# Install and configure First, ensure that you have a recent Python installed, since Fluidsim requires Python >= 3.9. Some issues regarding the installation of Python and Python packages are discussed in [the main documentation of the project](http://fluiddyn.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html). ## Installation methods without compilation ### Install using pip without compilation ```{note} We strongly advice to install Fluidsim in a virtual environment. See the official guide [Install packages in a virtual environment using pip and venv](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/). ``` Fluidsim can be installed without compilation with `pip`: ```sh pip install pip -U pip install fluidsim ``` However, fluidsim can optionally use [fluidfft](http://fluidfft.readthedocs.io) for pseudospectral solvers. Fluidsim and fluidfft can be both installed without compilation with the command: ```sh FLUIDFFT_TRANSONIC_BACKEND="python" pip install fluidsim[fft] ``` Moreover, fluidfft builds can be tweaked so you could have a look at [fluidfft documentation](http://fluidfft.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html). ```{warning} With `FLUIDFFT_TRANSONIC_BACKEND`, fluidfft is installed without compilation so one gets a slow version of it. This is fine enough for relatively small simulations but not if you care about performance. Note that we are working hard on a new version of fluidfft (0.4.0) so that we will be able to upload compiled wheels on PyPI. ``` ### Installing the conda-forge packages with conda or mamba We recommend installing `conda` and `mamba` (using the [conda-forge] channel) with the [miniforge installer](https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge). If you just want to run sequential simulations and/or analyze the results of simulations, you can just install the fluidsim package: ```sh mamba install fluidsim ``` For parallel simulations using MPI, let's create a dedicated environment: ```sh mamba create -n env_fluidsim ipython fluidsim "fluidfft[build=mpi*]" "h5py[build=mpi*]" ``` The environment can then be activated with `conda activate env_fluidsim`. ### Optional dependencies Fluidsim has 4 sets of optional dependencies, which can be installed with commands like `pip install fluidsim[fft]` or `pip install fluidsim[fft, mpi]`: - `fft`: mainly for pseudo spectral solvers using the Fourier basis. - `mpi`: for parallel computing using [MPI]. `pip install fluidsim[mpi]` installs [mpi4py], which requires a local compilation. - `test`: for testing Fluidsim (can be done without the repository). - `scipy` ## Environment variables and runtime configuration Fluidsim is sensitive to environment variables: - `FLUIDSIM_PATH`: path where the simulation results are saved. In Unix systems, you can for example put this line in your `~/.bashrc`: ```sh export FLUIDSIM_PATH=$HOME/data_fluidsim ``` - `FLUIDDYN_PATH_SCRATCH`: working directory (can be useful on some clusters). ## Dependencies with different flavours ## Fluidfft Fluidsim uses Fluidfft to compute Fourier transforms. Fluidfft can be installed in different modes. Have a look at the [fluidfft documentation](http://fluidfft.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html). ```{todo} Fluidfft should be fully reorganized so that we can write here something simple and nice. ``` ## MPI simulations and mpi4py Fluidsim can use [mpi4py] (which depends on a [MPI] implementation) for parallel simulations. ````{warning} If the system has multiple MPI libraries, it is adviced to explicitly mention the MPI command. For instance to use Intel MPI: ```sh CC=mpiicc pip install mpi4py --no-binary mpi4py ``` ```` ## About h5py and HDF5_MPI FluidSim is able to use h5py built with MPI support. ````{warning} Prebuilt installations (for e.g. via h5py wheels) lacks MPI support. Most of the time, this is what you want. However, you can install h5py from source and link it to a hdf5 built with MPI support, as follows: ```bash CC="mpicc" HDF5_MPI="ON" HDF5_DIR=/path/to/parallel-hdf5 pip install --no-deps --no-binary=h5py h5py python -c 'import h5py; h5py.run_tests()' ``` In some cases you need to set C_INCLUDE_PATH variable before h5py installation. For example on Debian stretch: ```bash export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/openmpi/ CC="mpicc" HDF5_MPI="ON" HDF5_DIR=/path/to/parallel-hdf5 pip install --no-deps --no-binary=h5py h5py ``` See the [h5py documentation](http://docs.h5py.org/en/latest/build.html) for more details. ```` [conda-forge]: https://conda-forge.org/ [mpi]: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_Passing_Interface [mpi4py]: https://mpi4py.readthedocs.io/