Source code for fluidsim.base.output.horiz_means

"""Horizontal means


.. autoclass:: HorizontalMeans


import numpy as np
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from fluiddyn.util import mpi

from fluidsim.extend_simul import SimulExtender, extend_simul_class

from .base import SpecificOutput

__all__ = ["extend_simul_class", "HorizontalMeans"]

[docs] class HorizontalMeans(SpecificOutput, SimulExtender): """Horizontal means as functions of the z coordinate Examples -------- This is an output class to compute/save/load/plot horizontally averaged quantities. Since this is useful only for particular simulations, it is a ``SimulExtender``, meaning that it should be used this way: .. code-block:: python from fluidsim.solvers.ns3d.solver import Simul from fluidsim.base.output.horiz_means import HorizontalMeans, extend_simul_class Simul = extend_simul_class(Simul, HorizontalMeans) params = Simul.create_default_params() ... params.output.periods_save.horiz_means = 0.1 sim = Simul(params) Then, during or after the simulation: .. code-block:: python sim.output.horiz_means.plot(tmin=10) data = sim.output.horiz_means.load(tmin=10) """ _tag = "horiz_means" _module_name = "fluidsim.base.output.horiz_means" _name_file = _tag + ".h5"
[docs] @classmethod def get_modif_info_solver(cls): """Create a function to modify ``info_solver``. Note that this function is called when the object ``info_solver`` has not yet been created (and cannot yet be modified)! This is why one needs to create a function that will be called later to modify ``info_solver``. """ def modif_info_solver(info_solver): info_solver.classes.Output.classes._set_child( cls._tag, attribs={ "module_name": cls._module_name, "class_name": cls.__name__, }, ) return modif_info_solver
[docs] @classmethod def complete_params_with_default(cls, params): params.output.periods_save._set_attrib(cls._tag, 0)
[docs] def _compute_hmean(self, arr3d): if mpi.nb_proc == 1: return np.mean(arr3d, axis=(1, 2)) # here (MPI case) it gets a bit more complicated! sum_local = np.sum(arr3d, axis=(1, 2)) if mpi.rank == 0: sum_global = np.zeros( # MPI messages and summation for rank in range(mpi.nb_proc): if mpi.rank == 0: nz_loc = self.nzs_local[rank] if rank == 0 and mpi.rank == 0: data = sum_local else: if mpi.rank == 0: data = np.empty(nz_loc) mpi.comm.Recv(data, source=rank, tag=42 * rank) elif mpi.rank == rank: mpi.comm.Send(sum_local, dest=0, tag=42 * rank) if mpi.rank == 0: iz_start = self.izs_start[rank] sum_global[iz_start : iz_start + nz_loc] += data if mpi.rank == 0: return sum_global / self.nh
[docs] def _hmean_to_3d_local(self, profile): if mpi.nb_proc != 1: profile = mpi.comm.bcast(profile, root=0) profile = profile[self.iz_start : self.iz_start + self.nz_local] return np.broadcast_to( profile[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], self.shapeX_loc )
def __init__(self, output): self.output = output sim = output.sim params = sim.params self.shapeX_loc = sim.oper.shapeX_loc if mpi.nb_proc > 1: self.iz_start, _, _ = sim.oper.oper_fft.get_seq_indices_first_X() self.izs_start = mpi.comm.gather(self.iz_start, root=0) nh_local = self.shapeX_loc[1] * self.shapeX_loc[2] self.nhs_local = mpi.comm.gather(nh_local, root=0) self.nz_local = self.shapeX_loc[0] self.nzs_local = mpi.comm.gather(self.nz_local, root=0) if mpi.rank == 0: assert len(self.izs_start) == mpi.nb_proc assert len(self.nhs_local) == mpi.nb_proc assert len(self.nzs_local) == mpi.nb_proc print(self.izs_start, self.nhs_local, self.nzs_local) = self.nh = params.oper.nx * params.oper.ny dz = params.oper.Lz / z = dz * np.arange( super().__init__( output, period_save=params.output.periods_save.horiz_means, arrays_1st_time={"z": z}, )
[docs] def compute(self): data = {} get_var = self.sim.state.state_phys.get_var vx = get_var("vx") vy = get_var("vy") vz = get_var("vz") def _extend_data_with_hmean(arr3d, name: str): result = data[name] = self._compute_hmean(arr3d) return result vx_mean = _extend_data_with_hmean(vx, "vx") vy_mean = _extend_data_with_hmean(vy, "vy") vz_mean = _extend_data_with_hmean(vz, "vz") vx_mean3d = self._hmean_to_3d_local(vx_mean) vy_mean3d = self._hmean_to_3d_local(vy_mean) vz_mean3d = self._hmean_to_3d_local(vz_mean) vxp = vx - vx_mean3d vyp = vy - vy_mean3d vzp = vz - vz_mean3d _extend_data_with_hmean(vxp**2, "vxp_vxp") _extend_data_with_hmean(vyp**2, "vyp_vyp") _extend_data_with_hmean(vzp**2, "vzp_vzp") _extend_data_with_hmean(vyp * vxp, "vyp_vxp") _extend_data_with_hmean(vzp * vxp, "vzp_vxp") _extend_data_with_hmean(vzp * vyp, "vzp_vyp") return data
[docs] def load(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, verbose=False): with h5py.File(self.path_file, "r") as file: dset_times = file["times"] times = dset_times[...] nt = len(times) z = file["z"][...] if tmin is None: imin_plot = 0 else: imin_plot = np.argmin(abs(times - tmin)) if tmax is None: imax_plot = nt - 1 else: imax_plot = np.argmin(abs(times - tmax)) tmin = times[imin_plot] tmax = times[imax_plot] if verbose: print( "compute time average with\n" + ( f"tmin = {tmin:8.6g} ; tmax = {tmax:8.6g}" f"imin = {imin_plot:8d} ; imax = {imax_plot:8d}" ) ) data = {"z": z} for key in list(file.keys()): if key.startswith("v"): dset_key = file[key] profile = dset_key[imin_plot : imax_plot + 1].mean(0) data[key] = profile return data
[docs] def plot(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, verbose=False): data = self.load(tmin, tmax, verbose) z = data.pop("z") fig, (ax_left, ax_right) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharey=True) for letter in "xyz": arr = data.pop("v" + letter) ax_left.plot(arr, z, label=f"$<v_{letter}>_{{xy}}$") arr = data.pop(f"v{letter}p_v{letter}p") ax_right.plot(arr, z, label=f"$<v_{letter}' v_{letter}'>_{{xy}}$") ax_left.legend() ax_left.set_ylabel("$z$") for l0, l1 in ("yx", "zx", "zy"): name = f"v{l0}p_v{l1}p" ax_right.plot( data[name], z, "--", label=f"$<v_{l0}' v_{l1}'>_{{xy}}$" ) ax_right.legend() fig.tight_layout()