Source code for fluidsim.base.output.print_stdout

"""Standard output saving


.. autoclass:: PrintStdOutBase


from time import time
import os
import sys
from datetime import timedelta

import numpy as np

from fluiddyn.util import mpi, print_memory_usage

from fluidsim_core.output.remaining_clock_time import RemainingClockTime

from fluidsim.util import times_start_last_from_path

[docs] class PrintStdOutBase(RemainingClockTime): """A :class:`PrintStdOutBase` object is used to print in both the stdout and the stdout.txt file, and also to print simple info on the current state of the simulation.""" _tag = "print_stdout"
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params): params.output.periods_print._set_attrib("print_stdout", 1.0)
def __init__(self, output): sim = output.sim params = sim.params self.output = output self.sim = sim self.params = params try: self.c2 = params.c2 self.f = params.f self.nx = params.oper.nx except AttributeError: pass self.period_print = params.output.periods_print.print_stdout self.path_file = self.output.path_run + "/stdout.txt" if mpi.rank == 0 and self.output._has_to_save: if not os.path.exists(self.path_file): self.file = open(self.path_file, "w") else: self.file = open(self.path_file, "r+"), 2) # go to the end of the file
[docs] def complete_init_with_state(self): self.energy0 = self.output.compute_energy() if self.period_print == 0: return self.energy_temp = self.energy0 + 0.0 self.t_last_print_info = -self.period_print self.print_stdout = self.__call__
def __call__(self, to_print, end="\n"): """Print in stdout and if SAVE in the file stdout.txt""" if mpi.rank == 0: print(to_print, end=end) sys.stdout.flush() if self.output._has_to_save: self.file.write(to_print + end) self.file.flush() os.fsync(self.file.fileno())
[docs] def _online_print(self): """Print simple info on the current state of the simulation""" tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t if ( tsim + 1e-15 ) // self.period_print > self.t_last_print_info // self.period_print: self._print_info() self.t_last_print_info = tsim
[docs] def _print_info(self): self.print_stdout(self._make_str_info()) print_memory_usage("MEMORY_USAGE")
[docs] def _make_str_info(self): ts = self.sim.time_stepping return ( f"it = {} ; t = {ts.t:12.6g} ; deltat = {ts.deltat:10.5g}\n" )
[docs] def _evaluate_duration_left(self): """Computes the remaining time.""" t_clock = time() try: delta_clock_time = t_clock - self.t_clock_last except AttributeError: self.t_clock_last = t_clock return self.t_clock_last = t_clock tsim = self.sim.time_stepping.t # variables delta_...: differences between 2 consecutive savings delta_equation_time = tsim - self.t_last_print_info if delta_equation_time == 0: return if self.params.time_stepping.USE_T_END: remaining_equation_time = self.params.time_stepping.t_end - tsim else: remaining_equation_time = ( self.params.time_stepping.it_end - ) * self.sim.time_stepping.deltat if remaining_equation_time < 0: return remaining_clock_time = round( remaining_equation_time / delta_equation_time * delta_clock_time ) return timedelta(seconds=remaining_clock_time)
[docs] def close(self): try: self.file.close() except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def _load_times(self): """Load time data from the log file""" equation_times = [] time_steps = [] remaining_clock_times = [] times_end = [] # variables delta_...: differences between 2 consecutive savings delta_time_inds = [] delta_equation_times = [] time_last = None time = None it_last = None it = None equation_time_start = None with open(self.output.path_run + "/stdout.txt") as file: for line in file: if line.startswith("it = "): words = line.split() time_last = time it_last = it it = int(words[2]) time = float(words[6]) delta_t = float(words[10]) if equation_time_start is None: equation_time_start = time elif line.startswith(" compute until t ="): t_end = float(line.split()[4]) elif line.startswith( " estimated remaining duration" ): words = line.split() if "day" in line: day = int(words[4]) hour_min_second = words[6] else: day = 0 hour_min_second = words[4] nb_hours, nb_minutes, nb_seconds = tuple( int(part) for part in hour_min_second.split(":") ) delta = timedelta( days=day, hours=nb_hours, minutes=nb_minutes, seconds=nb_seconds, ) remaining_clock_times.append(delta.total_seconds()) equation_times.append(time) delta_equation_times.append(time - time_last) delta_time_inds.append(it - it_last) times_end.append(t_end) time_steps.append(delta_t) remaining_clock_times = np.array(remaining_clock_times) equation_times = np.array(equation_times) delta_equation_times = np.array(delta_equation_times) times_end = np.array(times_end) time_steps = np.array(time_steps) delta_time_inds = np.array(delta_time_inds) remaining_equation_times = times_end - equation_times # see how remaining_clock_time is computed in _evaluate_duration_left delta_clock_times = ( delta_equation_times * remaining_clock_times / remaining_equation_times ) full_clock_time = delta_clock_times[np.isfinite(delta_clock_times)].sum() clock_times_per_timestep = delta_clock_times / delta_time_inds loc = locals() return { key: loc[key] for key in ( "remaining_clock_times", "equation_times", "delta_equation_times", "times_end", "time_steps", "delta_time_inds", "clock_times_per_timestep", "equation_time_start", "delta_clock_times", "full_clock_time", ) }
[docs] def get_times_start_last(self): return times_start_last_from_path(self.sim.output.path_run)