Source code for fluidsim.base.output.spectra3d

"""Spectra 3d


.. autoclass:: MoviesSpectra

.. autoclass:: BaseSpectra

.. autoclass:: Spectra


import os
from textwrap import dedent
from math import sqrt, tau

import numpy as np
import h5py

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

from .spectra import MoviesSpectra, SpectraBase

[docs] class MoviesSpectra(MoviesSpectra): _name_attr_path = "path_file3d" _half_key = "spectra_" _key_axis = "k_spectra3d"
[docs] def init_animation(self, *args, **kwargs): if "xmax" not in kwargs: kwargs["xmax"] = self.oper.k_spectra3d[-1] if "ymax" not in kwargs: kwargs["ymax"] = 1.0 super().init_animation(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class BaseSpectra(SpectraBase): """Used for the saving of spectra.""" _tag = "spectra" _cls_movies = MoviesSpectra _possible_ndims = (1, 3)
[docs] def _get_key_spectrum(self, ndim, direction=None, kind=None): if ndim == 1: return "spectra_E_k" + direction else: return "spectra_E"
[docs] def _get_key_wavenumber(self, ndim, direction=None): if ndim == 1: return f"k{direction}" else: return "k_spectra3d"
[docs] def _get_pathfile_from_ndim(self, ndim): return getattr(self, f"path_file{ndim}d")
[docs] def _get_default_directions(self, ndim): if ndim != 1: return (None,) else: return "xyz"
[docs] @classmethod def _complete_params_with_default(cls, params): params.output.periods_save._set_attrib(cls._tag, 0) p_spectra = params.output._set_child( cls._tag, attribs={"HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED": False, "kzkh_periodicity": 0} ) p_spectra._set_doc( dedent( """ HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED : bool (False) If True, some curves can be plotted during the run. kzkh_periodicity : int (0) Periodicity of saving of (kz, kh) spectra (compared to standard spectra). """ ) )
def __init__(self, output): self.output = output params = output.sim.params self.kzkh_periodicity = params.output.spectra.kzkh_periodicity self.nx = int(params.oper.nx) self.nb_saved_times = 0 super().__init__( output, period_save=params.output.periods_save.spectra, has_to_plot_saved=params.output.spectra.HAS_TO_PLOT_SAVED, )
[docs] def _init_path_files(self): path_run = self.output.path_run self.path_file1d = path_run + f"/{self._tag}1d.h5" self.path_file3d = path_run + f"/{self._tag}3d.h5" self.path_file_kzkh = path_run + f"/{self._tag}_kzkh.h5"
[docs] def _init_files(self, arrays_1st_time=None): dict_spectra1d, dict_spectra3d, dict_kzkh = self.compute() if mpi.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(self.path_file1d): oper = self.sim.oper kx = oper.deltakx * np.arange(oper.nkx_spectra) ky = oper.deltaky * np.arange(oper.nky_spectra) kz = oper.deltakz * np.arange(oper.nkz_spectra) self._create_file_from_dict_arrays( self.path_file1d, dict_spectra1d, {"kx": kx, "ky": ky, "kz": kz}, ) self._create_file_from_dict_arrays( self.path_file3d, dict_spectra3d, {"k_spectra3d": self.sim.oper.k_spectra3d}, ) if self.kzkh_periodicity: self._create_file_from_dict_arrays( self.path_file_kzkh, dict_kzkh, {"kz": kz, "kh_spectra": self.sim.oper.kh_spectra}, ) self.nb_saved_times = 1 else: with h5py.File(self.path_file1d, "r") as file: dset_times = file["times"] self.nb_saved_times = dset_times.shape[0] + 1 # save the spectra in the file spectra1d.h5 self._add_dict_arrays_to_file(self.path_file1d, dict_spectra1d) # save the spectra in the file spectra3d.h5 self._add_dict_arrays_to_file(self.path_file3d, dict_spectra3d) if self.has_to_save_kzkh(only_rank0=True): self._add_dict_arrays_to_file(self.path_file_kzkh, dict_kzkh) self.t_last_save = self.sim.time_stepping.t
[docs] def has_to_save_kzkh(self, only_rank0=False): if mpi.rank == 0: answer = ( self.kzkh_periodicity and self.nb_saved_times % self.kzkh_periodicity == 0 ) else: answer = None if only_rank0 or mpi.nb_proc == 1: return answer return mpi.comm.bcast(answer, root=0)
[docs] def _online_save(self): """Save the values at one time.""" tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t if self._has_to_online_save(): self.t_last_save = tsim dict_spectra1d, dict_spectra3d, dict_kzkh = self.compute() if mpi.rank == 0: # save the spectra in the file spectra1D.h5 self._add_dict_arrays_to_file(self.path_file1d, dict_spectra1d) # save the spectra in the file spectra2D.h5 self._add_dict_arrays_to_file(self.path_file3d, dict_spectra3d) if self.has_to_save_kzkh(only_rank0=True): self._add_dict_arrays_to_file(self.path_file_kzkh, dict_kzkh) self.nb_saved_times += 1 if self.has_to_plot: self._online_plot_saving(dict_spectra1d, dict_spectra3d) if tsim - self.t_last_show >= self.period_show: self.t_last_show = tsim
