Source code for fluidsim.base.forcing.base

"""Forcing schemes (:mod:`fluidsim.base.forcing.base`)


.. autoclass:: ForcingBase

.. autoclass:: ForcingBasePseudoSpectral


from functools import partial

import numpy as np

from fluiddyn.util import mpi
from fluidsim_core.params import iter_complete_params

from .specific import (

[docs] class ForcingBase: """Organize the forcing schemes (base class)""" _name_task = "forcing"
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_info_solver(info_solver, classes=None): """Complete the ParamContainer info_solver.""" classesXML = info_solver.classes.Forcing._set_child("classes") if classes is not None: for cls in classes: classesXML._set_child( cls.tag, attribs={ "module_name": cls.__module__, "class_name": cls.__name__, }, )
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params, info_solver): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" params._set_child( "forcing", attribs={ "enable": False, "type": "", "available_types": [], "forcing_rate": 1.0, "key_forced": None, }, ) params.forcing._set_doc( """ See :mod:`fluidsim.base.forcing`. type : str Type of forcing. available_types : list Available types that can be used. forcing_rate : float Forcing injection rate. key_forced: {None} or str The key of the variable to be forced. If it is None, a default key depending of the type of forcing is used. """ ) dict_classes = info_solver.classes.Forcing.import_classes() iter_complete_params(params, info_solver, dict_classes)
@staticmethod def _modify_sim_repr_maker(sim_repr_maker): sim = sim_repr_maker.sim if not sim.params.forcing.enable: return dict_classes = sim.info_solver.classes.Forcing.import_classes() try: cls = dict_classes[sim.params.forcing.type] except KeyError: return if hasattr(cls, "_modify_sim_repr_maker"): return cls._modify_sim_repr_maker(sim_repr_maker) def __init__(self, sim): params = sim.params self.type_forcing = params.forcing.type dict_classes = if self.type_forcing not in dict_classes: # temporary trick to open old simulations if self.type_forcing == "random" and "tcrandom" in dict_classes: self.type_forcing = "tcrandom" params.forcing.__dict__["tcrandom"] = params.forcing["random"] else: if mpi.rank == 0: print("dict_classes:", dict_classes) raise ValueError( "Wrong value for params.forcing.type: " + self.type_forcing ) ClassForcing = dict_classes[self.type_forcing] self.sim = sim if not params.ONLY_COARSE_OPER: self.forcing_maker = ClassForcing(sim) else: self.forcing_maker = None if hasattr(ClassForcing, "get_info"): self.get_info = partial(ClassForcing.get_info, sim) self._t_last_computed = -np.inf def __call__(self, key): """Return the variable corresponding to the given key.""" forcing = self.get_forcing() return forcing.get_var(key) def compute(self): time = self.sim.time_stepping.t if time > self._t_last_computed: self.forcing_maker.compute() self._t_last_computed = time def get_forcing(self): return self.forcing_maker.forcing_phys def is_initialized(self): if hasattr(self.forcing_maker, "is_initialized"): return self.forcing_maker.is_initialized else: return True
[docs] class ForcingBasePseudoSpectral(ForcingBase): """Organize the forcing schemes (pseudo-spectra) .. inheritance-diagram:: ForcingBasePseudoSpectral """
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_info_solver(info_solver, classes=None): """Complete the ParamContainer info_solver.""" classes_default = ( InScriptForcingPseudoSpectral, InScriptForcingPseudoSpectralCoarse, Proportional, TimeCorrelatedRandomPseudoSpectral, ) if classes is None: classes = classes_default[:] else: for cls_default in classes_default: if not any(cls_default.tag == cls.tag for cls in classes): classes.append(cls_default) ForcingBase._complete_info_solver(info_solver, classes=classes)
[docs] @staticmethod def _complete_params_with_default(params, info_solver): """This static method is used to complete the *params* container.""" ForcingBase._complete_params_with_default(params, info_solver) params.forcing._set_attribs({"nkmax_forcing": 5, "nkmin_forcing": 4})
def get_forcing(self): return self.forcing_maker.forcing_fft