# FAQ ## Applications: Can I use FluidSim for :::{admonition} Wall bounded / multiphase / reactive flows ...? Maybe. The built-in {mod}`solvers ` excels solving within periodic domains with pseudospectral solvers. However, FluidSim is a framework, and this allows FluidSim to interface with third-party solvers. See for instance {mod}`fluidsim.base.basilisk`, {mod}`fluidsim.base.dedalus` and [snek5000](https://snek5000.readthedocs.io). ::: ## Troubleshooting installation issues Make sure you read the [installation guide](install) carefully. :::{admonition} Permission denied while running `pip install fluidsim` from PyPI or `make develop` inside the repository. This means you are probably using the Python bundled with the system and as a user you are restricted from installing packages into it. If this is so, create a [virtual environment]. ::: :::{admonition} *No module named pip* or `distutils.errors.DistutilsError` Package manager `pip` was not installed into your environment or is too old. The following commands should help: ```sh python -m ensurepip python -m pip install --upgrade pip ``` ::: :::{admonition} System freezes or becomes unresponsive as fluidsim starts to build extensions By default `pythran` extensions try to use `gcc` and this is a CPU and memory intensive compilation. Instead `pythran` can be configured to use `clang`. See {ref}`pythranrc` for more details. Additionally to reduce the load during installation one can [limit the number of parallel processes used to build extensions](compile-args-j2). ::: :::{admonition} `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fluidsim_core. ...` FluidSim depends on {mod}`fluidsim_core` and both follow the same versioning. Make sure the versions match if you had used `pip install` or `conda install`. For developers, `make develop` should install both as editable installations. ::: [virtual environment]: https://packaging.python.org/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/#creating-a-virtual-environment