# Release process - [ ] Extended tests in doc/examples () - [ ] Check builds of the "official" articles in - [ ] Topic/MR for the release candidate - [ ] Change versions in `pyproject.toml` AND `lib/pyproject.toml` (`0.6.1rc0`) - [ ] Update changelog in `CHANGES.md` - Take into account `doc/newsfragments` + remove the fragments - Visit - Study `hg log -G -r "tag(0.6.0):tip"` - [ ] Once merged, update, tag and push with `nox -s add-tag-for-release`. - [ ] PR on (rc channel) In `recipe/conda_build_config.yaml` (see ): ```yaml channel_targets: - conda-forge fluidsim-core_rc ``` Check with `conda search fluidsim-core -c conda-forge/label/fluidsim-core_rc` - [ ] PR on (rc channel) In `recipe/conda_build_config.yaml`: ```yaml channel_sources: - conda-forge/label/fluidsim-core_rc,conda-forge,defaults channel_targets: - conda-forge fluidsim_rc ``` Check with `conda search fluidsim -c conda-forge/label/fluidsim_rc` - [ ] Check the rc (with conda and doc/examples) Create new environment with ```bash mamba create -n env_fluidsim_rc \ -c conda-forge/label/fluidsim-core_rc -c conda-forge/label/fluidsim_rc \ fluidsim "fluidfft[build=mpi*]" "h5py[build=mpi*]" ``` - [ ] Communicate to the community... - [ ] Topic/MR for the release of the stable version (delete "rc0" in the `pyproject.toml` files) - [ ] New tag with `nox -s add-tag-for-release` - [ ] PR on - [ ] PR on - [ ] Communicate to the community...