Source code for fluidsim.base.output.temporal_spectra

"""Temporal spectra


.. autoclass:: TemporalSpectra3D

.. autoclass:: TemporalSpectra2D


from pathlib import Path
from logging import warn

from math import pi
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import h5py
from rich.progress import Progress, track

from fluiddyn.util import mpi
from fluidsim.base.output.base import SpecificOutput
from fluidsim.base.output.spatiotemporal_spectra import (

[docs] class TemporalSpectra3D(SpecificOutput): """ Computes the temporal spectra. """ _tag = "temporal_spectra" nb_dim = 3
[docs] @classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): tag = "temporal_spectra" params.output.periods_save._set_attrib(tag, 0) attribs = { "probes_deltax": 0.1, # m "probes_deltay": 0.1, # m "probes_region": None, # m "file_max_size": 10.0, # MB "SAVE_AS_FLOAT32": True, } if cls.nb_dim == 3: attribs["probes_deltaz"] = 0.1 # m params.output._set_child( tag, attribs=attribs, ) params.output.temporal_spectra._set_doc( """ probes_deltax, probes_deltay and probes_deltaz: float (default: 0.1) Probes spacing in the x, y and z directions (in params.oper.Li unit). probes_region: tuple (default:None) Boundaries of the region in the simulation domain were probes are set. probes_region = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax), in params.oper.Lx unit. If None, set to the whole simulation domain. file_max_size: float (default: 10.0) Maximum size of one time series file, in megabytes. SAVE_AS_FLOAT32: bool (default: True) If set to False, probes data is saved as float64. Warning : saving as float64 reduces digital noise at high frequencies, but double the size of the output! """ )
def __init__(self, output): params = output.sim.params try: params_tspec = params.output.temporal_spectra except AttributeError: warn( "Cannot initialize temporal spectra output because " "`params` does not contain parameters for this class." ) return super().__init__( output, period_save=params.output.periods_save.temporal_spectra, ) oper = self.sim.oper # Parameters self.probes_deltax = params_tspec.probes_deltax self.probes_deltay = params_tspec.probes_deltay if self.nb_dim == 3: self.probes_deltaz = params_tspec.probes_deltaz self.period_save = params.output.periods_save.temporal_spectra self.path_dir = Path(self.sim.output.path_run) / "probes" self.keys_fields = self.sim.info_solver.classes.State.keys_state_phys if not output._has_to_save: self.period_save = 0.0 if self.period_save == 0.0: return if params_tspec.probes_region is not None: self.probes_region = params_tspec.probes_region if self.nb_dim == 3: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = self.probes_region else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.probes_region zmin, zmax = 0.0, 0.0 else: xmin = ymin = zmin = 0.0 xmax = oper.Lx ymax = oper.Ly if self.nb_dim == 3: zmax = oper.Lz self.probes_region = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax else: zmax = 0.0 self.probes_region = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax self.file_max_size = params_tspec.file_max_size self.SAVE_AS_FLOAT32 = params_tspec.SAVE_AS_FLOAT32 if self.SAVE_AS_FLOAT32: size_1_number = 4e-6 self.datatype = np.float32 else: size_1_number = 8e-6 self.datatype = np.float64 if self.nb_dim == 3: X, Y, Z = oper.get_XYZ_loc() else: X = oper.X Y = oper.Y # round probes positions to gridpoints # probes spacing should at least be oper grid spacing self.probes_deltax = max( oper.deltax, oper.deltax * round(self.probes_deltax / oper.deltax) ) xmin = oper.deltax * round(xmin / oper.deltax) self.probes_deltay = max( oper.deltay, oper.deltay * round(self.probes_deltay / oper.deltay) ) ymin = oper.deltay * round(ymin / oper.deltay) if self.nb_dim == 3: self.probes_deltaz = max( oper.deltaz, oper.deltaz * round(self.probes_deltaz / oper.deltaz) ) zmin = oper.deltaz * round(zmin / oper.deltaz) else: self.probes_deltaz = None zmin = 0.0 # make sure probes region is not empty, and xmax is included xmax += 1e-15 ymax += 1e-15 zmax += 1e-15 # global probes coordinates self.probes_x_seq = np.arange(xmin, xmax, self.probes_deltax) self.probes_y_seq = np.arange(ymin, ymax, self.probes_deltay) self.probes_z_seq = np.arange(zmin, zmax, self.probes_deltaz) # data directory if mpi.rank == 0: self.path_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if mpi.nb_proc > 1: mpi.comm.barrier() # check for existing files paths = sorted(self.path_dir.glob("rank*.h5")) if paths: # check values in files with h5py.File(paths[0], "r") as file: if file.attrs["nb_proc"] != mpi.nb_proc: raise ValueError("process number is different from files") if not ( np.allclose(file["probes_x_seq"][:], self.probes_x_seq) and np.allclose(file["probes_y_seq"][:], self.probes_y_seq) and np.allclose(file["probes_z_seq"][:], self.probes_z_seq) ): raise ValueError("probes position are different from files") # init from files paths = [p for p in paths if"rank{mpi.rank:05}")] if paths: self.path_file = paths[-1] with h5py.File(self.path_file, "r") as file: self.index_file = file.attrs["index_file"] self.probes_x_loc = file["probes_x_loc"][:] self.probes_y_loc = file["probes_y_loc"][:] self.probes_z_loc = file["probes_z_loc"][:] self.probes_ix_loc = file["probes_ix_loc"][:] self.probes_iy_loc = file["probes_iy_loc"][:] self.probes_iz_loc = file["probes_iz_loc"][:] self.probes_nb_loc = self.probes_x_loc.size self.number_times_in_file = file["times"].size self.t_last_save = file["times"][-1] else: # no probes in proc self.path_file = None self.index_file = 0 self.number_times_in_file = 0 self.probes_nb_loc = 0 self.probes_x_loc = [] self.probes_y_loc = [] self.probes_z_loc = [] self.probes_ix_loc = [] self.probes_iy_loc = [] self.probes_iz_loc = [] else: # no files were found : initialize from params # local probes coordinates self.probes_x_loc = self.probes_x_seq[ (self.probes_x_seq >= X.min()) & (self.probes_x_seq <= X.max()) ] self.probes_y_loc = self.probes_y_seq[ (self.probes_y_seq >= Y.min()) & (self.probes_y_seq <= Y.max()) ] if self.nb_dim == 3: self.probes_z_loc = self.probes_z_seq[ (self.probes_z_seq >= Z.min()) & (self.probes_z_seq <= Z.max()) ] else: self.probes_z_loc = self.probes_z_seq if self.nb_dim == 2: assert self.probes_z_loc.size == 1 self.probes_nb_loc = ( self.probes_x_loc.size * self.probes_y_loc.size * self.probes_z_loc.size ) # local probes indices self.probes_ix_loc = np.empty(self.probes_nb_loc, dtype=int) self.probes_iy_loc = np.empty_like(self.probes_ix_loc) self.probes_iz_loc = np.zeros_like(self.probes_ix_loc) probe_i = 0 for probe_x in self.probes_x_loc: for probe_y in self.probes_y_loc: for probe_z in self.probes_z_loc: probe_ix = int((probe_x - X.min()) / oper.deltax) probe_iy = int((probe_y - Y.min()) / oper.deltay) self.probes_ix_loc[probe_i] = probe_ix self.probes_iy_loc[probe_i] = probe_iy if self.nb_dim == 3: probe_iz = int((probe_z - Z.min()) / oper.deltaz) self.probes_iz_loc[probe_i] = probe_iz probe_i += 1 self.probes_x_loc = self._get_data_probe_from_field(X) self.probes_y_loc = self._get_data_probe_from_field(Y) if self.nb_dim == 3: self.probes_z_loc = self._get_data_probe_from_field(Z) # initialize files self.index_file = 0 self.number_times_in_file = 0 self.t_last_save = -self.period_save if self.probes_nb_loc > 0: self._init_new_file(tmin_file=self.sim.time_stepping.t) # size of a single write: nb_fields * probes_nb_loc + time probes_write_size = ( len(self.keys_fields) * self.probes_nb_loc + 1 ) * size_1_number self.max_number_times_in_file = int( self.file_max_size / probes_write_size )
