 0.9.5! # alpha_x, alpha_y, alpha_z = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, 3) alpha_x, alpha_y, alpha_z = tuple(uniform(-0.5, 0.5) for _ in range(3)) beta_x = alpha_x + 0.5 if alpha_x < 0 else alpha_x - 0.5 beta_y = alpha_y + 0.5 if alpha_y < 0 else alpha_y - 0.5 beta_z = alpha_z + 0.5 if alpha_z < 0 else alpha_z - 0.5 phase_alpha = ( alpha_x * self.deltax * self.Kx + alpha_y * self.deltay * self.Ky + alpha_z * self.deltaz * self.Kz ) phase_beta = ( beta_x * self.deltax * self.Kx + beta_y * self.deltay * self.Ky + beta_z * self.deltaz * self.Kz ) return phase_alpha, phase_beta def i012_from_ixyz(self, ix, iy, iz): if self.is_sequential: return iz, iy, ix dimX_K = self.dimX_K if dimX_K == (1, 0, 2): return iy, iz, ix elif dimX_K == (0, 1, 2): return iz, iy, ix elif dimX_K == (2, 1, 0): return ix, iy, iz elif dimX_K == (1, 2, 0): return iy, ix, iz else: raise NotImplementedError( f"dimX_K={dimX_K} not implemented ({self.oper_fft.__class__})" ) def ixyz_from_i012(self, i0, i1, i2): if self.is_sequential: return i2, i1, i0 dimX_K = self.dimX_K if dimX_K == (1, 0, 2): # yzx return i2, i0, i1 elif dimX_K == (0, 1, 2): # zyx return i2, i1, i0 elif dimX_K == (2, 1, 0): # xyz return i0, i1, i2 elif dimX_K == (1, 2, 0): # yxz return i1, i0, i2 else: raise NotImplementedError( f"dimX_K={dimX_K} not implemented ({self.oper_fft.__class__})" )
def _ik_from_ikc(ikc, nkc, nk, is_x=False): # for debug # if ikc >= nk: # raise ValueError if ikc <= nkc / 2.0 or is_x: ik = ikc else: knodim = ikc - nkc ik = knodim + nk return ik def _kadim_from_ik(ik, nk, first=False): if first or ik <= nk // 2: return ik return ik - nk def _ik_from_kadim(k_adim, nk, first=False): if first or k_adim >= 0: return k_adim return nk + k_adim