Simulation with one dense layer

"""Script for a short simulation with the solver ns2d.bouss

The field initialization is done in the script.

A forcing implemented in the script enforces that there is one static layers in
the top and the bottom of the numerical domain.


import os

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from fluiddyn.util.mpi import rank

from fluidsim.solvers.ns2d.bouss.solver import Simul

if "FLUIDSIM_TESTS_EXAMPLES" in os.environ:
    t_end = 1.0
    nx = 24
    t_end = 10.0
    nx = 128

params = Simul.create_default_params()

params.output.sub_directory = "examples"
params.short_name_type_run = "staticlayer"

params.oper.nx = nx = 128
params.oper.ny = ny = nx // 4

params.oper.Lx = lx = 4
params.oper.Ly = ly = lx * ny / nx

params.oper.coef_dealiasing = 0.7

params.nu_8 = 1e-10

params.time_stepping.t_end = 8.0
# we need small time step for a strong forcing
params.time_stepping.USE_CFL = False
params.time_stepping.deltat0 = 0.02

params.init_fields.type = "in_script"

params.forcing.enable = True
params.forcing.type = "in_script_coarse"
params.forcing.nkmax_forcing = 10

params.output.sub_directory = "examples"
params.output.periods_print.print_stdout = 0.5
params.output.periods_save.phys_fields = 0.1
params.output.periods_save.spatial_means = 0.1

# params.output.periods_plot.phys_fields = 0.2

sim = Simul(params)

# field initialization in the script
rot = 1e-6 * sim.oper.create_arrayX_random()
X = sim.oper.X
Y = sim.oper.Y
x0 = lx / 2
y0 = ly / 2
blob_height = 0.4
blob_width = 0.5
b = -np.exp(-((X - x0) ** 2) / blob_width**2 - (Y - y0) ** 2 / blob_height**2)
sim.state.init_from_rotb(rot, b)

# in this case (params.init_fields.type = 'manual') if we want to plot the
# result of the initialization before the time_stepping, we need to manually
# initialized the output:
# sim.output.init_with_initialized_state()
# sim.output.phys_fields.plot(key_field='b')

# monkey-patching for forcing
if rank == 0:
    forcing_maker = sim.forcing.forcing_maker
    oper = forcing_maker.oper_coarse
    Y = oper.Y
    d = ly / 6
    alpha = -80 * (np.exp(-(Y**2) / d**2) + np.exp(-((Y - ly) ** 2) / d**2))

    # on-the-fly plot
    has_to_animate = 1
    if has_to_animate:
        # initialization of the on-the-fly plot
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
        subplots = fig.subplots(2, 3)
        title = fig.suptitle("time = 0")
        xs = oper.x
        ys = oper.y

        pmeshs = np.empty_like(subplots)
        subtitles = (("ux", "uy", "rot"), ("fx", "fy", "frot"))

        for (i0, i1), ax in np.ndenumerate(subplots):
            pmeshs[i0, i1] = ax.pcolormesh(xs, ys, alpha)
            plt.colorbar(mappable=pmeshs[i0, i1], ax=ax)


    def compute_forcingc_fft_each_time(self):
        """This function is called by the forcing_maker to compute the forcing"""
        rot_fft = self.sim.state.state_spect.get_var("rot_fft")
        rot_fft = self.oper.coarse_seq_from_fft_loc(
            rot_fft, self.shapeK_loc_coarse
        ux_fft, uy_fft = oper.vecfft_from_rotfft(rot_fft)
        ux = oper.ifft(ux_fft)
        uy = oper.ifft(uy_fft)
        fx = alpha * ux
        fy = alpha * uy
        fx_fft = oper.fft(fx)
        fy_fft = oper.fft(fy)
        frot_fft = oper.rotfft_from_vecfft(fx_fft, fy_fft)

        if has_to_animate and % 10 == 0:
            arrays = np.empty_like(subplots)
            arrays[0, 0] = ux
            arrays[0, 1] = uy
            arrays[0, 2] = oper.ifft(rot_fft)
            arrays[1, 0] = fx
            arrays[1, 1] = fy
            arrays[1, 2] = oper.ifft(frot_fft)

            for (i0, i1), arr in np.ndenumerate(arrays):
                pmesh = pmeshs[i0, i1]
                pmesh.set_clim(arr.min(), arr.max())

            title.set_text(f"time {self.sim.time_stepping.t:.2f}")


        return frot_fft


# and finally time stepping

if rank == 0:
        "\nTo display a video of this simulation, you can do:\n"
        f"cd {sim.output.path_run}; fluidsim-ipy-load"
        + """

# then in ipython (copy the line in the terminal):

sim.output.phys_fields.animate('uy', dt_frame_in_sec=0.3, dt_equations=0.1)