Source code for fluidsim.base.solvers.pseudo_spect

"""Base solver (:mod:`fluidsim.base.solvers.pseudo_spect`)

This module provides two base classes that can be used to define
pseudo-spectral solvers.

.. autoclass:: InfoSolverPseudoSpectral

.. autoclass:: SimulBasePseudoSpectral

.. autoclass:: InfoSolverPseudoSpectral3D


import os

import numpy as np

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

from fluidsim.base.setofvariables import SetOfVariables
from fluidsim.base.solvers.base import SimulBase, InfoSolverBase

[docs] class InfoSolverPseudoSpectral(InfoSolverBase): """Contain the information on a base pseudo-spectral 2D solver."""
[docs] def _init_root(self): """Init. `self` by writting the information on the solver. The first-level classes for this base solver are: - :class:`fluidsim.base.solvers.pseudo_spect.SimulBasePseudoSpectral` - :class:`fluidsim.base.state.StatePseudoSpectral` - :class:`fluidsim.base.time_stepping.pseudo_spect.TimeSteppingPseudoSpectral` - :class:`fluidsim.operators.operators.OperatorsPseudoSpectral2D` """ super()._init_root() self.module_name = "fluidsim.base.solvers.pseudo_spect" self.class_name = "SimulBasePseudoSpectral" self.short_name = "BasePS" self.classes.State.module_name = "fluidsim.base.state" self.classes.State.class_name = "StatePseudoSpectral" self.classes.TimeStepping.module_name = ( "fluidsim.base.time_stepping.pseudo_spect" ) self.classes.TimeStepping.class_name = "TimeSteppingPseudoSpectral" self.classes.Operators.module_name = "fluidsim.operators.operators" if "FLUIDSIM_NO_FLUIDFFT" not in os.environ: self.classes.Operators.module_name += "2d" self.classes.Operators.class_name = "OperatorsPseudoSpectral2D" self.classes.Forcing.class_name = "ForcingBasePseudoSpectral" self.classes.Output.class_name = "OutputBasePseudoSpectral" self.classes._set_child( "Preprocess", attribs={ "module_name": "fluidsim.base.preprocess.pseudo_spect", "class_name": "PreprocessPseudoSpectral", }, )
[docs] class InfoSolverPseudoSpectral3D(InfoSolverPseudoSpectral): """Contain the information on a base pseudo-spectral 3D solver."""
[docs] def _init_root(self): """Init. `self` by writting the information on the solver. The first-level classes for this base solver are the same as for the 2D pseudo-spectral base solver except the class: - :class:`fluidsim.operators.operators2d.OperatorsPseudoSpectral3D` """ super()._init_root() self.classes.Operators.module_name = "fluidsim.operators.operators3d" self.classes.Operators.class_name = "OperatorsPseudoSpectral3D"
[docs] class SimulBasePseudoSpectral(SimulBase): """Pseudo-spectral base solver.""" InfoSolver = InfoSolverPseudoSpectral
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): """Complete the `params` container (static method).""" SimulBase._complete_params_with_default(params) attribs = {"nu_8": 0.0, "nu_4": 0.0, "nu_m4": 0.0} params._set_attribs(attribs) params._set_doc( params._doc + """ nu_8: float Hyper-viscous coefficient of order 8. Also used in the method compute_freq_diss. nu_4: float Hyper-viscous coefficient of order 4. nu_m4: float Hypo-viscous coefficient of order -4. Hypo-viscosity affect more the large scales. """ )