[docs] def _init_files(self, arrays_1st_time=None): # we don't want to do anything when this function is called. pass
[docs] def _init_new_file(self, tmin_file=None): """Initializes a new file""" if tmin_file is not None: # max number of digits = int(log10(t_end)) + 1 # add .3f precision = 4 additional characters # +2 by anticipation of potential restarts str_width = int(np.log10(self.sim.params.time_stepping.t_end)) + 7 ind_str = f"tmin{tmin_file:0{str_width}.3f}" else: ind_str = f"file{self.index_file:04}" self.path_file = self.path_dir / f"rank{mpi.rank:05}_{ind_str}.h5" with h5py.File(self.path_file, "w") as file: file.attrs["nb_proc"] = mpi.nb_proc file.attrs["index_file"] = self.index_file file.attrs["period_save"] = self.period_save create_ds = file.create_dataset create_ds("probes_x_seq", data=self.probes_x_seq) create_ds("probes_y_seq", data=self.probes_y_seq) create_ds("probes_z_seq", data=self.probes_z_seq) create_ds("probes_x_loc", data=self.probes_x_loc) create_ds("probes_y_loc", data=self.probes_y_loc) create_ds("probes_z_loc", data=self.probes_z_loc) create_ds("probes_ix_loc", data=self.probes_ix_loc) create_ds("probes_iy_loc", data=self.probes_iy_loc) create_ds("probes_iz_loc", data=self.probes_iz_loc) create_ds("times", (1,), maxshape=(None,)) for key in self.keys_fields: create_ds( f"probes_{key}_loc", (self.probes_nb_loc, 1), maxshape=(self.probes_nb_loc, None), dtype=self.datatype, )
[docs] def _write_to_file(self, data): """Writes a file with the temporal data""" with h5py.File(self.path_file, "a") as file: for k, v in data.items(): dset = file[k] if k.startswith("times"): dset.resize((self.number_times_in_file,)) if self.SAVE_AS_FLOAT32: v = np.array(v, dtype="float32") dset[-1] = v else: dset.resize((self.probes_nb_loc, self.number_times_in_file)) if self.SAVE_AS_FLOAT32: v = v.astype("float32") dset[:, -1] = v
[docs] def _get_data_probe_from_field(self, field): return field[self.probes_iz_loc, self.probes_iy_loc, self.probes_ix_loc]
[docs] def _add_probes_data_to_dict(self, data_dict, key): """Probes fields and append data to a dict object""" data_dict[f"probes_{key}_loc"] = self._get_data_probe_from_field( self.sim.state.get_var(key) )
[docs] def _online_save(self): """Prepares data and writes to file""" if self.probes_nb_loc > 0: tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t if ( tsim + 1e-15 ) // self.period_save > self.t_last_save // self.period_save: # if max write number is reached, init new file if self.number_times_in_file >= self.max_number_times_in_file: self.index_file += 1 self.number_times_in_file = 0 self._init_new_file(tmin_file=self.sim.time_stepping.t) # get data from probes data = {"times": self.sim.time_stepping.t} data["times"] = self.sim.time_stepping.t for key in self.keys_fields: self._add_probes_data_to_dict(data, key) # write to file self.number_times_in_file += 1 self._write_to_file(data) self.t_last_save = tsim
[docs] def load_time_series( self, keys=None, region=None, tmin=0, tmax=None, dtype=None ): """load time series from files""" if keys is None: keys = self.keys_fields if region is None: region = self._get_default_region() if tmax is None: tmax = self.sim.params.time_stepping.t_end if self.nb_dim == 3: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = region else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = region # get ranks paths = sorted(self.path_dir.glob("rank*.h5")) ranks = sorted({int([4:9]) for p in paths}) # get times from the files of first rank print(f"load times series...") paths_1st_rank = [ p for p in paths if"rank{ranks[0]:05}") ] if dtype is None: with h5py.File(paths_1st_rank[0], "r") as file: dtype = file[f"probes_{keys[0]}_loc"].dtype # get list of useful files, from tmin tmins_files = np.array([float([14:-3]) for p in