[docs] def compute(self): """compute the values at one time.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _init_online_plot(self): if mpi.rank == 0: fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe(numfig=1_000_000) = ax ax.set_xlabel("$k$") ax.set_ylabel("$E(k)$") ax.set_title(f"{self._tag}\n{self.output.summary_simul}")
[docs] def _online_plot_saving(self, dict_spectra1d, dict_spectra3d): pass
[docs] def _load_mean_file( self, path, tmin=None, tmax=None, key_to_load=None, verbose=True ): results = {} with h5py.File(path, "r") as h5file: times = h5file["times"][...] nt = len(times) if tmin is None: imin_plot = 0 else: imin_plot = np.argmin(abs(times - tmin)) if tmax is None: imax_plot = nt - 1 else: imax_plot = np.argmin(abs(times - tmax)) tmin = times[imin_plot] tmax = times[imax_plot] if verbose: print( "compute mean of spectra\n" f"tmin = {tmin:8.6g} ; tmax = {tmax:8.6g}\n" f"imin = {imin_plot:8d} ; imax = {imax_plot:8d}" ) if key_to_load is not None: if isinstance(key_to_load, str): keys = [key_to_load] else: keys = key_to_load for key in keys: if key not in h5file.keys(): raise ValueError(f"{key} not in {h5file.keys()}") spect = h5file[key][imin_plot : imax_plot + 1].mean(0) results[key] = spect return results for key in list(h5file.keys()): if key.startswith("spectr"): dset_key = h5file[key] spect = dset_key[imin_plot : imax_plot + 1].mean(0) results[key] = spect return results
[docs] def load3d_mean(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, verbose=True): results = self._load_mean_file( self.path_file3d, tmin, tmax, verbose=verbose ) with h5py.File(self.path_file3d, "r") as h5file: results["k"] = h5file["k_spectra3d"][...] return results
[docs] def load1d_mean(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, verbose=True): results = self._load_mean_file( self.path_file1d, tmin, tmax, verbose=verbose ) with h5py.File(self.path_file1d, "r") as h5file: for key in ("kx", "ky", "kz"): results[key] = h5file[key][...] return results
[docs] def load_kzkh_mean(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, key_to_load=None): if not os.path.exists(self.path_file_kzkh): raise RuntimeError( self.path_file_kzkh + " does not exist. Can't load values from it." ) results = self._load_mean_file( self.path_file_kzkh, tmin, tmax, key_to_load ) with h5py.File(self.path_file_kzkh, "r") as h5file: for key in ("kz", "kh_spectra"): results[key] = h5file[key][...] return results
[docs] def plot1d(self): pass
[docs] def plot3d(self): pass
[docs] def plot_kzkh( self, tmin=0, tmax=None, key="xz", ax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None ): data = self.load_kzkh_mean(tmin, tmax, key) if self._tag == "cross_corr": plotted = np.sign(data[key]) * np.log10(abs(data[key])) else: plotted = np.log10(data[key]) kz = data["kz"] kh = data["kh_spectra"] if ax is None: fig, ax = self.output.figure_axe() else: fig = ax.figure ax.set_xlabel(r"$\kappa_h$") ax.set_ylabel("$k_z$") ax.set_title("log10 spectra\n" + self.output.summary_simul) qmesh = ax.pcolormesh( kh, kz, plotted, shading="nearest", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax ) fig.colorbar(qmesh)
[docs] class Spectra(BaseSpectra):
[docs] def compute_isotropy_velocities( self, tmin=None, tmax=None, verbose=False, data=None ): if data is None: data = self.load1d_mean(tmin, tmax, verbose) kz = data["kz"] delta_kz = kz[1] EKx_kz = data["spectra_vx_kz"] * delta_kz EKy_kz = data["spectra_vy_kz"] * delta_kz EKz_kz = data["spectra_vz_kz"] * delta_kz EKx_kz[0] = 0 EKy_kz[0] = 0 EKz = EKz_kz.sum() EK = EKx_kz.sum() + EKy_kz.sum() + EKz return 3 * EKz / EK
[docs] def compute_length_scales( self, tmin=None, tmax=None, verbose=False, data=None ): if data is None: data = self.load1d_mean(tmin, tmax, verbose) lengths = {} def add_lengths_i(letter): ki = data[f"k{letter}"] EK_ki = data[f"spectra_E_k{letter}"] sum0i = EK_ki.sum() sum1i = (EK_ki * ki).sum() sum2i = (EK_ki * ki**2).sum() # tau == 2*pi lengths[f"l{letter}1"] = tau * sum0i / sum1i lengths[f"l{letter}2"] = tau * sqrt(sum0i / sum2i) add_lengths_i("x") add_lengths_i("y") add_lengths_i("z") return lengths