[docs] def compute_freq_diss(self): r"""Compute the dissipation frequency. Use the `self.params.nu_...` parameters to compute an array containing the dissipation frequency as a function of the wavenumber. .. |p| mathmacro:: \partial The governing equations for a pseudo-spectral solver can be written as .. math:: \p_t S = N(S) - \sigma(k) S, where :math:`\sigma` is the frequency associated with the linear term. In this function, the frequency :math:`\sigma` is split in 2 parts: the dissipation at small scales and the dissipation at large scale (hypo-viscosity, `params.nu_m4`). Returns ------- f_d : `numpy.array` The dissipation frequency as a function of the wavenumber (small sclale part). f_d_hypo : `numpy.array` The dissipation frequency at large scale (hypo-viscosity) """ if self.params.nu_2 > 0: f_d = self.params.nu_2 * self.oper.K2 else: f_d = np.zeros_like(self.oper.K2) if self.params.nu_4 > 0.0: f_d += self.params.nu_4 * self.oper.K4 if self.params.nu_8 > 0.0: f_d += self.params.nu_8 * self.oper.K8 if self.params.nu_m4 != 0.0: f_d_hypo = self.params.nu_m4 / self.oper.K2_not0**2 # mode K2 = 0 ! dim = len(self.oper.shapeK) if dim == 2: if mpi.rank == 0: f_d_hypo[0, 0] = f_d_hypo[0, 1] else: if sum(self.oper.seq_indices_first_K) == 0: f_d_hypo[0, 0, 0] = f_d_hypo[0, 0, 1] else: f_d_hypo = 0.0 return f_d, f_d_hypo
[docs] def plot_freq_diss(self, direction="x"): r"""Plot the dissipation frequencies as functions of k. direction : `str` Direction of the wavevector to plot with ("x", "y" or "z") """ number = getattr(self.params.oper, "n" + direction) length = getattr(self.params.oper, "L" + direction) deltak = 2 * np.pi / length nk = int(self.params.oper.coef_dealiasing * number // 2) ks = deltak * np.arange(nk) ks_not0 = ks.copy() ks_not0[ks == 0] = np.nan fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe() ax.set_xlabel(f"$k{direction}$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\omega_\mathrm{diss}$") ax.set_title("Dissipation frequencies\n" + self.output.summary_simul) f_d_tot = np.zeros_like(ks) if self.params.nu_2 > 0: f_d_2 = self.params.nu_2 * ks**2 ax.plot(ks, f_d_2, "r", linewidth=2, label=r"$\nu_2$") f_d_tot += f_d_2 if self.params.nu_4 > 0.0: f_d_4 = self.params.nu_4 * ks**4 ax.plot(ks, f_d_4, "m", linewidth=2, label=r"$\nu_4$") f_d_tot += f_d_4 if self.params.nu_8 > 0.0: f_d_8 = self.params.nu_8 * ks**8 ax.plot(ks, f_d_8, "b", linewidth=2, label=r"$\nu_8$") f_d_tot += f_d_8 if self.params.nu_m4 != 0.0: f_d_hypo = self.params.nu_m4 / ks_not0**4 ax.plot(ks, f_d_hypo, "g", linewidth=2, label=r"$\nu_{-4}$") f_d_tot += f_d_hypo ax.plot(ks, f_d_tot, "k--", linewidth=2, label="total") ax.legend()
[docs] def tendencies_nonlin(self, variables=None, old=None): r"""Compute the nonlinear tendencies. This function has to be overridden in a child class. Returns ------- tendencies_fft : :class:`fluidsim.base.setofvariables.SetOfVariables` An array containing only zeros. """ if old is None: tendencies = SetOfVariables(like=self.state.state_spect) else: tendencies = old tendencies.initialize(value=0.0) return tendencies
Simul = SimulBasePseudoSpectral if __name__ == "__main__": import fluiddyn as fld params = Simul.create_default_params() params.short_name_type_run = "test" nh = 16 Lh = 2 * np.pi params.oper.nx = nh params.oper.ny = nh params.oper.Lx = Lh params.oper.Ly = Lh delta_x = params.oper.Lx / params.oper.nx params.nu_8 = ( 2.0 * 10e-1 * params.forcing.forcing_rate ** (1.0 / 3) * delta_x**8 ) params.time_stepping.t_end = 5.0 params.init_fields.type = "noise" params.output.periods_plot.phys_fields = 0.0 params.output.periods_print.print_stdout = 0.25 params.output.periods_save.phys_fields = 2.0 sim = Simul(params) sim.output.phys_fields.plot() sim.time_stepping.start() sim.output.phys_fields.plot()