paths_1st_rank]) tmins_files, paths_1st_rank = filter_tmins_paths( tmin, tmins_files, paths_1st_rank ) with Progress() as progress: npaths = len(paths_1st_rank) task_files = progress.add_task( "Getting times from rank 0...", total=npaths ) times = [] for ip, path in enumerate(paths_1st_rank): with h5py.File(path, "r") as file: if tmins_files[ip] > tmax: progress.update(task_files, completed=npaths) break times_file = file["times"][:] cond_times = (times_file >= tmin) & (times_file <= tmax) times.append(times_file[cond_times]) progress.update(task_files, advance=1) times = np.concatenate(times) tmin = times.min() tmax = times.max() print(f"tmin={tmin:8.6g}, tmax={tmax:8.6g}, nit={times.size}") # load series series = {f"probes_{k}_loc": [] for k in keys} with Progress() as progress: task_ranks = progress.add_task("Rearranging...", total=len(ranks)) task_files = progress.add_task("Rank 00000...", total=npaths) # loop on all files, rank by rank for rank in ranks: paths_rank = [ p for p in paths if"rank{rank:05}") ] # get list of useful files, from tmin tmins_files = np.array([float([14:-3]) for p in paths_rank]) tmins_files, paths_rank = filter_tmins_paths( tmin, tmins_files, paths_rank ) npaths = len(paths_rank) progress.update( task_files, description=f"Rank {rank:05}...", total=npaths, completed=0, ) # for a given rank, paths are sorted by time data = {f"probes_{k}_loc": [] for k in keys} for path_file in paths_rank: # break after the last useful file if tmins_files[ip] > tmax: progress.update(task_files, completed=npaths) break with h5py.File(path_file, "r") as file: probes_x = file["probes_x_loc"][:] probes_y = file["probes_y_loc"][:] probes_z = file["probes_z_loc"][:] cond_region = ( (probes_x >= xmin) & (probes_x <= xmax) & (probes_y >= ymin) & (probes_y <= ymax) ) if self.nb_dim == 3: cond_region = ( cond_region & (probes_z >= zmin) & (probes_z <= zmax) ) cond_region = np.where(cond_region)[0] for key in keys: skey = f"probes_{key}_loc" tmp = file[skey][cond_region, :] times_file = file["times"][:] its_file = get_arange_minmax(times_file, tmin, tmax) data[skey].append(tmp[:, its_file]) # update rich task progress.update(task_files, advance=1) for key in keys: skey = f"probes_{key}_loc" series[skey].append(np.concatenate(data[skey], axis=1)) # update rich task progress.update(task_ranks, advance=1) series["times"] = times return series
[docs] def _compute_spectrum(self, data): if not hasattr(self, "f_sample"): paths = sorted(self.path_dir.glob("rank*.h5")) with h5py.File(paths[0], "r") as file: self.f_sample = 1.0 / file.attrs["period_save"] self.domega = 2 * pi * self.f_sample / data.shape[-1] # TODO: I'm not sure if detrend=False is good in prod, but it's much # better for testing freq, spectrum = signal.periodogram( data, fs=self.f_sample, scaling="spectrum", detrend=False, return_onesided=False, ) return freq, spectrum / self.domega
[docs] def compute_spectra(self, region=None, tmin=0, tmax=None, dtype=None): """compute temporal spectra from files""" if region is None: region = self._get_default_region() if tmax is None: tmax = self.sim.params.time_stepping.t_end spectra = {"region": region, "tmin": tmin, "tmax": tmax} # load data series = self.load_time_series( region=region, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, dtype=dtype ) # compute periodograms and average for key in series.keys(): if key.startswith("probes_"): freq, spectrum = self._compute_spectrum( np.concatenate(series[key]) ) spectrum = spectrum.mean(0) # get one-sided spectra nomega = freq.size // 2 + 1 spectrum_onesided = np.zeros(nomega) spectrum_onesided[0] = spectrum[0] spectrum_onesided[1:] = ( spectrum[1:nomega] + spectrum[-1:-nomega:-1] ) spectra["spectrum_" + key[7:-4]] = spectrum_onesided spectra["omegas"] = 2 * pi * freq[:nomega] # total kinetic energy if self.nb_dim == 3: spectra["spectrum_K"] = 0.5 * ( spectra["spectrum_vx"] + spectra["spectrum_vy"] + spectra["spectrum_vz"] ) else: spectra["spectrum_K"] = 0.5 * ( spectra["spectrum_ux"] + spectra["spectrum_uy"] ) # potential energy try: N = self.sim.params.N spectra["spectrum_A"] = 0.5 / N**2 * spectra["spectrum_b"] except AttributeError: pass return spectra
