Source code for fluidsim.extend_simul.spatial_means_regions_milestone

"""Spatial means regions

.. autoclass:: SpatialMeansRegions


from pathlib import Path
import numbers

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from fluiddyn.util import mpi
from fluidfft.fft3d.operators import vector_product

from fluidsim.base.output.base import SpecificOutput

from . import SimulExtender

[docs] class SpatialMeansRegions(SimulExtender, SpecificOutput): r"""Specific output for the MILESTONE simulations Notes ----- .. |p| mathmacro:: \partial .. |vv| mathmacro:: \textbf{v} .. |Fh| mathmacro:: \textbf{F}_h .. |ez| mathmacro:: \textbf{e}_\textbf{z} .. |bnabla| mathmacro:: \boldsymbol{\nabla} .. |bomega| mathmacro:: \boldsymbol{\omega} This output is used with the solver :mod:`fluidsim.solvers.ns3d.strat.solver`, which solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (possibly with hyper-viscosity) under the Boussinesq approximation with a constant Brunt-Vaisala frequency: .. math:: \p_t \vv + \vv \cdot \bnabla \vv = - \bnabla p + b \ez + D_\vv + \Fh, \p_t b + \vv \cdot \bnabla b = - N^2 v_z + D_b, where :math:`\vv` is the non-divergent velocity (:math:`\bnabla \cdot \vv = 0`), :math:`p` is the pressure, :math:`b` is the buoyancy, :math:`N` is the (constant) Brunt-Vaisala frequency and :math:`D_\vv` and :math:`D_b` are dissipative terms. The total dynamic pressure :math:`P = p + |\vv|^2/2` can be computed from :math:`\vv` and :math:`b` as: .. math:: \bnabla^2 P = \bnabla \cdot (\vv \times \bomega) + \bnabla \cdot \Fh + \p_z b. We consider the energy budget .. math:: \p_t |\vv|^2/2 + \bnabla \cdot (\vv P) = \vv \cdot D_\vv + \vv \cdot \Fh + v_z b \p_t e_A + \bnabla \cdot (\vv e_A) = - v_z b + b D_b / N^2, with :math:`e_A = b^2/(2N^2)`. We take the average of these equations over regions delimited by surfaces along the y and z axis. Some terms written as a divergence can be rewritten as fluxes through 2 surfaces at :math:`x_{min}` and :math:`x_{max}`: .. math:: \int_V \frac{dV}{V} \bnabla \cdot (\vv P) = \frac{S}{V} \left( \langle v_x P \rangle_{S_{min}} - \langle v_x P \rangle_{S_{max}} \right). """ _tag = "spatial_means_regions" _module_name = "fluidsim.extend_simul.spatial_means_regions_milestone" def __init__(self, output): params = output.sim.params params_cls = params.output.spatial_means_regions self.xmin_given = params_cls.xmin self.xmax_given = params_cls.xmax if isinstance(self.xmin_given, numbers.Number): self.xmin_given = [self.xmin_given] if isinstance(self.xmax_given, numbers.Number): self.xmax_given = [self.xmax_given] self.nb_regions = len(self.xmin_given) if len(self.xmax_given) != self.nb_regions: raise ValueError("len(self.xmax_given) != len(self.xmin_given)") oper = output.sim.oper Lx = params.oper.Lx if not params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER: x_seq = oper.x_seq else: x_seq = Lx / params.oper.nx * np.arange(params.oper.nx) self.info_regions = [] _, _, ix_seq_start = oper.seq_indices_first_X nx_loc = oper.shapeX_loc[2] for xmin, xmax in zip(self.xmin_given, self.xmax_given): xmin, xmax = Lx * xmin, Lx * xmax ixmin = np.argmin(abs(x_seq - xmin)) xmin = x_seq[ixmin] ixmin_loc = ixmin - ix_seq_start if ixmin_loc < 0 or ixmin_loc > nx_loc - 1: # this limit is not in this process ixmin_loc = None ixmax = np.argmin(abs(x_seq - xmax)) xmax = x_seq[ixmax] ixmax_loc = ixmax - ix_seq_start ixstop_loc = ixmax_loc + 1 # special case when region == whole numerical domain if ixmax == params.oper.nx - 1 and ixmin == 0: xmax += x_seq[1] ixmax += 1 ixmax_surf = ixmax % params.oper.nx ixmax_surf_loc = ixmax_surf - ix_seq_start if ixmax_surf_loc < 0 or ixmax_surf_loc > nx_loc - 1: # this limit is not in this process ixmax_surf_loc = None self.info_regions.append( (xmin, xmax, ixmin, ixmax, ixmin_loc, ixmax_surf_loc, ixstop_loc) ) super().__init__( output, period_save=params.output.periods_save.spatial_means_regions ) if self.period_save == 0: return self.masks = [] self.nb_points = [] self.nb_points_xmin = [] self.nb_points_xmax = [] for info_region in self.info_regions: (ixmin_loc, ixmax_surf_loc, ixstop_loc) = info_region[4:] mask_loc = np.zeros(shape=oper.shapeX_loc, dtype=np.int8) mask_loc[:, :, ixmin_loc:ixstop_loc] = 1 self.masks.append(mask_loc) nb_points = mask_loc.sum() if mpi.nb_proc > 1: nb_points = mpi.comm.allreduce(nb_points, op=mpi.MPI.SUM) self.nb_points.append(nb_points) def compute_nb_points_surface(ixsurface_loc): if ixsurface_loc is not None: nz_loc = oper.shapeX_loc[0] ny_loc = oper.shapeX_loc[1] nb_points_xsurface_loc = ny_loc * nz_loc else: nb_points_xsurface_loc = np.int8(0) if mpi.nb_proc > 1: nb_points_xsurface = mpi.comm.allreduce( nb_points_xsurface_loc, op=mpi.MPI.SUM ) else: nb_points_xsurface = nb_points_xsurface_loc return nb_points_xsurface self.nb_points_xmin.append(compute_nb_points_surface(ixmin_loc)) self.nb_points_xmax.append(compute_nb_points_surface(ixmax_surf_loc)) self._save_one_time() def _init_path_files(self): self.path_dir = Path(self.output.path_run) / self._tag self.paths = [ self.path_dir / f"data{iregion}.csv" for iregion in range(self.nb_regions) ] def _init_files(self, arrays_1st_time=None): if mpi.rank == 0: self.path_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) for path, info_region in zip(self.paths, self.info_regions): xmin, xmax = info_region[:2] if not path.exists(): with open(path, "w") as file: file.write( f"# xmin = {xmin} ; xmax = {xmax}\n" "time,EK,EKz,EA,epsK,epsA,conv_K2A,PK,PA," "flux_Pnl_xmin,flux_Pnl_xmax,flux_v2_xmin,flux_v2_xmax," "flux_P_dz_b_xmin,flux_P_dz_b_xmax," "flux_Pforcing_xmin,flux_Pforcing_xmax," "flux_A_xmin,flux_A_xmax\n" ) else: with open(path, "r") as file: words = file.readline().split() xmin_file = float(words[3]) xmax_file = float(words[7]) if xmin_file != xmin or xmax_file != xmax: raise ValueError( "xmin_file != xmin or xmax_file != xmax\n" f"{xmin_file} != {xmin} or {xmax_file} != {xmax}" )
[docs] @classmethod def complete_params_with_default(cls, params): params.output.periods_save._set_attrib(cls._tag, 0) params.output._set_child( cls._tag, attribs={"xmin": [0.1, 0.4, 0.7], "xmax": [0.3, 0.6, 0.9]} )
[docs] @classmethod def get_modif_info_solver(cls): """Create a function to modify ``info_solver``. Note that this function is called when the object ``info_solver`` has not yet been created (and cannot yet be modified)! This is why one needs to create a function that will be called later to modify ``info_solver``. """ def modif_info_solver(info_solver): info_solver.classes.Output.classes._set_child( "SpatialMeansRegions", attribs={ "module_name": cls._module_name, "class_name": cls.__name__, }, ) return modif_info_solver