[docs] def _get_default_region(self): p_oper = self.sim.params.oper return (0, p_oper.Lx, 0, p_oper.Ly, 0, p_oper.Lz)
[docs] def plot_spectra( self, key=None, region=None, tmin=0, tmax=None, dtype=None, xscale="log" ): """plot temporal spectra from files""" if key is None: key = self.keys_fields[0] if region is None: region = self._get_default_region() if tmax is None: tmax = self.sim.params.time_stepping.t_end # load or compute spectra path_file = self._get_path_saved_spectra(region, tmin, tmax, dtype) if path_file.exists(): spectra = self.load_spectra( region=region, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, dtype=dtype ) else: spectra = self.save_spectra( region=region, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, dtype=dtype ) # plot fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe() ax.set_xlabel(r"$\omega$") ax.set_ylabel("spectrum") ax.set_xscale(xscale) ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_title( f"{key} temporal spectrum (tmin={tmin:.3f}, tmax={tmax:.3f})\n" + self.output.summary_simul ) # specific to strat try: N = self.sim.params.N except AttributeError: omegas = spectra["omegas"] ax.plot( spectra["omegas"], spectra["spectrum_" + key], "k", linewidth=2, ) else: # kinetic/potential decomposition EK = spectra["spectrum_K"] EA = spectra["spectrum_A"] omegas = spectra["omegas"] / N EKN = EK[abs(omegas - 1).argmin()] # value @N ax.plot(omegas, EK, "r", linewidth=2, label=r"$E_K$") ax.plot(omegas, EA, "b", linewidth=2, label=r"$E_A$") ax.set_title( f"kinetic/potential energy spectrum (tmin={tmin:.3f}, tmax={tmax:.3f})\n" + self.output.summary_simul ) # resonant modes if self.nb_dim == 3: aspect_ratio = self.sim.oper.Lx / self.sim.oper.Lz else: aspect_ratio = self.sim.oper.Lx / self.sim.oper.Ly def modes(nx, nz): return np.sqrt(nx**2 / (nx**2 + aspect_ratio**2 * nz**2)) nxs = np.arange(1, 11) modes_nz1 = modes(nxs, 1) modes_nz2 = modes(nxs, 2) modes_y = np.full_like(modes_nz1, fill_value=100 * EKN) ax.plot(modes_nz1, modes_y, "o", label="modes $n_z=1$") ax.plot(modes_nz2, modes_y * 3, "o", label="modes $n_z=2$") # omega^-2 scaling omegas_scaling = np.arange(0.4, 1 + 1e-15, 0.01) scaling_y = EKN * omegas_scaling**-2 ax.plot(omegas_scaling, scaling_y, "k--") # eye guide @N ymin = EKN / 10 _, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines(1, ymin, ymax, linestyle="dotted") # eye guide @omega_f (specific to watu_coriolis) if self.sim.params.forcing.type == "watu_coriolis": omega_f = self.sim.params.forcing.watu_coriolis.omega_f ax.vlines(omega_f / N, ymin, ymax, linestyle="dotted") ax.set_xlabel(r"$\omega/N$") ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_xlim(omegas[1], 1.5) ax.legend()
[docs] def save_data_as_phys_fields(self, delta_index_times=1): """load temporal data and save as phys_fields array""" # path to saving directory path_dir_save = self.path_dir / "phys_fields" path_dir_save.