[docs] def _online_save(self): if self._has_to_online_save(): self._save_one_time()
def _compute_means_regions(self, field): results = [] for nb_points, mask in zip(self.nb_points, self.masks): result = (mask * field).sum() if mpi.nb_proc > 1: result = mpi.comm.allreduce(result, op=mpi.MPI.SUM) results.append(result / nb_points) return np.array(results)
[docs] def _compute_fluxes_regions(self, field, vx): """Compute for each region the fluxes over xmin and xmax surface""" fluxes = [] for index_region, info_region in enumerate(self.info_regions): xmin, xmax = info_region[:2] length_region = xmax - xmin ixmin_loc, ixmax_surf_loc = info_region[4:-1] def compute_flux(nb_points_surfaces, ixsurface_loc): nb_points_surface = nb_points_surfaces[index_region] if ixsurface_loc is not None: field_xsurface = field[:, :, ixsurface_loc] vx_xsurface = vx[:, :, ixsurface_loc] sum_xsurface = (vx_xsurface * field_xsurface).sum() else: sum_xsurface = 0.0 if mpi.nb_proc > 1: sum_xsurface = mpi.comm.allreduce( sum_xsurface, op=mpi.MPI.SUM ) return sum_xsurface / nb_points_surface / length_region flux_xmin = compute_flux(self.nb_points_xmin, ixmin_loc) flux_xmax = -compute_flux(self.nb_points_xmax, ixmax_surf_loc) fluxes.append((flux_xmin, flux_xmax)) return np.array(fluxes)
def _save_one_time(self): tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t self.t_last_save = tsim state = self.sim.state oper = self.sim.oper ifft = oper.ifft fft = oper.fft ifft_as_arg_destroy = oper.ifft_as_arg_destroy get_var = state.state_phys.get_var b = get_var("b") vx = get_var("vx") vy = get_var("vy") vz = get_var("vz") N2b2 = 0.5 / self.sim.params.N**2 * b * b EAs = self._compute_means_regions(N2b2) vh2 = 0.5 * (vx * vx + vy * vy) vz2 = 0.5 * vz * vz v2_over_2 = vh2 + vz2 EKhs = self._compute_means_regions(vh2) EKzs = self._compute_means_regions(vz2) del vh2, vz2 EKs = EKhs + EKzs conv_K2A = -self._compute_means_regions(b * vz) get_var = state.state_spect.get_var b_fft = get_var("b_fft") vx_fft = get_var("vx_fft") vy_fft = get_var("vy_fft") vz_fft = get_var("vz_fft") f_d, _ = self.sim.compute_freq_diss() f_d_vx = ifft(f_d * vx_fft) f_d_vy = ifft(f_d * vy_fft) f_d_vz = ifft(f_d * vz_fft) epsKs = self._compute_means_regions( vx * f_d_vx + vy * f_d_vy + vz * f_d_vz ) del f_d_vx, f_d_vy, f_d_vz epsAs = [ epsA / self.sim.params.N**2 for epsA in self._compute_means_regions(b * ifft(f_d * b_fft)) ] if self.sim.params.forcing.enable: deltat = self.sim.time_stepping.deltat forcing_fft = self.sim.forcing.get_forcing() fx_fft = forcing_fft.get_var("vx_fft") fy_fft = forcing_fft.get_var("vy_fft") assert np.allclose(forcing_fft.get_var("vz_fft"), 0) fx = ifft(fx_fft) fy = ifft(fy_fft) PKs = self._compute_means_regions( vx * fx + vy * fy + (abs(fx) ** 2 + abs(fy) ** 2) * deltat / 2 ) else: PKs = np.zeros(3) # Compute spatial fluxes # Need to compute the pressure P = v^2/2 + p omegax_fft, omegay_fft, omegaz_fft = oper.rotfft_from_vecfft( vx_fft, vy_fft, vz_fft ) ifft_as_arg_destroy = oper.ifft_as_arg_destroy omegax = state.fields_tmp[3] omegay = state.fields_tmp[4] omegaz = state.fields_tmp[5] ifft_as_arg_destroy(omegax_fft, omegax) ifft_as_arg_destroy(omegay_fft, omegay) ifft_as_arg_destroy(omegaz_fft, omegaz) del omegax_fft, omegay_fft, omegaz_fft f_nl_x, f_nl_y, f_nl_z = vector_product( vx, vy, vz, omegax, omegay, omegaz ) del omegax, omegay, omegaz f_nl_x_fft = fft(f_nl_x) f_nl_y_fft = fft(f_nl_y) f_nl_z_fft = fft(f_nl_z) f_nl_x_fft *= 1j * oper.Kx dx_f_nl_x_fft = f_nl_x_fft del f_nl_x_fft f_nl_y_fft *= 1j * oper.Ky dy_f_nl_y_fft = f_nl_y_fft del f_nl_y_fft f_nl_z_fft *= 1j * oper.Kz dz_f_nl_z_fft = f_nl_z_fft del f_nl_z_fft P_nl_fft = -(dx_f_nl_x_fft + dy_f_nl_y_fft + dz_f_nl_z_fft) / oper.K2_not0 del dx_f_nl_x_fft, dy_f_nl_y_fft, dz_f_nl_z_fft P_nl = ifft(P_nl_fft) del P_nl_fft if self.sim.params.forcing.enable: fz_fft = forcing_fft.get_var("vz_fft") P_forcing = -ifft( oper.divfft_from_vecfft(fx_fft, fy_fft, fz_fft) / oper.K2_not0 ) P_dz_b = -ifft(1j * oper.Kz * b_fft / oper.K2_not0) fluxes_P_nl = self._compute_fluxes_regions(P_nl, vx) fluxes_v2 = self._compute_fluxes_regions(v2_over_2, vx) fluxes_P_forcing = self._compute_fluxes_regions(P_forcing, vx) fluxes_P_dz_b = self._compute_fluxes_regions(P_dz_b, vx) fluxes_A = self._compute_fluxes_regions(N2b2, vx) if mpi.rank > 0: return for i, path in enumerate(self.paths): flux_Pnl_xmin, flux_Pnl_xmax = fluxes_P_nl[i] flux_v2_xmin, flux_v2_xmax = fluxes_v2[i] flux_Pforcing_xmin, flux_Pforcing_xmax = fluxes_P_forcing[i] flux_P_dz_b_xmin, flux_P_dz_b_xmax = fluxes_P_dz_b[i] flux_A_xmin, flux_A_xmax = fluxes_A[i] with open(path, "a") as file: file.write( f"{tsim},{EKs[i]},{EKzs[i]},{EAs[i]}," f"{epsKs[i]},{epsAs[i]},{conv_K2A[i]},{PKs[i]},0.0," f"{flux_Pnl_xmin},{flux_Pnl_xmax},{flux_v2_xmin},{flux_v2_xmax}," f"{flux_P_dz_b_xmin},{flux_P_dz_b_xmax}," f"{flux_Pforcing_xmin},{flux_Pforcing_xmax}," f"{flux_A_xmin},{flux_A_xmax}\n" ) def load(self, iregion=0): df = pd.read_csv(self.paths[iregion], skiprows=1) return df
[docs] def print_keys(self): """Print the keys associated with the computed quantities""" df = pd.read_csv(self.paths[0], skiprows=1, nrows=1) print(df.columns)
[docs] def plot(self, keys="EK", iregion=0): """Plot some quantities for a given region""" df = self.load(iregion) ax = df.plot(x="time", y=keys) xmin, xmax = self.info_regions[iregion][:2] ax.set_title(self.output.summary_simul + f"\nxmin={xmin}, xmax={xmax}") return ax
[docs] def plot_budget( self, iregion=0, decompose_fluxes=False, plot_conversion=False ): """Plot the energy budget for a given region""" df = self.load(iregion) times = df["time"] E_tot = df["EK"] + df["EA"] dt_E_tot = np.gradient(E_tot, times) P_tot = df["PK"] + df["PA"] eps = df["epsK"] + df["epsA"] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(times, dt_E_tot, "k--", label="$d_t E$", linewidth=2) ax.plot(times, P_tot, label="Forcing") ax.plot(times, -eps, label="Viscosity") kinds = "flux_Pnl flux_Pforcing flux_A flux_P_dz_b".split() flux_tot = np.zeros_like(times) for kind in kinds: flux_kind = df[kind + "_xmin"] + df[kind + "_xmax"] flux_tot += flux_kind.values ax.plot(times, flux_tot, label="Surface fluxes") ax.plot(times, P_tot - eps + flux_tot, label="All terms", linewidth=2) if decompose_fluxes: for kind in kinds: flux_kind = df[kind + "_xmin"] + df[kind + "_xmax"] ax.plot(times, flux_kind, ":", label=kind) if plot_conversion: ax.plot(times, df["conv_K2A"], "-.", label=r"$C_{K\rightarrow A}$") xmin, xmax = self.info_regions[iregion][:2] ax.set_title( self.output.summary_simul + f"\nxmin={xmin:.3f}, xmax={xmax:.3f}" ) ax.set_xlabel("time") fig.legend() fig.tight_layout() return ax