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # get ranks paths = sorted(self.path_dir.glob("rank*.h5")) ranks = sorted({int([4:9]) for p in paths}) # get times and probes positions from the files of first rank print("save probe data as 3D arrays") paths_1st_rank = [ p for p in paths if"rank{ranks[0]:05}") ] with h5py.File(paths_1st_rank[0], "r") as file: probes_x_seq = file["probes_x_seq"][:] probes_y_seq = file["probes_y_seq"][:] probes_z_seq = file["probes_z_seq"][:] times = [] for path in paths_1st_rank: with h5py.File(path, "r") as file: times.append(file["times"][:]) times = np.concatenate(times)[::delta_index_times] print(f"tmin={times.min():8.6g}, tmax={times.max():8.6g}") # time string width # digits for integer part : int(log10(t)) + 1 # add 2 zeros, coma and 3 decimals : + 6 width = int(np.log10(times.max())) + 7 # probes positions xmin = probes_x_seq.min() deltax = probes_x_seq[1] - xmin ymin = probes_y_seq.min() deltay = probes_y_seq[1] - ymin zmin = probes_z_seq.min() deltaz = probes_z_seq[1] - zmin probes_Z, probes_Y, probes_X = np.meshgrid( probes_z_seq, probes_y_seq, probes_x_seq, indexing="ij" ) # loop on times for time in track(times, description="Rearranging..."): # initialize arrays dict_arrays = {k: np.empty_like(probes_X) for k in self.keys_fields} # loop on ranks for rank in ranks: for path_file in paths: if not"rank{rank:05}"): continue with h5py.File(path_file, "r") as file: # check if the file contains the time we're looking for tmin_file, tmax_file = file["times"][[0, -1]] if (time < tmin_file) or (time > tmax_file): continue # time index it = np.where(file["times"][:] == time)[0] # get global probes indices coord_loc = file["probes_x_loc"][:] ix = np.rint((coord_loc - xmin) / deltax).astype("int") coord_loc = file["probes_y_loc"][:] iy = np.rint((coord_loc - ymin) / deltay).astype("int") coord_loc = file["probes_z_loc"][:] iz = np.rint((coord_loc - zmin) / deltaz).astype("int") # load data at time t for all keys_fields for key in self.keys_fields: dict_arrays[key][iz, iy, ix] = file[ f"probes_{key}_loc" ][:, it].transpose() # stop opening files when we've reached the right one break # save fields into a new file path_file_save = ( path_dir_save / f"probes_fields_t{time:0{width}.3f}.h5" ) with h5py.File(path_file_save, "w") as file: create_ds = file.create_dataset # probes coordinates create_ds("x", data=probes_X) create_ds("y", data=probes_Y) create_ds("z", data=probes_Z) # physical fields for k, v in dict_arrays.items(): create_ds(k, data=v) # sim info
[docs] def _get_path_saved_spectra(self, region, tmin, tmax, dtype): base = ( "periodogram_" + "_".join(str(x) for x in region) + f"_{tmin}_{tmax}" ) if dtype is not None: base += f"_{dtype}" return self.path_dir / (base + ".h5")
[docs] def save_spectra(self, region=None, tmin=0, tmax=None, dtype=None): """compute temporal spectra from files""" if region is None: region = self._get_default_region() if tmax is None: tmax = self.sim.params.time_stepping.t_end spectra = self.compute_spectra( region=region, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, dtype=dtype ) path_file = self._get_path_saved_spectra(region, tmin, tmax, dtype) with h5py.File(path_file, "w") as file: file.attrs["region"] = region file.attrs["tmin"] = tmin file.attrs["tmax"] = tmax for key, val in spectra.items(): file.create_dataset(key, data=val) return spectra
[docs] def load_spectra(self, region=None, tmin=0, tmax=None, dtype=None): """load temporal spectra from file""" if region is None: region = self._get_default_region() if tmax is None: tmax = self.sim.params.time_stepping.t_end spectra = {"region": region, "tmin": tmin, "tmax": tmax} path_file = self._get_path_saved_spectra(region, tmin, tmax, dtype) with h5py.File(path_file, "r") as file: for key in file.keys(): spectra[key] = file[key][...] return spectra
[docs] class TemporalSpectra2D(TemporalSpectra3D): nb_dim = 2
[docs] def _get_data_probe_from_field(self, field): return field[self.probes_iy_loc, self.probes_ix_loc]
[docs] def save_data_as_phys_fields(self, delta_index_times=1): """load temporal data and save as phys_fields array""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _get_default_region(self): p_oper = self.sim.params.oper return (0, p_oper.Lx, 0, p_oper.Ly)